Lifestyle-friendly Real Estate in Montreal: 'Plexes, High-Rises, SFHs, What Else?
I'm a client considering buying a place in the city. I really like the 'plexes in the Plateau, but they're not the best for this lifestyle, are they?
I know some girls live in the Plateau, and one of the appeals of living in a 'plex is the neighborhood feeling -- which means everyone knows everyone else and is (somewhat) in everyone's business. Or at least the whole street can see who's going in and out of your place from their porches.
I guess the anonymity of those modern high-rises in a place like Little Burgundy / St. Henri would be better, no?
I'd be curious to hear from clients and girls who do outcall. Do you ever go out/host at single family homes in the suburbs? Is a downtown high-rise better for the lifestyle? Do you hate going to or receiving people in a 'plex? I've seen some indys do it in Hochelaga, I imagine it might be a little weird. I suppose the higher the floor, the more obvious, too, no?
What about people not even in the lifestyle? Is it easier to see who's a player or slutty living in a 'plex neighborhood?