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Grammy Awards

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Very coincidentally, over the weekend I watched the 1969 movie, Midnight Cowboy......

I saw it once many years ago and didn't enjoy it much. My guess is that had i seen in back in the day, i might have appreciated it more and possibly been somewhat shocked by it, like people who first saw 'Brokeback Mountain' a few years ago.

I did enjoy the soundtrack of "Midnight Cowboy", though. I figure it probably won a few awards for the soundtrack alone that year.

Now that i think about it, maybe making that movie is the reason why Jon Voight is somewhat fucked up today. :rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Get Lucky by Daft Punk

I still say today that the 'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack album is one of the best of all-time! :eyebrows:

I had never heard the song and I hadn't seen this post before I listened too it. I've got it playing as I write. The opening instrumental reminded me weakly but immediately of the opening instrumental of "Night Fever" by the Bee Gees. However, where the Bee Gees had pizazz I found "Get Lucky" pretty lightweight.

I have to admit I haven't listened to music much since turning on WEEI so I don't know much about the competition for a Grammy this year. Though I love music from 50s Rock to Motown to Heavy Metal to Classical I just didn't find this song much more than generic easy listening.

Still, I agree the Saturday Night Fever album deserves every inch of it's legend.

Macklemore, also nice but uninspired easy listening. The rap segments were a good match for the tone of the song and a slight improvement on the rest of the arrangement.

I don't know much about Keith Urban, and Country is not a preference, still this song was the best of the three songs noted here.

I thought the show was awful.

The Grammys should be about great music...period. I've been looking at videos of the show and too much of it seems to favor politically correct song themes. If that is part of the real musical trend then fine. But still the Grammys should reflect all trends, don't just throw out what has the appearance of a whitewashed politicized agenda to sell as good music. I hope the rest of the show wasn't more of the same that I saw.

A lot of music seems airbrushed, so to speak, produced to fit a prevalent taste or social trend without much spontaneous creative originality. I find it stale often. Where is the creativity that breaks this pattern of bland.

Just opinions folks,



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The two things that make Midnight Cowboy are the music (two incredible songs that are very memorable) and the acting of Jon Voight (career best performance) and Dustin Hoffman.

There are a few scenes in the movie in which the Voight character, who aspires to be a male prostitute for rich, horny old women, finds little success (mainly due to his extreme naivete) and is forced to look at some gay meat for business. In these scenes, although there is no actual sex shown, the look of repulsion on Voight's face with what he is doing is quite obvious. To the extent Voight became that character for that movie it was probably mentally tough on him.

The best scene in the movie is when he meets Sylvia Miles, a female prostitute on vacation in New York City. He strikes up a conversation, thinking he has found a horny rich older gal. Both Jon Voight and Miles think the other is a client that they have picked up on the street. They proceed to go to Miles' suite and have sex. After the sex, both Voight and Miles are demanding money from the other for the sex. It is hysterical. Best scene ever related to the hobby. Also shows early on how pathetically naive the Voight character is.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I did enjoy the soundtrack of "Midnight Cowboy", though. I figure it probably won a few awards for the soundtrack alone that year.

Here are the two classic songs from the movie:

Everybody's Talkin: (which shows the Jon Voight character on his way from Texas to his new life as a Gigolo in New York City)

Midnight Cowboy Theme Song:

Both are widely associated with the movie, got significant radio play at the time, and both fit the movie extremely well IMHO

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There are a few scenes in the movie in which the Voight character, who aspires to be a male prostitute for rich, horny old women, finds little success (mainly due to his extreme naivete) and is forced to look at some gay meat for business.

An acquaintance of mine tried to become a male escort when he attended university in a major Canadian city. He figured he could make a little bit of extra money by getting paid to 'pleasure' a few horny women, which would help him pay for his education.

A week before he was scheduled to begin 'work', he joked to me that i should move there and enter the same business he was about to enter, and get rich 'pleasuring' a bunch of hot women. I chuckled and told him no thanks, and that the only women he'd be hired to 'please' would be old fat homely women and that he better invest on some viagra if he intended to be able to 'perform' in his new job. I added that there likely was no market for male escorts unless you serviced gay male clients. I basically told him that most women, ugly or not, usually don't have to pay if they want sex since men are basically pigs and there are always a few around whenever a woman has an urge for some kielbossa. He didn't believe me.

Well, he never got any calls from women (as i had predicted), but got many calls from gay men (and also by men who claimed they were not gay but simply 'experimenting'). He 'did' one client because he really needed the money at the time, and left the 'business' a couple of days later. Even though he wasn't gay, he realized that he couldn't 'fake it' and realized he likely wouldn't be able to live with himself if he continued in that line of 'work'.

The last i heard of him, he had moved to South America and was supposedly in a relationship with another man. Go figure.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I had time to kill after the basketball game last night, so i decided to watch the Grammy performances one more time.

For whatever reason, i appreciated the performances the second time around.

I had forgot to mention yesterday that i had enjoyed Robin Thicke's performance with Chicago. He did great!

The country legends segement was actually much better than i thought. I realize i may have been a bit hard on Merle Haggard. Considering his age (i figure he must be around 80), he actually did fine.

I watched the Daft Punk performance (with Stevie Wonder and others), and didn't like it as much the second time around. One performance that i enjoyed even more than i did at first was Pink's interpretations of two of her recent hit songs. Watching it a second time made me realize that it was a masterful performance and has become my favorite performance of this year's Grammys. Surprising since i'm not even a 'Pink" fan.

New country queen Kacey Musgraves sure was sexy!!! :eyebrows:

p.s John Legend & Marc Antony have very hot girlfriends! By the way, who was that hottie with Bruno Mars? I always figured he may be gay.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I basically told him that most women, ugly or not, usually don't have to pay if they want sex since men are basically pigs and there are always a few around whenever a woman has an urge for some kielbossa.

This is what the naive character Joe Buck slowly finds out in the movie Midnight Cowboy. Although he is a stud, there is no slew of rich old horny women waiting to call him in New York City. His efforts to initiate dialogue with older women he meets on the street are laughably naive and awkward. After Rico "Ratso" Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman) gives him advice on how to manipulate a booking through a male escort agency, it ends in disaster with Buck being thrown out of the hotel and the police being called. The only woman he succeeds in hooking up with initially is an older female prostitute, on vacation in NYC, who thinks Joe Buck is a paying client who will at least pay for a taxi for her to get to another client's hotel.
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