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Grandma Gets Tazed!

Was tazing Granny justified?

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
what the heck ever happened for people being accountable for their own actions?

she was WARNED over and over, she was also putting the officer and herself in a dangerous situation near traffic, then she's got the nerve to lie about it on camera a few days before the video was released, which makes her case have no credibility what so ever..... thats whats wrong with society, people thinking there above the law and people looking to get something for nothing, wouldnt surprise me if she "tries" to sue......

voyageur11 said:
What do you expect if cops can kicked and beat an unconscious suspect (Alabama cops)they can also taze a 72 year old lady

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
lgna69xxx said:
what the heck ever happened for people being accountable for their own actions?

she was WARNED over and over, she was also putting the officer and herself in a dangerous situation near traffic, then she's got the nerve to lie about it on camera a few days before the video was released, which makes her case have no credibility what so ever..... thats whats wrong with society, people thinking there above the law and people looking to get something for nothing, wouldnt surprise me if she "tries" to sue......


Yes she was an asshole and a royal pain in the ass. Yes she was argumentative. Did she deserve to be arrested? Probably

Was she a physical threat to a 200 lb officer ? No. Did she have a weapon ? No

Is a taser potentially life threatening ? As we have seen to some it is. Old people are more likely to have heart conditions. Did she do anything that deservered having her life threatened ? No

Is this the only way the officer could have restrained and arrested this woman ? If it was he isn't much of a cop. What a wuss. Complete lack of judgement.

This is nuts I can't believe people would support the cop in this.
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
Time to Punt said:
This is nuts I can't believe people would support the cop in this.

I know. This is what I find the most worrying. People actually agreeing with this lack of judgment.

How easy was it for him to simply cuff her? She was tiny compared to him!


Apr 21, 2006
Old bitch was asking for it, even dared to cop tu use it.*****************:mad:

EDIT: OK everyone, let's not go overboard. Over the top comment removed.

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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Ariane Valmont said:
How easy was it for him to simply cuff her? She was tiny compared to him!

"Simply cuff her"?? OK, and your response to that video of him physically grabbing her, forcing her against the hood of his car, using force to pull her arms behind her back to cuff her? The cries of police brutality would be just as loud... that 200+ pound, 6'+ cop manhandling a little 72yr old woman :eek:

SHE was speeding
SHE refused to sign the ticket
SHE refused to move off to the side of the road
SHE refused to follow the officer's instructions
SHE attempted to get back into her vehicle to leave
SHE ignored 5 warnings
SHE dared the officer to tase her
SHE refused to follow instructions AFTER being tased
SHE lied to reporters before the tape was released
SHE was a no-show to an interview after the tape was released

Yup, looks like the cop was way out of line to me :rolleyes:


Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
Voyager said:

SHE lied to reporters before the tape was released
SHE was a no-show to an interview after the tape was released


Hell, forget tasering these are hanging offenses :D


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Time to Punt said:
Hell, forget tasering these are hanging offenses :D

Goes to the character of the little old lady

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
A little known fact about tazers. If your bladder or bowel is full the tazing may trigger an evacuation. This rarely happens, but it been known to occur.
When they train people to use a tazer, they sometimes taze the students so that they will know how it feels like to be tazed, they also tell people to go pee or poop before they try it so that there will be no unintended accidents.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I still want to know why it was so important that she signed the ticket? Do you have to sign a parking ticket? What about the passive radar controled cameras that take a picture of your license plate when your speeding? You get a ticket in the mail. So you tase an old lady because she wouldn't sign a ticket? This is nonsense. I wonder how much this is going to cost the taxpayer when she sues?


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
hungry101 said:
I still want to know why it was so important that she signed the ticket? Do you have to sign a parking ticket? What about the passive radar controled cameras that take a picture of your license plate when your speeding? You get a ticket in the mail. So you tase an old lady because she wouldn't sign a ticket? This is nonsense. I wonder how much this is going to cost the taxpayer when she sues?

Generally, the law in North America is this:

Parking tickets and speed camera tickets are targeted at the vehicle, not the driver. The registered owner, whether he was in operation of the vehicle or not, will be responsible for the vehicle's activity. Hence, it is sufficient to leave the ticket on the windshield or mail the ticket to the vehicle's registered address.

A speeding ticket issued by an officer is targeted at the driver, not the vehicle. The officer witnessed the person operating a vehicle outside of applicable traffic law. This is why it is required that the vehicle operator sign the ticket, to acknowledge receipt of the ticket. The ticket, is in essence, a summons for you to appear in court to answer to the charge, or plead guilty by paying the applicable fine. The ticket is also instant bail; by signing, you agree to come to court or pay the fine. If you do not sign, it is as if you jumped bail.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
hungry101 said:
I still want to know why it was so important that she signed the ticket? Do you have to sign a parking ticket? What about the passive radar controled cameras that take a picture of your license plate when your speeding? You get a ticket in the mail. So you tase an old lady because she wouldn't sign a ticket? This is nonsense. I wonder how much this is going to cost the taxpayer when she sues?

That is how they handle things in the USA, comply or get tazed or maced. When a person is arrested they push him to the ground and step on his neck and point a gun in his face. Thank God we are in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
bond_james_bond said:
Generally, the law in North America is this:

Parking tickets and speed camera tickets are targeted at the vehicle, not the driver. The registered owner, whether he was in operation of the vehicle or not, will be responsible for the vehicle's activity. Hence, it is sufficient to leave the ticket on the windshield or mail the ticket to the vehicle's registered address.

A speeding ticket issued by an officer is targeted at the driver, not the vehicle. The officer witnessed the person operating a vehicle outside of applicable traffic law. This is why it is required that the vehicle operator sign the ticket, to acknowledge receipt of the ticket. The ticket, is in essence, a summons for you to appear in court to answer to the charge, or plead guilty by paying the applicable fine. The ticket is also instant bail; by signing, you agree to come to court or pay the fine. If you do not sign, it is as if you jumped bail.
OK, thanks. I didn't realize that you had to sign a ticket. I have had my share of tickets and I do not remember ever signing one.

I still do not think this guy handled the situation correctly. He should be trained to diffuse the situation. An infirm old woman is no match for a 6ft male with a taser, hand gun etc. I think he escalated the situation by screaming back in her face. I was trained when someone is yelling into your face to remain calm and talk at a normal tone or even speak quieter. Would it have killed him to allow her to blow off a little steam? After all, no matter how much she screams and carries on she is still getting the $100+ ticket, her insurance is going up, she is getting points, her month is pretty much ruined.

Please remember, If the old woman were a fellow officer the cop would have let her off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Beat her, kick her, rape her

What is the difference between punching an old woman in the stomach and tasering her? I thought that police are only allowed to use violence to defend themselves or others or to prevent a felon from escaping.

Perhaps we should sub-contract police work to the Hell's Angels.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
bond_james_bond said:
Generally, the law in North America is ...
Come on! You American appropriated yourself the name "American", even if Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Columbia and others are all in America, in reality making all of us, including you citizens of the USA, Americans it the proper sense of the term, like British, Germans, French and others are Europeans. You've done it, we're stuck with it but now please! "Generally, the law in North America is..." HEY! We are here up north! You know? Canada? And we have our own laws...

Nowhere in Canada do you have to sign a ticket and you still have to pay if you're found guilty. The cop have the name, plate number, driver's license number, on a license with picture. That's plenty to identify the accused driver and ensure he can be found later. Signing the ticket is useless and only raise the confrontational level without any valid reason.

In this situation, the cop was stuck in a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" situation. Using physical force or the Tazer. The use of physical force would have caused the woman to struggle, causing physical damages, possibly broken bones (osteoporosis is likely present in a 72yo woman) and augmenting her stress level even more, possibly triggering a heart attack. The use of the Tazer have, by itself, a risk of heart attack but minimize the struggle so, it minimized the "collateral damages" to the lady. In this situation, it also controlled where the "neutralization" occurred, preventing both the cop and the lady from getting hit by passing cars. This would have been way more difficult, if not impossible to prevent if the "neutralization" had been physical.

At 50,000 volts, why is a Tazer rarely kills people? Anybody hitting a 50,000V power line would fry in a split second but this same 50,000V is basically harmless, even if extremely unpleasant, when it comes from a Tazer. How come?

In a Tazer, what makes you feel the effect is the voltage but it doesn't kill because what kills is amperage. Taser delivers voltage but almost no amperage.

If we take water as an analogy, voltage is the pressure, amperage is the volume (quantity) of water. A 200psi water jet will push it's way in various materials but, if it's only a few ounces per minutes, no matter the pressure, the damages will be minimal and slow. It's the same with a Tazer: high voltage (pressure) but extremely low amperage (volume)

In a Tazer, an electronic circuit is used to convert the batteries' small direct current voltage/relatively low amperage (few amps) into a high voltage, ridiculously low amperage current (0.00something amperes) so, there's plenty of pressure ensuring it will reach your nervous system but barely enough current to temporarily paralyze it. That current is pulsed on-off to increase the efficiency of the electronic circuit and augment the paralyzing effect.

Various things affect the body's reactivity to electricity, making some peoples very resistant while others are extremely sensitive. Some peoples, can take a 110V AC line in their hands without feeling much discomfort but, if they would do the same on a hot humid summer day, or when they have a strong fever, it could kill them. That's one of the "gotcha" of the Tazer, the target rarely gets a full medical before and no meteorological studies are usually done before using it.

As far as the public opinion, the effect of both tactics would have been the same. The only way to avoid scrutiny and accusations of "barbarism" would have been to let her win and obviously, that couldn't be an option.
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
metoo4 said:
As far as the public opinion, the effect of both tactics would have been the same. The only way to avoid scrutiny and accusations of "barbarism" would have been to let her win and obviously, that couldn't be an option.

I do not agree with this.

Whether you are 72 or 22, you need to obey the law. If you go against the law, measures has to be taken but they should not put your life at risk unless it is necessary.

This woman could have been arrested without the use of the taser. Why use something that could be deadly when there are other options?
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Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
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Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Taze first... ask questions later.

Some people would go out of their way and pay big bucks for a buzz like that. I bet that granny couldn't find a thrill like that if she looked for it!


Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
Ben Dover said:
Taze first... ask questions later.

Some people would go out of their way and pay big bucks for a buzz like that. I bet that granny couldn't find a thrill like that if she looked for it!


I can see it now, the new Lovecraft Taser Strap-on :D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Ariane Valmont said:

This woman could have been arrested without the use of the taser. Why use something that could be deadly when there are other options?

That's the gray zone. In these conditions, with her age (fragility) others options could have been deadlier, we don't know! What would be the options you talk about that would have been 100% safe, or even a little bit safer? We ear peoples saying "without the Tazer would have worked" but then, if it doesn't, what's left? With an old lady, others methods would have already made her in such poor shape her life would really be in danger.

If the officer tried to physically restrained her, she could have panicked even more, get a heart attack, fall, have bones broken simply by fighting the restraints without even any excessive force, she could have struggled while walking towards traffic without noticing.

Tazers can be lethal, it's true but it's extremely rare it is. With the amount of time a Tazer is used around the world, we rarely hear, all proportion kept, of a Tazer-related death. The only fews are then taken to the top of headlines by journalist in search of sensation.

Slapping somebody in the face can also be deadly if we look at it! The person has an aneurysm ready to blow and it's a done deal. The person loose balance, fall and hit it's head on something hard and it's possibly a done deal too! Considering the lady's age and probable condition, any means used to subdue her had risks higher than if she would have been 20 and public opinion would have blasted the officer, one way or another.

Now, from the start, did the cop handled the situation correctly? I don't think so but, with the train of events that occurred, his choice of Tazing her was as logical as if he would have physically restrained her and the risks weren't higher to hurt her by Tazing her, they were in fact probably lower. After all, she's alive and kicking and was still in a good-enough shape to coin some lies after the fact. We'll never know the outcome of how it would have ended if he had physically restrained her. Bruises, broken bones, twisted limbs, once you're stuck with them, the long term effects last longer than a Tazer shot's effects.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
the cop asked her a million times to stay back where she was supposed to be,, she kept refusing and saying im going to my car, trying to force her way by him,, ok she wasnt listening to vocal directions, then he tried to use physical force as much as he could by shoving her back, which obviously didnt work, so it came down to tackle her down and twist her arm back or just tase her,, i see absolutely nothing wrong with his actions
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