Montreal Escorts

Grandma Gets Tazed!

Was tazing Granny justified?

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Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
By the way, I'm not naming names, but there are some friendly neighborhood Montreal SPs out there that are packing illegal tazers in their little purse... I know this for a FACT (and not because any of them tazed me :))

What do you guys and girls think of that?



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ben Dover said:
By the way, I'm not naming names, but there are some friendly neighborhood Montreal SPs out there that are packing illegal tazers in their little purse... I know this for a FACT (and not because any of them tazed me :))

What do you guys and girls think of that?



Right! You mean...not counting the times you paid to enjoy it...big guy. "Hit me again baby, right there...yaaaaaaaaaa!" :D


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Johnny Walker

New Member
Jun 4, 2009
If they let her get away with it once, then they throw law and order out the window. She deserved what she got, in fact she damanded it!

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
Well Ariane, its fairly obvious you would be the only one I'd let tie me up. The rest of the inmates here would probably zap me as soon as look at me.

Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
metoo, there are no methods that could have been 100% safe. But logically, restraining her physically had less chance to be fatal than using a tazer. She is a tiny old lady. He is a big strong man and a trained officer. I do not think it would have been difficult for him to cuff her. If so, then he needs to find another job!

Time to Punt, I promise I would be gentle. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Beat the devil

I wonder if those assert that the "tazing" was justified really want to live in a society in which cops are permitted to physically assault those who simply annoy them. It clear that she was not threatening anyone.

Did it occur to anyone that the woman is mentally ill? Do you pine for the days when a treatment for the sick was to beat them to drive out the devils?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
anon_vlad said:
I wonder if those assert that the "tazing" was justified really want to live in a society in which cops are permitted to physically assault those who simply annoy them. It clear that she was not threatening anyone.

Did it occur to anyone that the woman is mentally ill? Do you pine for the days when a treatment for the sick was to beat them to drive out the devils?

Hello Anon,

Precisely. I have never implied tasing wasn't a viable option, just that I didn't see the necessity here. I almost voted for tasing too. But after checking into the risks first, I said no. But I have wondered how many of those in favor of using the taser instead of cuffs might be reacting to the same inner feelings I had against a person who is so irrational, annoying, and foolish; the kind you have always been frustrated in dealing with and just want to give a little payback to. Possibly there was something vicariously satisfying in seeing such an annoying person, people could relate to having dealt with, being tased instead of cuffed. Maybe that's not it, but I wonder.

Some have cited the possible risk of damaging force resulting in bruises, strains, broken bones, etc. when trying to restrain an irrational and argumentative person. While the risk of those injuries might be much greater than a heart attack, a heart attack would be far more likely to be fatal than any of the other risks of restraining a person by cuffing them.

The intended purpose of using a taser may vary from one police department to another. But her is one example of taser guidelines.

1. when a person exhibits violent or potentially violent behavior that threatens the safety of others and attempts to subdue by conventional means have been or appear too unlikely to be effective;

2. when it is unsafe to get within contact range of the subject;

3. when the use of deadly force is justified and an opportunity exists to use the taser, deploy the taser if available; and

4. when a prisoner's behavior warrants classification in any of the above.

State Police policy authorizes the use of tasers when the use of less lethal options would help effect an arrest, restore order, or reduce the risk of more serious injury. Under the policy, an officer is justified in using the taser in the following situations, for example:

1. to restore or maintain order during prison disturbances;

2. to restore or maintain order during very violent civil disturbances where innocent people may be rescued or where police are confronted with a level of force likely to cause serious physical injury such as Molotov cocktails being thrown or dangerous weapons or instruments are being used;

3. to subdue vicious animals; or

4. to safely resolve a situation or incident, where the authorizing person deems its use necessary to resolve.

Only the last standard seems applicable, and it's debatable that this incident meets any of these standards. Seven of the eight measures here seem totally inappropriate.

In my view, there is no conclusive answer to whether this officers use of a taser was right or wrong. But, from the start, if an officer of that size over a fairly small 72 year old woman can't control the situation enough without using technology I believe is more risky in reliability and level of force and it's effect, then there must be something wrong with him or his training.

And, it still seems funny that when so many on this board have complained about police policies and attitudes that so many support this choice. I really wonder how much approval of using a taser here was motivated by a gut dislike for a type of "pain in the neck" person most have probably come to find very disagreeable.


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Apr 16, 2005
Taser weapons suspect!

I thought this whole thing was pretty cut and dried but it seems like all sorts of red herrings are appearing here.

First off, the lady may have been older but her behaviour when challenging the officer showed her to be anything but fragile. Age doesn't necessarily equal fragility. She was aggressive, agile and feisty in the extreme. I seriously doubt that panic after being restrained would have been an issue. I suspect she would have continued her tirade against the officer while in cuffs.

I find the “if this” and “if that” scenarios presented here to be way out in left field for the same reasons. If she broke a bone fighting the retraints...... if she had a facial aneurysm..... if she lost her balance and hit her head.....If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. We all sustain bumps and bruises as part of daily life. The body has its own mechanisms to deal with that. I suppose she could have sustained a lot of damage if the officer beat the crap out of her prior to restraining her. But a part of police training is how to restrain effectively and relatively safely with the degree of force called for. Hell they even guide your head so you wont bump it when getting into the back seat of the cruiser.

The issues regarding tasers right now are the cases when perfectly healthy people are killed as the following quote from a Canwest news article regarding the death of Robert Dziekanski attests to:

B.C. Solicitor-General Rich Coleman ordered the RCMP to pull the weapons on Friday after learning that M-26 Tasers used by municipal forces, sheriffs and corrections officers posted an 80-per-cent failure rate in recent tests.

The units will not be allowed back in service until they've been independently tested, repaired and retested, the government said.

"We're not taking the chance to wait any longer," Coleman said. "They're all coming in until such time as we're satisfied."

Of the 128 units tested, 102 failed to meet the manufacturer's specifications.

Some taser weapons underperform causing officers to tase up to 5 times as happened with Mr. Dziekanski. The cumulative effect may have been the key factor in his death. They are simply unreliable at present and in the future may simply prove to be too risky for use for a variety of reasons. It is not merely media sensationalism that has brought these weapons under the public scrutiny.:confused:
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