Montreal Escorts

Grey cup: cheers to Montreal, down with Toronto!!

New York

Dec 19, 2004

Grey cup is this Sunday.

I am sure that Montreal is going to win, since with all the SPs that work on the guys, I am sure it is going to give the players a leg up.

Toronto doesn't derserve anything since their TERBites are real real nasty.

I am sure it still does not hurt to send cheers to Montreal team!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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People from Ontario(especially Toronto) are the most arrogant, rude, disrespectful, conservative people in Canada, they have a "get the hell out of my way because i care about myself and do not give a rats ass about you mentality" and terb is a reflection of just that, spend 1 week in Toronto and 1 week in Montreal and the difference is night and day.

"ALS 34, ESKS 37 "

i highly doubt it, at least i hope it does not turn out that way because i have a paycheck riding on it(Montreal)
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Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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"Relax NY ,

tomorrow's final score will be: ALS 34, ESKS 37 (a field goal will probably win it for the ESKS on the last play of the game )


That was impressive!!!


New York

Dec 19, 2004
Torontonians stink!!!!

Some SPs told me that the Torontonians stink.

Why don`t all the SPs quit giving them extras, don`t travel to Toronto, etc... to teach them a lesson or two.

Somebody need to speak out sometimes against the bad-attitude Torontonians.

Don`t you all agree ?

If you agree, vote here and register your vote with


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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I am not going to way in on the Toronto vs Montreal bash fest - for the record I am from Montreal, lived all over the world, and love Montreal more than any other city - BUT I'm sure there are people from every city that feel the same way about where they are from - to each their own, in my books.

But I have a question for you Toronto guys - Is it true that everytime the Leafs beat the Habs people drive around waving Leaf flags out of their car windows and honking the horn?

I don't have a problem with this by the way, just wondering if its true.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2005
As someone who has lived in both cities, I can't make negative comments about either. Both have their good points and their bad points.

But being two large cities within driving distance of each other, there is bound to be a rivalry between the two. Some of it good natured, some of it not. Some people take this stuff too seriously and can get mean spirited about it, but I think most of us recognize that these are two great cities.


New Member
Nov 23, 2003
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Montreal has a well deserved reputation for having a lot of good looking women. The variety etc...

Believe it or not, Toronto has a lot as well. When it comes to babes, I'd say TO. is underrated when it comes to that.

As for the game, I've never been a Calvillo fan. I wanted the Als to win but something told me they'd choke.

Can you say Atlanta Braves?

New York

Dec 19, 2004
Toronto gun violence.

When I was in Toronto a few weeks ago, there are gun violence all over town. 26 in one week end.
I thought it was Paris suburbs riot all over again.
The city is dirty and beggars all over the place.
Any gun violence in Montreal ?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I watched the Grey Cup game and it looked to me like Cavillo spent much of the end of the game running for his life and under intense pressure. He should have been picked off at the end of regulation after he airmailed a pass. The Edmonton QB threw a tremendous, tremendous TD pass at the end of the game in a very high pressure situation.

I had no rooting interest in the game (my team is the NY Giants of the NFL) but from my point of view the best team did win the Grey Cup.

I thought the Edmonton coach could have been a little bit more subdued at the end of the game. He celebrated prematurely and would have looked like an utter fool if Montreal had pulled it out. Also he should have saved his excessive celebrations until after shaking Don Mathews' hand. I felt he disrespected Mathews. To me the Edmonton coach was a bit of a disrespectful punk who has not paid his dues like Mathews.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That was one of the best passes in a pressure situation I have ever seen. It was right on the money and the coverage looked very good to me.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Me too, coverage was good - he put the ball the in the only possible spot, big time play.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Big Daddy Cool said:
Joe T:

Your comments you made about Torontonians are my feelings towards Montrealers in general. Not all Montrealers are bad and not all Torontonians are good, so general statements about eather city would be a misrepresentation of both cities, but my experiances from the 4yrs I lived in TO was the best 4yrs in comparison to my total 28yrs in Montreal.

If I was in TO, I would have no need for this hobby. I had numbers left right and center from women that I meet on the subways, resturants, school, the theater where I worked even those I meet on the street by striking up a conversation. No these women were not workers, just ordinary women that you see everyday. My experiances in Montreal has left a very nasty taste in my mouth. Women here tend to snub me for not speaking French very well or not being from the same ethnic group. Here the Greeks, Italians, Arabs, Indians, Chineese, etc tend to stick to themselves. For me as an Anglophone of mix heratage I have felt like the victum of constant racism here. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've looked at a women or tryed to talk to a women here only for her to pretend that I'm invisable and not there. If I do get a response it's usally a dirty look. If she does speak to me and I give her my number, I get no call from her like I'm a peice of garbage.

In TO, I had girlfriend who were Polish, Russian, Greek, Italian, Ukrainian, Portugises, Icelandic, Arab, East Indian, Asian, Philapina, Latina and other groups. I even came close to marring a Vietnamiese woman. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but when I seen those nagative comments about TO, I felt that I had to set the record straight. For the record, I know not all Montrealers are the same, but please exept that not all Torontonians are the same eather. How we feel about one city or another is based on randem luck of the people we meet from these places. Eather our luck will be good or bad and unfortunitly that's what gives us our impressions on a city. Also for the record, I find that both the Merbits and Terbits to be pretty cool and decent people who's friendly and helpful.

Happy hunting to all.

BDC- i was referring to people in general and not women, as for women Montreal has the best looking woman in the world pound for pound, when it comes to beautifull women toronto is toronto and i will leave it a that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As a long time Giants fan I can tell you Palmer never showed much with the Giants. His main claim to fame was being on the TV show, "The Bachelor." He has been far more effective as a lady's man off the field than a QB on the field.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Jessy Palmer sucks big time and he showed absolutley nothing in the NFL and thats why he is not there anymore, it will be interesting to see how he does in the CFL and i think that he will end up in Ottawa next year as they will use him as a marketing tool to sell season tickets when they bring the Ottawa team back.
Toronto Escorts