Montreal Escorts

GT a quebec....lessons for Mtl


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
I happened to stumble on this thread tonight and I think things have changed a little in Montreal since you started this thread Cloudy, wouldn't you agree? It seems like some great times were had up North. :thumb:

Does anyone still have these parties anymore in Quebec City? If not, Delta, I nominate you since you are local and have this sort of a je ne sais quoi with the ladies :eyebrows:

You're computing non stop Iggy you're unbelievable. lol
As you know I'm wayyy more in Mtl scene than in QC but I will make a check here just to see what's happening about QC GT.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Igna, the last attempt to organize one was 3 years ago if I remember well. For some reasons, even if the providers response was great around 25, we had only 15-18 registrations for guys, and, as usual, some cancel at last minute. Of course the 15 would not have complained about it lol but the place we rent needs to have a minimal attendance not to look empty. So I cancelled it a few week before the event.

The reasons for the low registration may be attributed to a few factors:

1 The Gt was maybe linked to close to escortequebec, of forum like this one that was successful in Québec but not much elsewhere because it was french only. I did some publicity on merb, but maybe too late. Each GT we had prior to that one brought a significant attendance from outside. There's usually a high proportion of outsiders at GT's, I guess it"s the same in Montreal, because some local guys fear to come across someone they know in "real life". This is less the case for outsiders.

2 There were tensions in the air in the escort industry at the time between some indys and some clients, many emotionally hooked, feared coming across those at the GT. Some invited their clients not to attend.

3 Except for Indys, both mp's and escorts, most girls registered were from massage parlors. Maybe there is less interest for guys because of that. For some reasons, escort clients participate more in GT's then massage guys like me. This is even more obvious in the Montreal GT's.

4 Maybe the way to go would be to have a commitment from Aphrodisia and a better publicity on merb in order to raise the male attendance. I have not tried to get in touch with them since. But then again, people from outside much prefer to have GT's on friday or saturday for obvious reasons. But we can't rent that perfect place for a GT on those nights unless people want to mix with the club members.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
Igna, the last attempt to organize one was 3 years ago if I remember well. For some reasons, even if the providers response was great around 25, we had only 15-18 registrations for guys, and, as usual, some cancel at last minute. Of course the 15 would not have complained about it lol but the place we rent needs to have a minimal attendance not to look empty. So I cancelled it a few week before the event...

Wow Gugu you know the scene here quite a lot.
I would really go to a QC GT cause I don't know the girls as in Mtl and coming across some guys I know can be fun, personnaly I don't mind at all.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thanks for your posts guys. I would love to go to a GT in Quebec City. I absolutely love that city and the area and I always feel at "home" when I am there for special reasons. (plus it gives me a reason to go to Chez Ashton lol)

Gugu, believe it or not, out of the around 60 guys at the last party, GGSEX, there were close to 50 guys there from the Montreal area and only about 10-12 from out of town. As well the same with most of the ladies obviously. About 40 of the close to 50 ladies were local.

Delta, who stole your computer and is behind the keyboard? lol.......I remember you were one of the guys i had to convince the hardest to come (Reverdy was also a hard sell) to a party and here you are now saying you welcome them with open arms so to speak. When they are done correctly, they CAN be a lot of fun, cant they?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just like to have fun bro and it is always nice to have an excuse to make the extra 2.5 hour drive to your beautiful city.
You're computing non stop Iggy you're unbelievable. lol
As you know I'm wayyy more in Mtl scene than in QC but I will make a check here just to see what's happening about QC GT.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
...Delta, who stole your computer and is behind the keyboard? lol.......I remember you were one of the guys i had to convince the hardest to come (Reverdy was also a hard sell) to a party and here you are now saying you welcome them with open arms so to speak. When they are done correctly, they CAN be a lot of fun, cant they?

You know at first I was not seeing any interest going to a GT so to get me doing something I'm not interrested in YOU have to be very GOOD man! lol


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
All I did was tell you exactly what to expect, (a great time with some beautiful ladies and some good guys that are all there for the same reasons) that and i kind of persisted for you to come.... a little :lol:

Seriously tho, if the Montreal GT Scene can be reinvigorated then so can the Quebec City GT Scene.
You know at first I was not seeing any interest going to a GT so to get me doing something I'm not interrested in YOU have to be very GOOD man! lol


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Does anyone still have these parties anymore in Quebec City? If not, Delta, I nominate you since you are local and have this sort of a je ne sais quoi with the ladies :eyebrows:
No need to go to Quebec City to have a great party anymore.
The latest 3 or 4 GG parties and the MTLGFE party were just as good, if not better.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Reverdy, that would be a LONG drive 4u but worth it because as you say QC is such a beautiful place. (even in the winter, to me) A spring GT would be fantastic and maybe you could talk a cetain little hottie into coming along. I am sure the guys would adore her and she would likely be the hit of the party.

Cloudsurf, the purpose of a party in QCity would be to see the girls they have there first and foremost. Anyways it was just a thought.
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