Montreal Escorts

Hélène Boudreau

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its the typical rise to fame too fast. You get huge ammount of money and some luxury coming in and you want more money and more luxury thing. For OF to remain sustainable you need some luck and something special. Helene made fer fame trough a provoking picture, wich jump started her career. Then she chained some controversies and rode that lightning for a while wich is great, it made her some good money. But Quebec ain't USA, and Helene is no Amouranthe. She looks like a nice person and everything, don't get me wrong, but she can't have the same following as Amouranthe or Pokimane or those huge streamers who were very smart on what they were doing and appealed to a huge market.

Her Instagram following is 285k wich is pretty huge for Quebec. Even Stephanie Beaudoin has about half of that, and she is hugely known for her "thief past". There is a few quebecers who have more but its still top stuff. That said it is the tragedy of influencers. They shine bright but fade fast.

I saw she was in Dubai not long ago with Marie Cruz (wich go there at times). I heard some pretty strong rumors on what happen in Dubai and how much money can be made . So im sure she will be fine for now if she is carefull.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I don't find her brilliant, I just find her disgusting.

I find her cute and admire her hustle to fame/fortune, but if she really wants to get international recognition (as opposed to just Quebec), she needs to work on her English and (maybe) get an agent.

Supposedly she's dating porn star Jessy Jones. Would be great if that eventually leads to her joining the porn industry herself.

If not, she can always make money joining our SP industry here in Montreal, lol. I'm sure there plenty of us on this board that would love to hook up with her! :p
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Pourquoi porter attention a cette fille.....son seul fait d'arme avoir montré ses seins lors de la photo de la remise du diplôme........ha oui, et puis..............dire que des gens meurent de froid en Ukraine, oui nous avons les priorités à la bonne place. Ça augure bien pour 2023.
Dire que plusieurs sont abonné a son suis sidéré.....
Bof, nous avons la société qu'on mérite.
C'est quoi le rapport avec l'Ukraine? Oui ce qui l'a propulsé c'est d'avoir montré ses seins sur la photo de son diplome. Ok. Apres peut-etre que des gens on trippé sur elle par son physique, ou encore on aimé sa personalité quand ils l'on ecouté parler? C'est différent en quoi des youtubeuse ou twitch streameuse? Ou encore des "influenceuse"?

Moi perso autant je respecte a 100% le sex work au sense de "achat de contenue" ou de services (comme ici), autant ca ne clique pas dans ma tête que des gars envoie de l'argent out of the blue a des streameuse, des onlyfans girls, même des escortes. Mais je comprend la raison. L'attention et les moyens de le faire.

Mais c'est pareil dans tout. Par exemple j'aime les jeux vidéo. Mais je paye en moyenne 20$ pour mes jeux. J'achete pratiquement jamais un jeu au plein prix de 79.99 + taxes (89.99 maintenant depuis peu). Pour moi c'est too much ca vaux pas ca et j'ai aucun probleme a attendre que ca baisse. En plus en attendant 6 mois ou + il sera bien meilleur puisque les bugs seront corrigé. Mais la majorité des gamers pensent pas pareil. Ca vaux le nouveau jeu au moment ou il sort. Certain c'est parce qu'ils veulent surfer le hype, participé a la fandom par exemple. Peu importe la raison c'est leurs argent et on peut rien y faire.

Donc esce que d'envoyé de l'argent a des Ukrainiens est plus humanitaire, une meilleurs action? OUI. Mais en meme temps rendu la on peux appliquer ca a tout. Pourquoi tu irais manger dans un restaurant chic si tu peux te sustanter avec un bol de ramen? Pourquoi tu t'achete des vetements a 100-150$ quand tu pourrais avoir un tshirt a 10$ ou moins? Tu vois un peu l'idée?

Ca m'ecoeure autant que tout gens decent ce qui se passe en Ukraine, mais je vais pas envoyé tout mon $ labas parce qu'un fou sans humanité a decidé de lancer une invasion injustifié et barbare.

Essayer de psychanalyzer les gens sur les comportements qui sont différent des tiens ca mene jamais a grand chose.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Quel rire niaiseux.

Cette fille est complétement déconnectée de la réalité.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
Visit site

Quel rire niaiseux.

Cette fille est complétement déconnectée de la réalité.



Jul 5, 2008
Dans une boîte de pogo, elle n'est pas la plus dégelé. Plus pâte que saucisse


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It seems obvious she might have mental health issue. The other possibility is she is the best comedian the world have ever seen.
Don't think the second option is the good one.
Many here claim that she is bright because they suppose/believe she makes lot of money. How do you know. Since when money = intelligence?
I'm happy she is not my daughter. I would be very concerned.
If she would be an escort, I would stay away for sure. I would be feeling as abusing an unfit one.
This is really sad.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
I saw this ad here on MERB.
Hélène Boudreau would say that girl is just "showing her foot"... Ya! Sure!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
It seems obvious she might have mental health issue. The other possibility is she is the best comedian the world have ever seen.
Don't think the second option is the good one.
Many here claim that she is bright because they suppose/believe she makes lot of money. How do you know. Since when money = intelligence?
I'm happy she is not my daughter. I would be very concerned.
If she would be an escort, I would stay away for sure. I would be feeling as abusing an unfit one.
This is really sad.
Who doesnt have mental issues?
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I saw her on a Quebecois French tv show about cosmetic surgery and it made me realize it was a persona all along. She's a smart woman, she is the definition of bad press is still good press. She also struggles with her body image which is very ironic considering the fact that that's how she makes a living.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Most people that weren't raised in a balanced home, without violence, extreme poverty, etc usually can't understand that financial success doesn't rely on intelligence alone (which really is subjective) but on good judgement calls and networking. It helps to be "intelligent" but really isn't mandatory (see most managers lol). I don't really know her story, but I'm willing to bet she grew up in a hostile home or around little money. Perhaps her parents just see the $ as a sign of success which is sad. She's definitly not my type, but I would absolutely love to have drinks with her, hell I'd pay to see her juggle gummies. She's absolutely a performer and is commited and devoted to the grind. I have nothing but respect to anyone that goes all-in to life.

She didn’t have money and was basically living her car or about to. She got the photo taken and never thought it would be this controversial.

She’s surfing on the fact that it went viral and honestly, can we blame her?
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