Montreal Escorts

Half hour incall sessions?


New Member
Dec 18, 2005
I just moved back to montreal from Toronto a few months ago. Lots had changed since I was living here in the 2000's.

The sp's and the agencies are really good here, but I find Hobbing more expensive than Toronto for incalls. Let me explain... I'm a more of a single shot type guy and half hour sessions are perfect. In TO, one typically spends $150-160 for hh at a nice incall. Here in Mtl, seems like the minimum is one hr for $200-220 with a reputable agency. BP ads have hh options at $120ish, but I think we all know this is an unreliable way to go.

Wouldn't agencies and sp's make more dough with hh incall sessions available? I like doing sessions in the early afternoon during my lunch or breaks. If I do an hour session, I would gone from my desk for at least 1.5-2hrs with travel time included. I think a hh session is just more practical for getting your fix.

In Toronto, I think the shorter session option seems to work well. I would probably see sp's more often if there a hh option would be available. The $200-220 per hour price point is just too high, especially if you prefer sog. I find myself trying to rush my second sog before time runs out. The Sp's seem to cut the sessions at the 50min mark anyway these days. Outcalls are a different story, a one hour minimum makes sense.

What you guys think about this?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Mike Mansion does it at 160$

To be honest myself I much prefer to see my favorite indy in the 100/120 range. Then when I go agency I go for full hour.



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Jalimon having a SOG in less than 30 minutes? My understanding of the world has just been shattered :lol:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
ssj he doesn`t go for a SOG.....he goes for a fluffing before he spends an hour with the agency girl. :bounce:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Haha hate you 2 ;)

Thruth is i always sog in about 15 -20 on 30 min sessions. Most probably because in such short session you are not there to compliment the girl or to tickle her behind the ears... Nah you are there to get the job done and thats it. Short and Sweet ;)

Seing a girl once so short is awkward a bit. But when you repeat a lot its actually pretty cool !

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
Wouldn't agencies and sp's make more dough with hh incall sessions available? I like doing sessions in the early afternoon during my lunch or breaks. If I do an hour session, I would gone from my desk for at least 1.5-2hrs with travel time included. I think a hh session is just more practical for getting your fix.
I’ve personally never done 1/2 hour sessions. I need to wear a suit and tie at my office and cannot just have a quickie and then head back to work. I absolutely need to take a good shower immediately before my session and then I absolutely need to go home to freshen up afterwards prior to going back to work. I also have longish hair that I need to keep tied up neatly in a bun in the back, so I need to re-wash and comb it especially if it was pulled and messed up during the session and with all kinds of fluids dripping on it from DATY/squirting.

My personal preference is to have my sessions either early mornings or late afternoons. Always multi-hour sessions. For early morning sessions, I dress casually for my sessions and then head back home to freshen up and dress appropriately to head to work. For afternoon sessions, I head home first to shower and then change into casual wear and then take another quick shower when I arrive at the outcall place that I’ll be hosting from.

Even if I didn’t have to head back home to change, 1/2 hour sessions in the middle of the day are just not practical for me. I would need to take a good 10 minute shower immediately prior to the session since I’ve been sitting at work all morning. Then before heading back to work I would need to take another good shower for obvious reasons after a session. The total shower time alone almost equals the session time.

All this doesn’t even factor in taking time for lunch ... :confused:

My favorite session is early morning as I always go to work happy, starting off the day on the right track ... :bounce:

However if 1/2 hour lunchtime sessions work for you GI_Joe, you are one lucky dude. I’d be having quick sessions almost on a daily basis if I were in your shoes ... :D


New Member
Dec 18, 2005
Mike Mansion does it at 160$

To be honest myself I much prefer to see my favorite indy in the 100/120 range. Then when I go agency I go for full hour.


Oh ok, that's good to know! I will try Mike's Mansion sometime soon.

As for the indy's, I thought they usually charged high prices compared to the agencies. $100-120 is great price point, please pm some suggested ladies if you don't mind.

Thanks to all for your thoughts on this. Personally, I'm not a high roller and haven't done multiple hour sessions. Just a single guy that needs to have a good bang with a nice sp every couple of weeks.


New Member
Dec 18, 2005
However if 1/2 hour lunchtime sessions work for you GI_Joe, you are one lucky dude. I’d be having quick sessions almost on a daily basis if I were in your shoes ... :D

Damn, I might as well get a girlfriend or fwb... nah it will probably cost me the same amount of money and a lot of headaches lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As for the indy's, I thought they usually charged high prices compared to the agencies. $100-120 is great price point, please pm some suggested ladies if you don't mind.

Thanks to all for your thoughts on this. Personally, I'm not a high roller and haven't done multiple hour sessions. Just a single guy that needs to have a good bang with a nice sp every couple of weeks.

Hehe You quite seem to be like me ;) Let's hang around and keep contact I think I can introduce you to some quite nice moment in Montreal without breaking the bank (check merbiste laid_back_alex too, he is fucking good!).



Jun 27, 2016
Half hour is perfect to enjoy SOG. 100/120 was easily available just a couple of years ago with some young SPs. Now, all what I see it is 160 for young SPs. Should I go older to get what Jalimon is talking about?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I could probably be able to do a 30 min session if it was outcall, simply by cutting the intros to a minimum, but obviously agencies don't do this (and i understand its not worth it)

Incall i could not do it...

The difference between Out and In is that Out i am ready when she arrive, but for In i won't make my preparation short enough. Only way it would work is if the incall was actually another room in the same hotel of where i am staying lol. But not much agencies use hotel/motel anymore anyway for there incall.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i have been looking for half hour sessions since time immemorial

half hour sessions are more work for the agencies. the good agencies downtown are busy so it is a hassle for them. (was not aware about MM)

all the agencies in the suburbs offer it (they are also less busy), but not the good downtown ones.

I have not seen a good quality incall provider in the 120 range since shany (i only hobby on the eastern half of the island)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The really good stuff is the sitting down and pouring a glass of wine and admiring the girl and flirting. If she is dressed in something like a little black dress than we want to put off the undressing as long as possible. I like the cuddling and laughing after. I like the Montreal shower. All this takes more than 30 minutes.

In an FKK 30 minutes is the norm and in the Termas it is 40 minutes. However, you can kiss and flirt outside the room for 30 minutes or so and you only went to the room for sex. The kissing outside the room at the FKK is no longer the norm but you still can get to know the girl and have chemistry. How do you meet someone for a 30 minute appointment that you have never seen before and have this chemistry?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Guys you need to take into account that a 30 minute session is for local guys.

Like and end of day 30 minute quickie on your way back from the office... Or like last week on my way up north I stop to put some gaz in st-therese and text a girl I heard goods about in St-Jerome... She's free... 15 minutes later I am there.

It's meant to be quick, fun and repeated often. Chemistry builds itself when you see a girl often.

I completely agree it makes no sense to fly in the city only to see a girl 30 minutes!



New Member
Dec 18, 2005
Well said jalimon! I never thought of it from that perspective. Now that I'm settled here in montreal, I look for that quick fix. When I was a visitor here, it was nice to spend an hour with a nice girl.

I'm just thinking agencies could do better if they cater to the locals and keep us coming back more often!
May 23, 2016
You guys are forgetting something the girls do not like the 30min.I've talked to several of them about it. Most start their day and want to see a fixed number of clients in a day.Lets say 4 in 5 hours.Now you want them to see 7 to make the same amount of money.Their response to that is no fucken way.Their human beings not machines.
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