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Has the long awaited stock market corection started to-day?


Jan 14, 2016
Trump's win was strategic and same goes to what he is doing. The guy does what he says and says what he does, period. Cannot be more precise than that. Watch the USA market soar again and again as he brings back jobs in USA by taxing heavy on China imports, discouraging Blue Chip Corp to move their manufacturing plants to cheap labor places by taxing them when they bring their product back to USA after being manufactured in cheap labor countries. A bit like Nike shoes manufactured in China might just be cheaper or same price to get the ones USA made (as an example). The manufacturing goods 'country of origin' will dictate if you will pay more or less. USA has all the knowledge and technology to build anything they want and then some. You will be left with 2 choices, buy USA or buy foreign countries, in the end the State will make money either way. US Steel or China Steel ? Place your bet ... .
My honest opinion, these decisions will grow the USA economy and yes EB your Mutual Funds are in the right place, just don't touch it. Sleep on it and watch it erect like a champ :fat:

Job market will soar and foreigners will want to come and invest in USA with reliefs in start-ups, etc .... . US market is a hot one right now. Mark my words folks !!!! Trump is all about business and economy. Shoot me in a year if you don't see an exponential trend, lol !!

Canada, well ... let's pray precious metal and gas price soar in the short to mid term. If not, disaster in the Western Provinces, Northern Quebec and Northern Ontario. Pack up and move to US or move all our mutual funds to buy more into Pharma, food and beverage


Jan 14, 2016
This is an interesting video, well worth the 6 min of your time.

As for stocks, I do not buy a huge amount worth but what I have are blue chip stocks ( Proctor & Gamble plus Johnston & Johnston ), will not make me ultra rich but they are working and I will not sell and I do not change them often, If I do I take out maybe 15% and reinvest if I get a soild tip for short term. Not much of a trader but an old boss of mine gives me tips once in awhile.

Great find STN, totally true ! We know the Pro-Democratic media is out to put as much dirt on Trump as possible. You know people see things differently, thus difference of opinions. I see Trump's ban as a protection to the States and of course, you do not broadcast your strategies what you will do to protect your country and go after Isis. You have a secret strategy, just do it without warning ... First, protect your country, then go after them. That's how I see it ... .

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Job market will soar and foreigners will want to come and invest in USA with reliefs in start-ups, etc .... . US market is a hot one right now. Mark my words folks !!!! Trump is all about business and economy.

Inaugration day 2017... Gas $2.25 a gallon, Dow 19,819 , NASQAD 5,560.7 , Unemployment at 4.7%.

I have this stored on my computer to compare at a later date.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Watch the USA market soar again and again as he brings back jobs in USA by taxing heavy on China imports, discouraging Blue Chip Corp to move their manufacturing plants to cheap labor places by taxing them when they bring their product back to USA after being manufactured in cheap labor countries. A bit like Nike shoes manufactured in China might just be cheaper or same price to get the ones USA made (as an example). The manufacturing goods 'country of origin' will dictate if you will pay more or less. USA has all the knowledge and technology to build anything they want and then some. You will be left with 2 choices, buy USA or buy foreign countries, in the end the State will make money either way. US Steel or China Steel ?

What do you think will happen if China imports are heavily tax? Do you think the rest of the world will continue to give a free ride to all US company selling abroad? Have you look at the balance sheet sales made my US companies abroad? I do not know how to say it in english but you cannot avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre. You have it right, the US market is a hot one right one. The US market is the biggest in the world. The number one economy in the world. Still the US is blaming the rest of he world for problems that should be fixed within the US. The US cannot understand that it should fix nonsense inequities and stop blaming other countries!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I think we can seriously discuss this without having the thread shut down again.

For that I would suggest all to avoid using the word "left" and "right" in all your post here. And I swear I will no more use the work "fuck" on my side ;)


I hope so, but ultimately it will come down to whether the Mods will tolerantly adopt a "3 strikes and your'e out!" policy towards Cloudsurf-commenced threads about Trump and his policies. Because I am a baseball fan I would favor such a policy but it's not my decision to make. This thread will test whether you guys are good 2 strike hitters. Good 2 strike hitters find a way to avoid the K, bad ones do not. We shall see what you are all made of.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Woaah!! horsey
Beav don`t get ahead of yourself.
My opening remarks were not so much about Trump`s policies but about the state of the economy and where its headed.
The economy is influenced by many factors and not solely by Trumps proclamations and tweets.
Because there are a lot of unknown factors and their consequences around the probably is an excellent time to speculate.
There are so many hot spots around the world that could suddenly flare wonder the brightest scientists on the planet changed the time on the doomsday clock.
Gorbachev stated that the world is preparing for war.....the super rich are building hi tech survival they know something we don`t.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
With all due respect cloudsurf the state of the economy's only factor right now is Trump and his policies. Thinking otherwise would be unrealistic. Trump is building so many enemies in the world right now that it can only backfire. Gorbachez knows a thing or two about international relation. More then Trump for sure.

I really hope I am dead wrong.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ATTENTION....le marché boursier américain est en forte baisse depuis 2 jours et risque d'entraîner dans son sillage les marchés mondiaux.....les investisseurs recherchent l'ORDRE SOCIAL ET LA STABILITÉ comme ca brasse et risque de brasser longtemps avec l'agenda politique de serait très

sage si vous avez des placements en liquidités-----et surtout à l'aube de la retraite----de revoir vos stratégies de placement....les gains réalisés au cours des dernières années pourraient vite s'évaporer. Mieux vaut être prudent et laisser l'orage passé two cents.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
ATTENTION....le marché boursier américain est en forte baisse depuis 2 jours et risque d'entraîner dans son sillage les marchés mondiaux.....les investisseurs recherchent l'ORDRE SOCIAL ET LA STABILITÉ comme ca brasse et risque de brasser longtemps avec l'agenda politique de serait très

sage si vous avez des placements en liquidités-----et surtout à l'aube de la retraite----de revoir vos stratégies de placement....les gains réalisés au cours des dernières années pourraient vite s'évaporer. Mieux vaut être prudent et laisser l'orage passé two cents.

J'attends ca depuis longtemps que les marchés plantent. Après, quand la chute sera terminée, ce sera le temps d'acheter.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
J'attends ca depuis longtemps que les marchés plantent. Après, quand la chute sera terminée, ce sera le temps d'acheter.

That is what I am waiting for as well since about 2 months now. Thanks to Trump it should plunge faster than anticipated.

Alienating 1 billion Muslim, all of mexico, china and now the european union in less than 2 weeks is a pretty good recipe for a plunge.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
BIen d'accord avec vous Messieurs .....ce sera l'occasion idéale d'acheter MAIS si vous étiez déjà sur les marchés et avez fait de bons gains dans les dernières anné prudence est de mise.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

If you are now more or less on a short term vision it's time to cash out and move to safe stuff.

If you bought low long ago and do not need the money now, and are still on a long term vision, I would not worry much, the market always come back.

If like me you need to re-enter the market now... Well I am like many business right now and sitting on it for a little while...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am pretty confident that my P&G plus J&J stocks will still give me a far better return than any banks can offer, companies like these have a large amount of products that are needed no matter what the economy does.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
STN during a market correction or crash even the best blue chips take a hit. The same tsunami that washes away a mud hut will damage a brick house.
I have no crystal ball that tells me where we`ll be at in 6 months....but I see lots of bumps in the road ahead.
Thank heavens for the distraction that lggy`s parties brings us.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I understand that but I have had these for a very long time ( bought majority of both in early 2001 ) and figure I will ride the storm with them, hoping for the best.


Jan 14, 2016
Thank heavens for the distraction that lggy`s parties brings us.

I can't help but to comment on this one. I'm ready to buy Iggy's parties stock as I know return in investment is much greater than NASDAQ ... :pound:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
buy low, sell high! Haha, you guys are too much but thanks for the laugh, i needed a break, now back to "work" ;)

(planning a party where i get to be side by side with Jasmine is anything but work!)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I understand that but I have had these for a very long time ( bought majority of both in early 2001 ) and figure I will ride the storm with them, hoping for the best.

2001! Wow. Never hold anything that long. Maybe time to cash in those? Wait and bet that there will be a collapse then by back at a low price. That said, if you dont need the money, these will survive the storm just like it did in 2008.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
2001! Wow. Never hold anything that long. ,

I cash some in once in awhile and invest in others, I know I could have made better investments but........... Still happy.
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