@Obvio-0bvio but this conspiracy is absurd. The conspiracy that there's a microchip in the vaccine to control people makes more sens. Or the one that the vaccine is made to eradicate part of the population to fix the climate.
Its just annoying in today's world that anyone can claim anything that serious without knowing anything. Its a problem in our society so I need to call it.
Hello Christian, I can empathize with your frustration and I admire your argument for which I have full respect. It is important to note that the information I am sharing is not fabricated by me, but rather sourced from various platforms and podcasts.
It is within people's rights to voice their opinions and skepticism towards the government, pandemic aftermath and media, especially when inconsistencies arise..
Every citizen has the freedom to express themselves, which is a fundamental aspect of our rights. Just as I respect your viewpoint, I ask for the same level of respect for mine. Imagine a world where freedom of expression is restricted, leading to a situation where we are under the control by a government.
I acknowledge that my words may not always make sense, but the same can be said vis versa. If anything I have said has offended you, I apologize. It is important to recognize that I am not the sole individual expressing these thoughts; there are millions of others who feel the same way.
Once more, I hold your opinion in the highest regard.