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HIV infections rise by 25% heard this morning in the radio

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Personally it's not going to affect how I work. I use protection and get tested regularly - this is the next best thing after abstinence. :)

I hope maybe it will push more people to go get tested. There are still too many people who don't, or who think they're good because they got tested years ago... Especially some older people for some reason (probably the way sex ed revolved around abstinence in the past) have this tendency to think one test is valid forever. Not how this works.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2003
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Personally it's not going to affect how I work. I use protection and get tested regularly - this is the next best thing after abstinence. :)

I hope maybe it will push more people to go get tested. There are still too many people who don't, or who think they're good because they got tested years ago... Especially some older people for some reason (probably the way sex ed revolved around abstinence in the past) have this tendency to think one test is valid forever. Not how this works.
Agreed. I also read adds about creampie gangbangs. That's stupid. You go to an event where most users see SP on a regular basis, do not get tested, and mix semen one after another....Stupid behaviour if you ask me...and even if you don't ask ! Anyone stating otherwise is an adept pf magical thinking.
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020

HIV infections rise by 25% heard this morning in the radio​

Obviously, these poor people aren't seeing escorts


Jul 5, 2008
will this impact how you hobby?
from Montréal

Hobby sexual encounters, not at all.
Social sexual encounters, that's a different thing, and alarming.

The serious, well known women we meet in the hobby do this for a living. It's what pays their bread and butter, puts a roof over their head and in many cases helps raise their family. That is why they take health issues very seriously and have regular checkups.

For these reasons I feel I am much safer with a serious sex worker that with a 1 night stand met at some local bar.

Social sex is more and more preoccupying seeing sexual activity at younger and younger age groups often illiterate as to proper sexual hygiene and safety. Add to this cocktail peer pressure and the astronomical cases of drug related sexual abuse is enough to warrant serious questioning.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Especially some older people for some reason
I heard the radio interview. The good doctor (Réjean Thomas from L'Actuel) told audience that youngsters who see him at his clinic thought and considered HIV as a sickness affecting older people (maladie de vieux).
The reality is that they are now part of the new stats and it's too late for them....
He told they can survive but life quality is not the same as their healthy counterparts.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
will this impact how you hobby?
from Montréal
As long as you keep using condoms for intercourse? Absolutely not. There is a small risk for the provider performing unprotected BJ and the risk increases with ejaculation in the mouth. Receiving a blowjob is not considered a risk for HIV transmission because saliva does not carry the virus. Performing cunnilingus (DATY) is considered very low to no risk depending at which source you look at.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
These are the four subpopulations most affected by the virus:
  • Gay men ("men who have sex with men" is now the "correct" term) who don't use condoms or who are not on PreP. This is because of the high probability of transmission during unprotected anal sex and of the fact they tend to have multiple casual partners
  • Immigrant women from African countries, due to a high level of circulation of the virus in these countries and because of sub-standard access to treatment
  • Indigenous people, who, for reasons that we won't elaborate on here tend to be in poorer health in general. (the reason why, sadly, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have the highest incidence rate in the new data)
  • IV drug users
Anyone can be infected and that's why it's important to keep using condoms. There has been an increase in all STIs in previous years and I'm pretty sure dating apps are more to blame than sex workers and their clients, who, overwhelmingly (I think so!) use protection.


Well known & respected
Apr 30, 2019
As long as you keep using condoms for intercourse? Absolutely not. There is a small risk for the provider performing unprotected BJ and the risk increases with ejaculation in the mouth. Receiving a blowjob is not considered a risk for HIV transmission because saliva does not carry the virus. Performing cunnilingus (DATY) is considered very low to no risk depending at which source you look at.
I was shocked how often SPs offer “safe” gfe meaning a bbbj or unprotected sex
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
There are still too many people who don't, or who think they're good because they got tested years ago... Especially some older people for some reason (probably the way sex ed revolved around abstinence in the past) have this tendency to think one test is valid forever. Not how this works.
Ça vaudrait p-e la peine d’écouter l’entrevue avec le Dr. Réjean Thomas, il affirme exactement le contraire et je crois qu’il est en mesure de bien comprendre le phénomène, il dirige la clinique depuis plusieurs décennies.

En ce qui a trait à la question posée au premier post, je fais partie de ceux qui croient qu’il est beaucoup plus safe d’avoir des échanges avec des escortes professionnelles qu’avec des femmes rencontrées dans mes activités sociales. Et oui, je suis parmi ceux qui se font tester régulièrement alors, non ces dernières statistiques ne changeront rien pour moi.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
En ce qui a trait à la question posée au premier post, je fais partie de ceux qui croient qu’il est beaucoup plus safe d’avoir des échanges avec des escortes professionnelles qu’avec des femmes rencontrées dans mes activités sociales.
Il faut être prudent avec cette affirmation là. C'est le message que plusieurs escortes nous font passer, mais en réalité, il n'y a aucune façon de savoir s'il est en effet plus sécuritaire d'avoir une relation sexuelle avec une travaileuse du sexe qu'avec une "civile". Je n'ai aucun doute que bien des escortes portent une attention particulière à leur santé sexuelle et se font tester régulièrement, mais il y a d'autres facteurs qui entre en ligne de compte, dont le nombre de partenaires sexuels et la fréquence des tests. Le seul point qui compte vraiment est que le condom est très efficace a prevenir la transmission de la plupart des ITS. Toute personne qui a une relation non-protégée avec un(e) partenaire dont il ne connaît pas le statut ITSS peut-être qualifiée, poliement, d'imprudente, et mois poliement, d'irresponsable.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Toute personne qui a une relation non-protégée avec un(e) partenaire dont il ne connaît pas le statut ITSS peut-être qualifiée, poliement, d'imprudente, et mois poliement, d'irresponsable.
Exactement et, on retrouve ce genre de personne beaucoup plus fréquemment dans la population "civile" que chez les escortes. Ce n’est pas une affirmation en l’air ce sont des faits qui sont constatés, pour quiconque a un peu sorti dans sa vie et eu de multiples partenaires, il est très fréquent, encore aujourd’hui, de se faire dire, par des demoiselles civiles, que le condom n’est pas nécessaire.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
quiconque a un peu sorti dans sa vie et eu de multiples partenaires,
Ce qui n'est pas mon cas. lol. Merci de l'information... Quand j'ai commencé à voir des escortes j'étais terrifié par les ITS. 7 ans plus tard et une quinzaine de tests: aucun résultat positif. Le condom fonctionne.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Aids is a very fragile virus. People used to be scared of contracting it from surfaces or social interactions but we quickly realized that the paths to transmission are quite specific.

Unprotected anal sex is the most dangerous form of sex especially for the receiver. One of the reason the disease spreads so fast in the gay community is because of the prevalence of anal sex, the fact that people “switch” their role and the varying of partners. There is a line-up in front of Montreal saunas some days because they are at capacity… Heteros like me are envious but understand the consequences.

People seem less converned with HIV because treatment works really well and unprotected sex is becoming more prevalent in some communities where PreP is common. Maybe the protection from PreP (which is quite good) does not compensate the multiplied amount of random unprotected sex.

Finally, numbers like “up 25%” can be misleading when the overall numbers are small. Do they say how many actual cases? Pandemic years might have been extreme lows with social distancing and the lock up?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Ça vaudrait p-e la peine d’écouter l’entrevue avec le Dr. Réjean Thomas, il affirme exactement le contraire et je crois qu’il est en mesure de bien comprendre le phénomène, il dirige la clinique depuis plusieurs décennies.

J'irai voir ça demain, merci pour la ref ! Je me basais sur ma propre expérience, donc je peux être biaisée effectivement.

Après je me dis, 100% des gens avec qui Dr Réjean Thomas fait affaire à la clinique se font tester en théorie, donc les gens dont je parlais ne sont pas pris en compte dans son observation dans la mesure où ils ne se présentent pas à la clinique sous prétexte, justement, qu'ils se sont fait tester une fois en 1998 (haha j'exagère).

Je pense qu'on a tout simplement des échantillons au profil différent, mais j'irai voir l'entrevue, ça m'intéresse !


Active Member
May 31, 2018
The reason why I quit working at agencies a while back and just stick to a small amount of regulars is because of many and I mean many clients even Merb members who I have found out have been requesting BBFS. Like how stupid can you be to ask for this. I am sorry but the agencies do not do a sufficient enough blocking of these clients even with reports to Merb. Even asking for it should be a criminal offense in my opinion, just like stealthing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
25% increase in HIV??? This ain't among everybody.
Global statistics can definitely give a hint to whatever going on.

Global HIV & AIDS statistics — Fact sheetUNAIDS › resources › fact-sheet

  • Globally, median HIV prevalence among the adult population (ages 15-49) was 0.7%. However median prevalence was higher among key populations:
    • 2.5% among sex workers
    • 7.5% among gay men and other men who have sex with men
    • 5.0% among people who inject drugs
    • 10.3% among transgender persons
    • 1.4% among people in prisons.
Also the influx of people from High HIV countries to Low HIV countries can aggravate these statistics.
Immigration demographics can for sure affect this.

List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rateWikipedia
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
25% increase in HIV??? This ain't among everybody.
Global statistics can definitely give a hint to whatever going on.

Global HIV & AIDS statistics — Fact sheetUNAIDS › resources › fact-sheet

  • Globally, median HIV prevalence among the adult population (ages 15-49) was 0.7%. However median prevalence was higher among key populations:
    • 2.5% among sex workers
    • 7.5% among gay men and other men who have sex with men
    • 5.0% among people who inject drugs
    • 10.3% among transgender persons
    • 1.4% among people in prisons.
Also the influx of people from High HIV countries to Low HIV countries can aggravate these statistics.
Immigration demographics can for sure affect this.

List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rateWikipedia
In the CBC interview I heard, the doctor noted that the increase is mostly among gay men and people arriving from developing countries who just got tested (as part of requirement to emigrate to Canada). So tu as raison.

This isn't to suggest we should let our guard down, but if you're practicing safe coital sex your risk is low.

One of the many things I like about this board is that it's mostly populated with clear-headed people. Haven't visited it in years, but there's a SP board in the US with a bareback sex thread (or at least had). And they put "no judgments" or "no moralizing" in the thread header as if the people cautioning that bareback sex with people you don't know are the bigger problem! But hey, we live in a world of cause and effect. Just let me know who's raw dogging a bunch of different people so I can stay the fuck away!!
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