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How do after-hours get away with letting people smoke in their club?

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Porter --- mostly some very solid points there... It is beyond the height of hyporicy for people to complain about cigarette smoke when they drive around dumping TONS of Carbon Dioxide into the air with their cars. One SINGLE tank of gas creates more air pollution than YEARS of smoking. One year of average driving surely pollutes much more than a lifetime of smoking. Not to mention the massive destruction of the environment cause by extracting and refining oil (thousands of time more harmful that the production and processing of tobacco) and the unavoidable oil spills that ruin thousands of miles of coastlines around the world and kill millions of birds, fish and other wildlife.... If big tobacco could be sued for $200 Billion, then surely "big oil" owes us at least a couple trillion... and they have it.

Now excuse me while I buff my new "smoke free" Hummer...


Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
YouVantOption said:
Then what's the point? All of the blind pigs I've been to serve booze.

Angela's beside the old Station 10 served booze all night, to all comers. Including off-duty SQ and MUC coppers.

Kids these days! Worried about a little interference by John Law. Have we all become pussified?

After hours clubs have a lot more riding and lots more money invested than Angela's! :rolleyes: The fact that police has been dying to shut them down for any reason they can come up with might also not make it seem like a risk worth taking. Lol Have you ever seen Angela's shut down and everyone sent home at 4am because cops showed up, determined they were over capacity and considered a fire hazard? I don't think that's ever going to happen.. Angela's shutting down, that is. But I'm pretty sure they're well over capacity and a fire hazard many nights a week. ;)

The two can't even be compared. Not the same at all.

anon_vlad said:
What's wrong with the present solution of stepping outside for a smoke, getting a little fresh air and exercise and socializing with your fellow lepers?

That attitude is the problem right there IMHO. wow.

Your car fumes pollute my air, contribute to global warming and to killing my planet, and...

Do you think that helps my cause? Personally I think you would just think I'm an ass, and as a result completely miss the point I'm trying to make.

Porter said:
Nicely said..

This smoking thing has gone out of control!! However the real issue is that the quality of our air is going downhill. ANd this is not caused by smoking a butt.

For those that complain that smokers pollute their air, may I suggest that these people park their cars and take a bike or walk. I am also being forced to breath in that junk when I am walking DT..

Ooops and there you have it. This is what happens when I hit reply before getting to and reading page 2. Errrr.

Well.. I guess great minds think alike..?! LOL
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Kepler said:
Working in a coal mine is extremely dangerous. Yet some people choose to do so. I don't see why working in a smoking club is any different.
Let's see... What's the difference between working in a coal mine and smoking... Could it be the same difference between a fireman entering a building on fire and smoking? Or the difference between cops who risk their life and smoking? What can be that difference? Oh! Wait! I got it! The coal miner, the fireman and the cop all do this risky stuff because it's useful!

Now, can somebody explain the purpose of smoking in our society?

Cars do cause pollution, it's true, but they have a purpose. Smoking is useless and offers no positive to offset the negatives.


Mar 31, 2005
Now, can somebody explain the purpose of smoking in our society?

Cars do cause pollution, it's true, but they have a purpose. Smoking is useless and offers no positive to offset the negatives.

I see it is easier to sit back and judge the world and others as per our personal views.
Too often we tend to judge others that do not conform, in the case of cigarette smoking, I can even say that this as a small touch of bigotery..

Now do not go off being offended, its just that in our socierty we tend to critise those who are different and find excuses and reasons to persecute.. Sounds familar ???

For one cigarette smoking is as enjoyable has lighting up a spliff! Nicotine is a powerful narcotic, which also lends itself to relieving stress, anxiety and is helpful in stimulating brain activity. I find this very usefull when couple with caffiene...

Now before blame can be flung around, when I grew up, everyone in this country was a smoker, its was frowned upon you when refusing to light up, how things have not really changed!! 20 years ago you where a dick for not smoking, now your a dick if you smoke!!!

How about drinking!!!! How many die due to drunk drivers, or better yet how about gambling ??? Now that it is state owned it is legal, nice but how many families have been devasted by addiction of gambling..

ohh but the real reason why anyone does something, is because they can and are free to do so.

I would rather eat bread standing up than a steak on my knees ..


Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
metoo4 said:
Let's see... What's the difference between working in a coal mine and smoking... Could it be the same difference between a fireman entering a building on fire and smoking? Or the difference between cops who risk their life and smoking? What can be that difference? Oh! Wait! I got it! The coal miner, the fireman and the cop all do this risky stuff because it's useful!

Now, can somebody explain the purpose of smoking in our society?

Cars do cause pollution, it's true, but they have a purpose. Smoking is useless and offers no positive to offset the negatives.

I am sure that the tobacco farmers, tobacco companies, shareholders of tobacco companies, distributors of tobacco, manufacturers of related products, and sellers of tobacco and related products, and all of their families -- to name just a few, would be able to point out the purpose. The purpose for most of them is to make money, to support their livelyhoods.

Based on your logic anything that the supreme court (for example) considers "useless" should be banned if it is dangerous or hazardous to individuals, or the planet. What is the purpose of:

- a long drive in the country to clear your mind?
- a few trips up into the troposhere to do some skydiving
- extreme bike jumping
- shark feeding expeditions
etc etc etc...

At least three of the four things above are categorically more dangerous and likely to result in death, and at least three of the four harm the planet more.

And all four coud be considered useless and without a purpose greater than smoking...

Let me ask you, what is the use of a big gaz gulling truck driving up and down st. laurent blvd with a huge billboard on it. What is the purpose? To make money... and why mine for coal when other less dangerous (and less polluting) forms of energy exist? What is the purpose of selling food like marshmallows that have nothing good for you in them? Nothing but garbage? What purpose does eating a marshmallow acheive, which is more significant or greater than smoking Seem familiar?

Totally flawed line of reasoning...



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Porter, no offense taken at all but, you didn't gave any answer to my question.

I am not judging peoples, I'm stating facts and you didn't give me any valid argument to change my mind. I'm talking about the usefulness to society, not the egocentric pleasure to a single person. If egocentric pleasures to the detriment of society would prevail, we couldn't do much against anybody who does something we find unacceptable because that person gained pleasure at doing his action and we can't deny him the right to his own pleasure. Let's say.... murder? Ok, heavy but just to prove the point. Is that ok since the person enjoyed doing it?

Nicotine is a narcotic? Wow!! Tell me more!! :D

Smoking doesn't relieve stress or anxiety. The only stress relief it's having on peoples is giving them something else to do (holding a cigarette and puffing) rather than whatever was stressing them in the first place. My dad had replaced smoking with candies, some are chewing on pens. The only difference they experience is the one CHEMICAL ADDICTION to nicotine cause. Some peoples meditates instead of smoking and it works marvels! Nicotine cause the brain to slow down, constrict the blood vessels and AUGMENT the stress the body is experiencing. The "relaxing effect" is also caused by the lack of oxigen. It's like when a doctor put you under during an operation: it's not because you won't feel a think that he's not cutting you up, it only mask what's happening. The relaxing effect caused by nicotine is an illusion.

Smoking doesn't stimulate brain activity. Smoking prohibit oxigen from entering the blood stream, replacing it with CO2. A brain need oxigen to work so, when somebody smokes, the brain is actually starving a little for oxigen. Again the "increase brain activity" percived is due to the relaxation of having one's mind away from the problem at hand, allowing to see it in a different way when it's back in one's face.

I'm old enough to have lived the same as you did. Everyone in my entourage was a smoker when I was young. A bunch died of smoke-related disease (no overwheight peoples eating fast food 24-7 here, just normal peoples.)
Also, when I was young, seat belts in cars were never used, a good car was a car who could sustain a 30mph collision with minor dammages, I could't concieve a trip without me standing on the backseat of the car or bouncing all over the place. That's all now totally impossible and inacceptable. Are we worst because of this? I don't think so! That's called evolution and learning from our mistakes.

Drinking? One can drink as much as he like! As long as he's not driving and don't get im my face when he's drunk, I don't see a problem. Not that many peoples die of alchool consumption, it's the effects these peoples have on others that kill. Peoples do die of smoking and they affect peoples around them even if they stay 10 feets away from others. It's possible to have a few beers without having any negative impacts on others, it's impossible to do the same for a smoker.

Gambling? A COMPUSLIVE gambler affects only the ones he's related to, not any strangers he's around like a smoker does. And it's possible to gamble without affecting peoples around you. It is impossible, even for a light smoker, to smoke in public without affecting others.

All these are FACTS, they're not any type of judgments. Saying those who disagree are judgmental is kind of judgmental, don't you think? ;)

Ben Dover, all the tobacco farmers el al can farm something else easily. The planet is starving and the food production is going down. We need more crops to feed everybody. These tobacco fields can be used for a lot more.

Those "advertisement truck" should be banned. Now that's useless waste of energy and unacceptable pollution. Plus the road congestion and visual pollution!

A long ride in the country? There are parks around, buses, and I have 2 legs! Or I use my motorcycle if I can, or my 4 cylinder car!

Trips into the troposphere? Not many peoples doing so compared to the amount of smokers so we don't have a problem here, right? If only 100 or so peoples smoked in only let's say Montréal, we wouldn't have a problem either.

Extreme bike jumping? From where? And as long as it doesn't land on somebody's head, why should we care?

Shark feeding? As long as I'm not bait, I'm in! But the boat will pollutes. Same as the troposphere trip!

The marshmallows? Same! I don't get splashed by marshmallows and won't smell like shit when somebody eat some besides me. In fact, somebody could eat a case of marshmallows right next to me and, if I don't look, I won't notice! Try that with smoke!
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Did everyone forget the topic of this thread?

Hello all,

Let's not turn this thread into another discussion about the hazards of smoking or smokers' rights under the law. A question was asked and if you cannot post something directly related to it, please refrain from posting.

If someone wishes to continue the off-topic discussion start a new thread and I will move the related posts to it.

Back on topic please or this thread will be closed.

Mod 8


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
The answer to the main question is easy: They are "getting away with it". The clubs are not allowed to have smoking on their premises. Just as "full service" strip clubs are not allowed. They are breaking the law, but will eventually be caught and fined.

Maybe, for their first offence, they've calculated that paying the fine will be cheaper than losing customers.

metoo4 said:
Cars do cause pollution, it's true, but they have a purpose. Smoking is useless and offers no positive to offset the negatives.

Fine, I'll use another example: being a Grand Prix driver is a dangerous job. It pollutes. It is useless except to entertain (as smoking entertains smokers).

Lots of activities are "useless" and only serve to entertain us: Strip clubs, sky diving, pie eating contests, ... should they also be banned because they offer no positives?

Who are you to judge?

metoo4 said:
Not that many peoples die of alchool consumption,

"Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States (1) and is associated with multiple adverse health consequences, including liver cirrhosis, various cancers, unintentional injuries, and violence."
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
My own two cents...

Although I hate everything about smoking, I think like other activities that people should be allowed while restraining from doing it everywhere, all the time.

I don't want to critisize your quote Kepler but grandprix, sky diving, strip clubs or pie eating contests aren't costing much to the people through healt care and insurance policies.

Drinking does and this is a good comparison. Same as gambling.
Also history tell us what happens if you do a total ban.
It's worst than before.

Anyway laws aren't done really for justice. Yes they tend to be but seriously it is also a matter of how much you can control people and finance the gov. in place.
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