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How do you know when you are on a agencies favs list or sp or indy ?

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's

As i re read this thread i find it very disturbing that you won't take our word for just how special these escorts find us johns who pay them for sex even though we are old enough to be there fathers or grandfathers and we are paying them to be nice to us. So i am going to take one last shot at convincing you. These are two situations that have happened to me.

No.1 About 5 years ago i asked an escort for her phone number, old JJ wanted a little side action at a bit of a discount outside of the agency. She said why don't i get your number instead and i will call you instead of you calling me. Now that's 5 years ago and i have not heard back from her yet but just the thought that she may someday call me, makes me feel so special.

No.2 Earlier this summer i asked an escort if she would meet me for a couple of drinks outside of the room off the clock and she said sure, let's meet on the rooftop of the montagne. I said but babe that place has been demolished and she said i know but you never know they could rebuild it. So i said if they do,are you are going to keep your word and meet me and she said of course i will. When she left i had a tear rolling down my cheek because i was so happy that i had become such good friends with this escort in such a short amount of time and i can honestly say that her and i made a true connection. I hope this convinces you that this has nothing to do with money, that what happens inside and outside of the room is all real.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Visit site
I know that agencies keep lists and even some independents too. I don't know if all of them do it though. A well-known incall agency does it for sure. I know, because when i saw now of their super popular girl for the 2nd time, she said the following as soon as i walked in : "Oh, i was so happy when I heard you were coming"!!!
Meanwhile, I had said nothing to the booker, and I had made NO reference that I have ever dealt with him before.

It was just basics:
"What time is she available? OK, cool, i will be there".

I really don't like this practice, and to be honest, it has slowed me down in the past couple of years.

Another very popular indy babe definitely keeps lists, because she showed me her cell phone once and keeps all of our numbers. She even started dropping guys' names to me, when I hadn't even asked her. Like, she started sharing some MERB handles with me, and then telling me their real names in conversation.
For example, she would say in French : "Oh yeah, "AndersonXXX" always sees me once a week, but i don't mind because he's a nice guy that Gaeatan".

Definitely not cool.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
If they keep a "Favorites List", they must keep an "Asshole/ Shit List".
Hi all
Obviously agencies have a" shit list" the SP too and merb also, they just call it differently .Sticky thread banned members .
For safety of the girls and all good clients a beware list must exist ,there is undesirable clients out there ?
Guys are not all cool !Sadly
Warmest Regards

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
People seem to put a lot of importance on whether or not they are on a 'favorite' list of sps/agencies they hire.

I mean, deep down....who cares???

You pay them money for a fantasy. If they make you feel better about yourself, great! If you get your money's worth, even better! Isn't what this is really should be all about?? As long as both parties are satisfied with the outcome of the business transaction, that's what counts, right? ;)

Personally, it doesn't bother me one bit where i stand on an agency or escort's "favorite" list. I chose to pay escorts & agencies for a service. If that 'service' was rendered to my satisfaction, super! Sure, it costs money to have services rendered by others. But as long as it continues to be fun & i'm enjoying myself, i see no reason to change my spending habits. As long as my budget allows it, of course. ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The question is when do you know ?
Not do you care ?
If you are on favs list do have a better service?
If you have a good service it is good and not need to bother !
Best Regards


Sep 12, 2013
People seem to put a lot of importance on whether or not they are on a 'favorite' list of sps/agencies they hire.

I mean, deep down....who cares???

You pay them money for a fantasy. If they make you feel better about yourself, great! If you get your money's worth, even better! Isn't what this is really should be all about?? As long as both parties are satisfied with the outcome of the business transaction, that's what counts, right? ;)

Personally, it doesn't bother me one bit where i stand on an agency or escort's "favorite" list. I chose to pay escorts & agencies for a service. If that 'service' was rendered to my satisfaction, super! Sure, it costs money to have services rendered by others. But as long as it continues to be fun & i'm enjoying myself, i see no reason to change my spending habits. As long as my budget allows it, of course. ;)

confusion reigns now. did u not earlier espouse how you are on asome escort agency fav or private member list? if u don't care then why would u even mention this? was there an misinterpretation your a previous post of yours where you beat your chest how some escort gave you half the money back because she had such a great time? again if you don't care what they think why mention this.

in this post u exclaim that if an sp makes you feel better about yourself, great. how could someone who ur paying money to be with with u, achieve this emotional eqilibrium? is paying money such an achievement?


Jul 18, 2014
I guess what we are trying to get at here is how BLOATED, Egocentric, and how FULL OF SHIT, many hobbyists on this board really are. Its not a Favorites list, its called a fuckin SUCKER list. The reviews on this board are not at all about the girls they are PAYING, but of THEMSELVES, the HOBBYIST who has somehow achieved legendary status by PAYING an PAYING to have sex with girls who are in a sense our daughters and granddaughters.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I guess what we are trying to get at here is how BLOATED, Egocentric, and how FULL OF SHIT, many hobbyists on this board really are. Its not a Favorites list, its called a fuckin SUCKER list. The reviews on this board are not at all about the girls they are PAYING, but of THEMSELVES, the HOBBYIST who has somehow achieved legendary status by PAYING an PAYING to have sex with girls who are in a sense our daughters and granddaughters.
Is that the way you feel about yourself ?:confused:
The question was ask for fun !:lol: Where is the fun here ?
I was a booker for 20 years I had fun ,so obviously we should have fun has clients and even more because we are paying !
I am sorry that you feel so negative about a fantasy and fantasm world !
In the escort world everything is stage and if you can't have fun why continue ?
I am having fun with the girls ,the fun is real ,the rest ,well I am paying for the fantasy !:D
Good luck with your suckers list


Jul 18, 2014
Is that the way you feel about yourself ?:confused:
The question was ask for fun !:lol: Where is the fun here ?
I was a booker for 20 years I had fun ,so obviously we should have fun has clients and even more because we are paying !
I am sorry that you feel so negative about a fantasy and fantasm world !
In the escort world everything is stage and if you can't have fun why continue ?
I am having fun with the girls ,the fun is real ,the rest ,well I am paying for the fantasy !:D
Good luck with your suckers list

bookers , your post makes no sense. iIts a fantasy ? no, its prostitution !! Fantasy is something you dream about, Prostitution is very real. As a former booker, why don't you explain to everyone what really goes on. Thats if you were actually a former Booker that is, or maybe thats fantasy also.

Yes, having sex with young girls is FUN, but lets keep things in perspective here.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
When the girls tell you that you are a VIP. This can happen if you use an agency many times for extended period of time. Doe that mean they like you. Could be. You're a nice guy that brings nice revenue... that's what all busnesses want.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I guess what we are trying to get at here is how BLOATED, Egocentric, and how FULL OF SHIT, many hobbyists on this board really are. Its not a Favorites list, its called a fuckin SUCKER list. The reviews on this board are not at all about the girls they are PAYING, but of THEMSELVES, the HOBBYIST who has somehow achieved legendary status by PAYING an PAYING to have sex with girls who are in a sense our daughters and granddaughters.

Are you trying to say that some of the stuff on the board may not be accurate, that it just may be made up. I take issue with that because 99% of what is written on the board is dead accurate. These johns would never exaggerate just to feed there own egos, no no, take my word for it, they are above that. If you read it, it must have happened.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
bookers , your post makes no sense. iIts a fantasy ? no, its prostitution !! Fantasy is something you dream about, Prostitution is very real. As a former booker, why don't you explain to everyone what really goes on. Thats if you were actually a former Booker that is, or maybe thats fantasy also.

Yes, having sex with young girls is FUN, but lets keep things in perspective here.
HaHa ! :lol: Being a Booker or should we say Pimp to please your ego !I was a Pimp ,I made peace with conscience long time ago !Prostitution fantasy fantasm what ever word you will be using as long as we have the same definition and we understand what we are talking about ,I am ok with it ,
If you are not having fun, why insist to continue and avoid the real question ?
What really goes on ?Meaning what exactly ?Consenting adult cannot have fun without supervision ?
What is your perspective exactly ?
So when you meet a young a girl its not a fantasy but prostitution ? Have you thought of being a Preacher instead of having a merb handle ?
Good Luck with your sucker list :thumb:


Sep 12, 2013
Is that the way you feel about yourself ?:confused:
The question was ask for fun !:lol: Where is the fun here ?
I was a booker for 20 years I had fun ,so obviously we should have fun has clients and even more because we are paying !
I am sorry that you feel so negative about a fantasy and fantasm world !
In the escort world everything is stage and if you can't have fun why continue ?
I am having fun with the girls ,the fun is real ,the rest ,well I am paying for the fantasy !:D

Good luck with your suckers list

where did c36 express that it was not fun or that the fantasy or fantasm as u say was in some way negative for him?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I guess what we are trying to get at here is how BLOATED, Egocentric, and how FULL OF SHIT, many hobbyists on this board really are. Its not a Favorites list, its called a fuckin SUCKER list. The reviews on this board are not at all about the girls they are PAYING, but of THEMSELVES, the HOBBYIST who has somehow achieved legendary status by PAYING an PAYING to have sex with girls who are in a sense our daughters and granddaughters.
Hopefully you are not serious Poolguy ,is he expressing happiness and satisfaction in his statement here ?
a fuckin SUCKER list.
I do like this positive statement !:lol:

where did c36 express that it was not fun or that the fantasy or fantasm as u say was in some way negative for him?
Do you have anything positive to say ?
how FULL OF SHIT, many hobbyists on this board really are
Do you feel complimented in a positive way here Poolguy ?:confused:Because many, might include everyone but him ?
Any how if you want to debate something create a thread ,this thread is about How do you know when you are on a agencies favs list or sp or indy ?
Are you ?
Hobby is about pleasures and fun with the ladies ! I do have it ,I am happy !
Hopefully you will too
Just be happy
Warmest Regards


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
It s all bullshit fav lists and shit lists
With money u can go from shit to fav in minutes...
Nothing is real in this world
Even the actors dont know they r acting johns and sps all mix up roles
Everybody living their fantasy until they r tired of it and go back to their life
Some opinions here are too academic for me...
It is obviouly a business about money ,but that means we should not enjoy it?
Like I have said everything is stage ,would you prefer a SP servicing you saying I have a Head ache or whatever ache she wants ,or a great GFE experience so you can live a fantasy and fantasm even if they aren't real but we can live them for the memories !
Certain moment can be memorable its a question of perception !
Good hobbying to all

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Call me naive but i have to side with my fellow posters and say that poolguy and c36 are dead wrong in this thread. After all this is the internet who would lie or exaggerate on an anonymous sex board just to pad there own ego. When johns say that the escort was really,really,really into them and they are really good friends with all the escorts they pay for sex i take them at their word. Poolguy and c36 are new to the board and they probably don't have the experience that some of the savvy veterans who post do and they have yet to realize that the escorts that we pay to have sex with us can't help themselves, they just fall in love with us.

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