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How long should a banning last?

How long should a fixed-length suspension last?

  • The stated length of the suspension.

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • Less then the stated length when the Mods known the "suspendee" has reformed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less then length stated if:attacks Board,unreformed,suspended b4,and will disrupt Board harmony.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
When bans should never be lifted...

On the April of GOF thread, some idiot posted her real first name. Here is where I htink members should be banned for good and I agree with this statement:

doux_jasmin said:
Franchement je ne vois pas le but de dire le vrai nom d une fille sur le board , c'est assez déplacé et ça devrait etre une raison pour banir ....C'est fille la , tout comme nous ne veulent pas criere sur tout les toits ce qu'elles font dans la vie... c'est dailleurs pour cette raison que beaucoup d entre elles ne montrent pas leur visage sur leur profil !!!!

No matter what, any personal info on anyone should be strictly condemned on any public board and anyone who violates this rule should get a lifetime ban.:mad:



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Board History

Reading this thread made me recall a thread started on this board nearly three years ago.

The aformentionned thread ran for over 200 posts expressing outrage at the judicial system and great concern for the safety and well-being of citizens everywhere. To date, none of the stated fears have materialized. Off course society saw to it that no one was in a position to goad, provoke, antagonize or in any way impact the decision made by the judicial system.

Today the story seems to be long forgotten.

The basic lesson that is evolving from this thread is that certain members are not willing to support the decision made by the mod(s). Not clear if the decision was made by one mod or the mods collectively. Regardless it is a decision that took courage and deserves our respect by working towards having the decision producing a positive outcome.

There is a troubling aspect to this thread. It is a prelude to vigilante action and board anarchy. The motives of some of the posters are very transparent and their past actions are well known. Simply there is an obligation to make the decision taken by the mod(s) work positively. Anything less is insufficient.


Apr 20, 2004
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General Gonad said:
In case I need to remind you, you are not a Mod so do not tell me what to do.:mad:


Mods, a typical example. Here's his confrontational reply to a request not to hijack from another member. Now, I'm just complaining about the "hijack" and confrontational nature of his replies. I was not attacking him as a person.
Last edited:


Apr 20, 2004
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eastender said:
There is a troubling aspect to this thread. It is a prelude to vigilante action and board anarchy. The motives of some of the posters are very transparent and their past actions are well known. Simply there is an obligation to make the decision taken by the mod(s) work positively. Anything less is insufficient.

One lonely voice reproaching the majority of posters in this thread to be "anarchy". Never mind how long, how many times a person has to be banned for many of the members to warn that his action has been destructive for the harmony of the board?

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
eastender said:
There is a troubling aspect to this thread. It is a prelude to vigilante action and board anarchy. The motives of some of the posters are very transparent and their past actions are well known. Simply there is an obligation to make the decision taken by the mod(s) work positively. Anything less is insufficient.

Why can't it just simply be " Mod 5 you made a mistake on this one" ?

Anarchy sounds a tad overly dramatic don't you think ? If anything the constant changing of rules or terms is more indicative of anarchy. Most of the opinions expressed have been quite civilized.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Maxima and everyone else,

I have been giving GG a bit of extra leeway in his replies for the simple fact that since his return he has been the subject of almost non stop attack and criticism. How would any one of you feel if upon your return from a suspension almost the entire focus of the board was turned towards yourself? Other members have returned from their suspensions in the last little while with nary a notice paid to them. But everyone has to make a big deal about this one particular case.

This has gone on long enough. It's time to get back to regular board business. We do not have the time to continue monitoring threads based on this subject and I am rapidly running out of patience. The decision has been made to lift GG's suspension and it will stand.

Seeing as this thread just will not get back on subject:


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