I think we should change gfe for friend with benefit !!!
I remember long time ago ...2002 it was late and I found this agency still open. Went to the apartment, they surprisingly showed me all the girls , 6 off them and I took the blonde hand ! That was a great encounter, physical emotional great! At the end just before leaving she asked me why I choose her and I said because she had the most beautiful smile and we kissed passionately! I got scared that was the first time I kissed an sp and when I got down the stairs I was asking myself why I was not running up again kiss her again . I was madly in love with her ... Took me a while before seeing another sp !
I had my best moment with sp when they where more a friend than a gfe . Someone who you can talk too, email stupid photos on how to distinguish a female lobster or inside the ghostbusters mobile ! Sorry
It's much easier sentimentality to have a friend to cuddle than obsessing over a sp .
A courtisane should not be your girlfriend but more a fuck friend that you can have all kinds of fun but not seeing yourself spending you're life with !
So no more gfe but friend with benefit much more discreet and fun !
Can watch hockey and fuck at the same time !!!
I remember long time ago ...2002 it was late and I found this agency still open. Went to the apartment, they surprisingly showed me all the girls , 6 off them and I took the blonde hand ! That was a great encounter, physical emotional great! At the end just before leaving she asked me why I choose her and I said because she had the most beautiful smile and we kissed passionately! I got scared that was the first time I kissed an sp and when I got down the stairs I was asking myself why I was not running up again kiss her again . I was madly in love with her ... Took me a while before seeing another sp !
I had my best moment with sp when they where more a friend than a gfe . Someone who you can talk too, email stupid photos on how to distinguish a female lobster or inside the ghostbusters mobile ! Sorry
It's much easier sentimentality to have a friend to cuddle than obsessing over a sp .
A courtisane should not be your girlfriend but more a fuck friend that you can have all kinds of fun but not seeing yourself spending you're life with !
So no more gfe but friend with benefit much more discreet and fun !
Can watch hockey and fuck at the same time !!!