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How many girls read their reviews and why are they not allowed to be members?


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
This is a question, not an accusation or bashing in any way. I would like to know if there are SPs that read their reviews? I had asked Lexxy/Lexxi about this and she says she cannot be a member so she does not read them unless I show her on my own account when I am with her. My question is why should they not be allowed to be a member if it is in her best interest to be one.
Let me explain, let's say an SP is new, the reviews could be a great resource on what she is doing right or doing wrong to improve her services. Even "older" SPs could learn a thing or two about what their clients like or not.
As I said this is just a question, I am not here to debate how good or bad an idea it is. I understand that shilling could be an issue, but can they not make a new type of account that limits what they can/cannot post in?

Anyhow, have a great New Year, everyone!


Fred Zed

Mar 11, 2003
My question is why should they not be allowed to be a member if it is in her best interest to be one.

Any lady can join MERB, but unless they've a paid ad they can't promote themselves.

Lily from Montreal

We do read them...we cannot reply to the reviews but you can be sure that we read them...and can be member...not even need to advertise but it is easier because when a girl is just a member the line is very easy to cross between chatting and promotion.
That's why you will see more indies active in the forum,the agency girls do not manage the agency handle and I would surmise that the profile of a agency girl does not fit a girl who will be proactive managing her image ,she has the agency doing it for her...


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Now I'm confused :confused:

Over the years , I have read more than one sp comment on a review about her....

I remember more than one in the last year ...

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Not true Mitsou

I just found it very easily

And I remember other instances as well

Best Regards



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think it is tolerated up to a certain point. (And IMHO it has to be)
I've seen it many times from SP to defend some important issues or false accusations.
I've seen it mostly from Indies (Not advertisers on merb) and less frequently from SP working for agencies (Advertisers or not).

I remember this thread about "TIP or not to TIP a sp" where AriannaBanana or AriannaXXX did participate very much...


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I am sure that the moderator approved these posts, as they are still there

They all involved a slightly different view of things once the poster was confronted by the provider

Best Regards


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i can tell you that some SPs i know do read there reviews.

Even myself sometimes i have a hard time remembering i can't promote with this handle because its all new to me. I try to minimalize talking about the agency i work for because i always fear to slept one without being able. Its sad tough cause i can recomand a girl i saw elsewhere as a client, but i can't recomand one of my girls... but oh well... Bureaucratie... lol


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They do it, but they're not supposed to. Rule #13 in Merb Rules:

Providers are not allowed to reply in review threads. If a provider who is a MERB advertiser feels a need to reply in a review thread, it is preferable to first contact a moderator to have the post approved. One reply might be granted, at the moderator's discretion, as long as the reply is polite, direct to the point, precise and contain no publicity. Any post by a provider in a review thread, that was not approved by a moderator, risk getting deleted without further notice.

This rule goes back to several years ago when an agency SP, no longer working in Montreal, was reviewed badly (I think it was her first bad review), and she responded viciously with an attack on the reviewer's looks, behavior and hygiene which was savage, detailed, and unsparing to his feelings. I somewhat admired the absolutely raw, unedited emotion of these posts, but the Mods deleted them. The rule came shortly after this episode. Not many on the board saw the posts that caused the rule change, but I did. I had a disagreement with the Mods on that, and there was a long debate about it, which I lost.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i do agree that the SPs should not be able to reply to reviews like the one you mentioned above. Most of us that see SPs are either old, fat or a combination of both, and its just too easy to down us if they want to. Or they could even make everything up. The fact is, one bad review won't change 5 pages of good reviews. But one SP post about a dude could torn his reputation. The agency can always reply on part of the girl.

Fred Zed

Mar 11, 2003
They do it, but they're not supposed to. Rule #13 in Merb Rules:

Providers are not allowed to reply in review threads. If a provider who is a MERB advertiser feels a need to reply in a review thread, it is preferable to first contact a moderator to have the post approved. One reply might be granted, at the moderator's discretion, as long as the reply is polite, direct to the point, precise and contain no publicity. Any post by a provider in a review thread, that was not approved by a moderator, risk getting deleted without further notice.

Providers can respond as long as it's to correct factual errors in the review or other inaccurate information. As long as as the response is not confrontational or promotional the Mod will likely let is stand.
In the case of agency sps only the agency can post on the sp's behalf.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Of course I read my reviews! They are fun, it's like reading Penthouse letters, except I'm in them. ;)

I've also posted reviews on my website, as I think it helps to promote my services.

I do think that indys and agencies need to have the opportunity to respond when inaccurate information has been posted, in order to set the record straight. Allowing errors and misconceptions to stand uncorrected could mislead others and potentially damage a provider's reputation. However personal attacks from either side should not be allowed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That sounds fun. Did you happen to save the review of the reviewer?

The posts were only up for about an hour or so before the Mod deleted them and I did not save the exchange. As I recall, there was a scathing, sarcastic rebuttal of the original review, a relatively mild response from the reviewer, and then yet another scathing retort by the SP. It was an agency SP, who is no longer around. I think the original review might have been allowed to remain. It was in the SP's review thread and it was the 1st negative review she received after 4 or 5 very good ones. There was nothing really unusual about the review, but the SP seemed to feel that the guy was disgusting hygienically and looks wise, and that impacted her service, and she said so rather harshly and bluntly. I have been on MERB since its inception in 2003 and in all those years I do not remember an SP ever ripping one particular poster who had reviewed her as happened on this particular occasion. There was a highly offended and personal tone to the SP's posts. This was a classic "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" situation.

There was thereafter a lengthy board debate about the Moderator deletions, which led to the subsequent enactment of the rule Sidney LaFlamme mentioned. It was mainly yours truly who fueled that debate because the posts were deleted before most other MERB members saw them. I just happened to be coincidentally logged in to MERB when all this shit was flying.

The Moderator position on the deletions was that allowing those kinds of scathing retorts from SPs would chill guys from posting reviews. In other words guys do not need to hear that they are ugly, gross losers who have to pay for sex in any great detail.

This happened back in 2009 or 2010. I think 2010, if I were to guess. I have seen a lot since I have been on MERB, but I remember this history extremely well. The SP in question worked for Eleganza and is no longer there. The reviewer is not someone who posted very much, and I do not believe he intended to do anything other than describe what he felt was a sub-par session for him. He also admitted in one of his replies that the personal shots the SP had taken at him describing in detail parts of his body were in fact his body parts, thereby confirming that this encounter actually happened.
Last edited:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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For the very reasons you mentioned, I lobbied the Mods to leave all posts up, deleting only the personal insults hurled by the SP. The Mods disagreed with me. I think that if all the posts were left up there was more info as to YMMV factors affecting service. I still feel the same way. On the other hand the Mods made good points as to the other side of the issue: not allowing counter-posts that actually could or would discourage the posting of reviews.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
What i meant was that if a client bad review an SP, it would be easy for her to put the negative in front of him if she want "revenge" for the bad review. Its like sometimes i see guys rate girls like they where a pizza or a movie and it annoys me. She was a little too chubby, her teeth where not perfectly aligned, she had this, she had that... almost like they forget its an human they are talking to, a girl who provide a service they could never get in real life. I mean who would i be to comment on an SP body when i am myself fat?.

And i know from true facts that it hurt the girls when they see there review and a guy rate there face a "7.5/10" , they think whats wrong with my face?

And yes they are aware they are gonna get clients that are not attractive, but they tried there best to service them and give them a good time, then these guys come here and start to rate the girl like a piece of meat... i really have trouble with that.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I read the reviews about my encounters.

That's always very interesting to read the feedback of a gentleman.
Very more often, I got the feedback in private, but one way or another, that's nice to know that I am appreciated and that I made a man happy. :angel:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Rating a person in numeric form is a simple means of communication.

Numbers give an idea of you level of satisfaction but by themselves they don't explain why or what exactly is good/bad, so they are never as useful as words. To make an analogy, when I choose a movie, I look at the scores, but I am more interested in the written comments, because there are some with very low scores that I love and some very highly rated ones that I find not that interesting. And when you do a homework in school, your grade is just a number but the most useful are the comments from the corrector so you know what you did wrong or especially well.

Of course, not everyone likes to write long reviews and think about the best adjectives, and people are free to give their feedback in any form they want. If I was an escort I would not find numbers offensive as such; we use numbers to compare the performance and merits of all kinds of people in life, but a nicely written review is more rewarding.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well this is me, but again i understand numbers to review a movie, a video game, even a meal at some point. But rating numbers for a an intimate encounter with a perso, who gave her body to you to explore your fantasm is just... awkward. Thats how i see it. Whats a 6/10 for face for exemple... it may hurt a girls view of herself, when if you would had just said "she was pretty, but not the best looking girl i ever saw" it would had look a lot better.

Anyway, maybe im too sentimental but oh well...
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