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How many girls read their reviews and why are they not allowed to be members?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Whats a 6/10 for face for exemple... it may hurt a girls view of herself, when if you would had just said "she was pretty, but not the best looking girl i ever saw" it would had look a lot better.

Anyway, maybe im too sentimental but oh well...

I don't think you are too sentimental, you are just being considerate and showing that you care about the feelings of the girls.

However, reviews and ratings are part of this business, and a girl needs to be self-confident enough to be able to handle both.

I do agree that the numbers are vague if they aren't accompanied by an explanation of what they mean to the reviewer. On another board I am reviewed on, number ratings are mandatory as part of the reviews, but each number is associated with a description of what that number represents. On a board like merb, where the reviews are free-form, a number rating that isn't qualified by a description is much less meaningful.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2011
In french their is a saying - « Messieurs, il y a deux histoires : l’histoire officielle, menteuse, puis l’histoire secrète où sont les véritables causes des événements… » , which translate " their are two stories to every story , the truth and the lie " , this was writte by Honoré de Balzac a french writer. I think every one should have the right to post and reply to all SP or client comments , with respect , merb is a open board for comments
I personnsally think thier is sometimes , some very negative comments written, and we forget real fast , that what an SP does , is not a walk in the park , and reversly I am sure that their some clients that are real assholes , that post stupidities , and it goes both way in both cases .
Having had the pleasure of going out with an SP , and living together for more than a year , I know how they feel , and maybe makes me more sympathetic , but respect in all cases from both sides will make all encouters more enjoyable - regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Whats a 6/10 for face for exemple... it may hurt a girls view of herself, when if you would had just said "she was pretty, but not the best looking girl i ever saw" it would had look a lot better.

TER gives a scale for looks from 1-10. Each number has a descriptor so 6/10 face would be nice. She has a nice face. If I wrote 6 for a girls face it would be like saying she was just OK.

I just logged onto TER and here is their scale. this is for overall appearance.

1 - I was really scared
2 - Ugly
3 - Homely
4 - OK if you are drunk
5 - Plain
6 - nice
7 - attractive
8 - really Hot
9 - Model Material
10 - Once in a lifetime

I know for fact that girls read their reviews. The topic of MERB has come up after sessions. We have had discussions about their reviews I have even had a few girls contact me via PM after I wrote reviews.

incidentally, I have noticed that there is quite a contrast between MERB and ISG in this regard. I have heard from other ISG members that the number one rule is not to mention ISG to an SP. In MERB we seem to be less guarded about our handles.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Of course SP read their reviews ,some act on it and they do appreciate the good reviews.
I have met many SP this year and second time,I met them they spoke to me about there review and its like Tiannas said its little like reading a Penthouse or Hustler but you are part of the action !
I prefer a well explained review then the numbers one but everyone has is own views on it !




Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
I tried using the number scale system... I don't rely like it either.

I find trying to rate Service, attitude, looks, body, face etc etc on a scale of 1-10 very difficult. And I don't mean its a very challenging math problem... It's just so subjective!

In my opinion, I'm not going to argue with myself whether the performance was a 1 or a 2, when both numbers represent "crappy performance". If I had a number scale it would be 1-5.

1- Bad or not attractive (May generate a bad review)
2- Mediocre (No Repeat)
3- Standard
4- Good
5- Excellent (Numbers here would generate a repeat)

Thats just me. But like others have stated, the numbers are meaningless in reality due to the subjectivity of the client... and what he/ she may find attractive. I personally enjoy reading a well written, detailed review.

As of late I have tried to use a more organized method of writing the review that includes key factors that other members seem to care about, based on reading other reviews.... minus the numbers. It actually helps me write a more accurate review of my experience.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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As far as a number system to rate the ladies I am of two minds regarding this. On one hand if you are the type of guy who has dated or is married to a 200lb ugly mean tempered person anyone out there would get a 9/10 for looks and service. On the other hand if you have dated or are married to or in a relationship with a model type your definition of a 9/10 will be quite different. A rating system is really subjective. I can remember being in a strip club and not being able to figure out why guys would want to spend time with the fat ugly women ;) but have with experience come to realize that we all have different tastes, thank god. Could you imagine a world where we all looked the same :( I would personally like to see a fellow give me a comparison when speaking of looks, she looks like Katy Perry, or she look like Ginette Reno and can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, as an example


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Regarding number ratings:
One of the great features of TER is that you can click on a reviewers history and you can get a sense for the range of number ratings that a hobbyist typically gives an SP. Some hobbyists rate girls consistently higher than other hobbyists. If you are lucky you can see how a hobbyist rated a girl that you have seen too. EB and I had a discussion about this one time. It's a long story but he said I have a track record of rating SP's higher than some other hobbyist in question. I argued that I see mostly highly reviewed girls and I use back channel information while the other hobbyist was seeing a lot of 100$/15 per minute Backpage girls. The interesting thing that I noticed was that hobbyists that review Montreal girls on TER consistently rate Montreal girls a unit above girls from other parts of North America. This is especially true when comparing price. The number ratings are great because you can search >7 for looks and > 7 for performance in a particular area and you can eliminate all the fakes and rip-offs and ugly girls etc. Then you have to read the reviews. I kind of wish we could do this on MERB.

I tell you I am glad that the girls do not chime in on the review forum. Years ago I was part of a forum in the Southern United States. The girls were allowed to contribute to their reviews and often did. It was always "Thank you sweetie" or "I enjoyed myself too handsome." You didn't dare submit a negative review or the girls would slam the hobbyist about his hygiene . It was a bunch of crap. While we are the ones paying we should be the ones rating.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I would agree that the TER has a much better standaization for rating, and the review as well. I would also like to see that on MERB.

And it makes searching easier and more accurate.

Is TER not a "subscription" service? I mean, i like reading reviews, i like participating in the forums, but i wouldn't paid 10$ a month or more for that... Maybe a one time fee of 20$ i could live with that, but im sure its much more ...

In any case personally i already said what i think of the numeral system... its subjective anyway... so you will never get the "truth" per say, and a lady seeing she get a 7 could be very disapointed when she is a very good looking one, but somebody judged her just a 7... I was talking porn with my buddy tonight, and he mentioned Krissy Lynn and Chanel Preston as top choices for him... Krissy Lynn barely do it for me, and Chanel is just a random average brunette... I mean yes i would do them if they offered me sex... but would i had to choose a pornstar, there would be a lot more girls before them. But to him... they where top picks. I mentioned Priya Rai and how i like her, he said she does not do it at all for him...

So everything is relative... Numbers are not really usefull, i prefer the read the description and pick him the stuff i consider annoying. For exemple did she got text messages a lot during the session, or answering them... did she got to the bathroom a few times, did something awkward happened... that is the kinda stuff wich is usefull to me in a review... comportement over look anytime. Of course if 80% of the girls reviewing her says she has a very ordinary look... then i guess it must be true... but those are always very second to me.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Men are more sensitive and knee jerk when it comes to criticism.

WTF have you been smoking? You never been married or long time girlfriend? Women remember and bring up nonissue shit from years ago and they are still pissed about it. Perhaps the most vindictive creatures on the planet next to crows.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Why bring back a post from 5 years ago? What I’ve noticed though is a very inconsistent application of the rules regarding SPs that reply to their review threads.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Yup it’s been proven that crows recognize human faces and have a great memory. Don’t know if they hold grudges though lol
As for women being more vindictive than men ? I simply love and adore women and there loving and caring nature.But they definitely do have a darker side and can hold grudges .Us men argue and say nasty things to each other but many times without actually really meaning them ,,,Plenty of times I’ve argued with male friends but then it’s water under the bridge and all is forgotten.A woman will almost never forget if you ever wronged her no matter how much time has gone by . Even for things that might seem trivial and unimportant for us guys. Given the chance they could and will bring it up again lol . Lucky for us though they also remember all the good things we have done aswell.

But yea women can definitely be equally as ruthless as men if not more so
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned , or offended ...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I don’t know about*vengeful, but crows are at any rate notoriously able to hold a grudge. There’s a quite famous study where some crows were captured on a university campus (U. of Washington), by people wearing masks; and after being subsequently released, these crows did not forget their erstwhile tormentors. Anyone who walked the campus wearing a mask used by someone who had troubled crows would be scolded and harrassed. (Nor was it a matter of crows reacting to masks in general: they ignored people with masks they didn’t recognise.) Even after a year had passed since a certain mask had been worn, the crows still remembered and recognised it as an enemy.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Yup interesting study STN . To recognize and remember there tormentors . Birds are much more intelligent than we give them credit for.

And crows in particular sound like angry birds . I’ll be careful and alert around them . :)
Now imagine if eagles had the same trait as crows , they be dangerous.
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