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How many ladies do you see in a month and how much do you spend a month on your hobby

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
I gamble, smoke tobacco and weed and do not have a girlfriend. Only one life to live boys so make the most of it because how I am now in my 50's is a blur to me, time really does pass quickly. Like Doggylover, I have a 6 figure income so with no wife/kids, 2 a week at 1 hour fits nicely into my budget while not depriving myself of anything. I simply made a lifestyle decision about 10 years ago that I was done with relationships. I don't regret it but it's not for everyone. When I had a girlfriend, I would easily spend 10-20k a year on trips, gifts, dinners etc so the 15-20k/year on hobbying doesn't really impact me much and I have been saving for that rainy day the past 25 years. I've been blessed to earn enough money that within limits I can do what I want when I want. I may regret all this when I get into my 70's alone (if I make it that long,lol) and I certainly miss certain aspects of a relationship beyond the physical but for now I'm happy in my place in the world and have met some beautiful, sexy and charming young women along the way.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If i round it off over an entire year, i estimate an average of 1 per month max.

In my heyday, it was an average of 3 per month minimum.

Time flies. We get wiser. Sex isn't as important as it once was. Hobbying becomes stale and isn't as fun anymore. It's like a drug. The best effects you'll get from a drug is the first few times you use it. Afterwards, it slowly loses its effect and potency. Personal health also has a lot to do with it. The older we get, we are not as healthy as we once were and many of us aren't in as good physical condition as we once were. Having sex is great when you're in good shape and have good stamina. When you are not, it sucks and paying for sex seems more like a waste of money. I've been lazy and fat in the past and trust me hobbying wasn't that much fun. But when i'd eventually get motivated (thanks to this) and start hitting the gym again and be more careful about what i eat and drink, sex and hobbying would be great again! Also, people develop new interests and their lifestyles change over time. In other words, i still hobby because i still enjoy visiting Montreal once in a while. Montreal makes me hobby and not the other way around.

Currently i'm on a mission, a mission i haven't been on in nearly three years. It's a mission to get in great shape again in order to enjoy my summer whenever i happen to be in Montreal. I want to once again become a lean, mean, muscular sex machine! :eyebrows:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Currently i'm on a mission, a mission i haven't been on in nearly three years. It's a mission to get in great shape again in order to enjoy my summer whenever i happen to be in Montreal. I want to once again become a lean, mean, muscular sex machine! :eyebrows:

Ya man! Me too! Last October in Toronto I had a session with an amazing young asian girl who liked me a lot. We had an out of this world session that I simply could not keep up!! My heart beat went trought the roof and I had to stop in fear of a heart attack! Since then I am too on a mission to be again a lean mean machine :)

Pyjama Guy you are so right! Yes SP cost a lot but a relationnship will cost much more. And a divorce even more! Mine cost me about 150k as I left my share of the house to my ex so she could have a decent living. I find it funny to think about that, when I am not crying ;)


New Member
Apr 6, 2016
I am new here, never book someone, still affraid to make the move :p . But with my budget, I can go with 3 times per month, maybe 2 if I book for more than 1 hour. Funny thing is this hobby is very less expensive then my other one, when I was very addict to video games. Glad I am not there anymore, beacause gaming is very expensive when you have 2 consoles and a gaming PC plus membership to pay for some MMOs.


New Member
Jun 24, 2015
Hey guys just wondering are you still speeding the same on your favorite hobby. For me it's about $600 a week. But I feel that the good quality ladies have become more.scarce.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I've been lazy and fat in the past and trust me hobbying wasn't that much fun.

Ain't that the truth.

A few years ago I was with a really nice lady, gorgeous, and our room had a big mirror. She looked so good and I looked...not so good.

But like you, I'm working on it. For their sake as well as my own LOL

I used to see someone once a week, for maybe twenty years or more. Sometimes one on Friday, one on Saturday. Maybe that was too much, it became routine, no big deal. Now it is less frequent, but I really appreciate it, the experience and the anticipation.
A really special night with a great lady that you remember months later, that's infinitely better than a hundred forgettable one hour sessions.

More is not better. Better is better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I haven't been hobbying a lot lately because I'm starting to save up for my future.

Once my finances are aligned again, I usually try to aim for 3 SPs per month. Budget would be around 600

However I have found myself sometimes saving up for a couple of months to go on a rampage lol
I got a bonus from work and man was that one of the best months of my life


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
Mostly massage w/he and a spurge once in a while. About once a week, total ~ $500/mo.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
More is not better. Better is better.

I learnt that the hard way. I would add more expensive is not always(probably never lol) better.
Now with some top notch SP's I have probably 1-3 sessions a week. Would like to have more sessions especially with one lady but she is getting harder and harder to see. I wish her the best.

Toucan Sam

New Member
Nov 29, 2010
I would add more expensive is not always(probably never lol) better.

The best way to get ( good ) bang for your buck is to go to places you have found good value. I also find that for the most part the reviews are pretty accurate and saves me a lot of time and money.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Of course, fills u with soul

She told me about you :) With a lady like her, you can certainly reduce the number of girl you see in a month. I already did actually since I met her. That said, I will most probably not be able to see her again until June... And then very rarely. I will have to resort to have some fantasy with other girls here and there. But deep down it's her I would have been with in the first place :)


p.s. Helirage I hope you read this because you are pretty much the only one that can understand what the fuck I am writing about haha
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Lily of Canada , interesting remark. Number one I do not have a cat or dog but a silly little parakeet. She is very cute and i enjoy talking for hours on end about my silly little parakeet. Usually the SP I'm with goes into a profond coma of boredom and then wakes up startled to find out I'm still rattling along about my bird, usually starts screaming and runs out of the room stark naked.
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