Montreal Escorts

How much does the agency usually get?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am with you Sir William... At more then 220 or max 240 I am out. Never met a girl truly worth it. Ok ok Sonia who I saw twice at 300) ;) Still I will not repeat.

Girl should adjust their price like uber or airline company. When they can hardly book 1 call a day in january why not bring the price back to 180, 200?
When it's crazy busy go up to 260 or so? This way tourist will pay high price and us local will benefit from low season. Makes sense to me... no???



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
While Jalimon and Sir Williams posts make a lot of sense I am afraid I agree more with the Nature Boy.

I have never seen an agency girl yet, ( I might make an exception for Heaven) so I am not really concerned with how much the agency keeps, and if any of the ladies are not happy with their arrangement they can always go Indy.
Agencies must be reasonable if they want to attract the cream of the crop.

As far as how much is it worth to me, well I look at my ATF and every time I see this gorgeous woman she is worth every dollar and then some.
She is worth her rate, the tips , the gifts, she literally nursed me back from a sad state when I lost my wife.
It took me a long time to contact this lady and it was probably the best thing I ever did.
This lady has been so incredible that it is impossible to put a price on it.
I see other Indy’s also and they have all been fabulous women and I have never regretted the price I have paid yet.

Obviously we all have a budget and I am not overjoyed when ladies raise their prices, but we have choices, and sometimes it is very difficult to put a price on something or someone.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Very good points from both a business and marketing perspective!! Bravo Sir William as you are spot on!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

there are quite a few agency girls who provide stellar service @ $220/hour. Don’t count them out, Ayesha and The old Elena from XO were spectacular. Lucia @ vogue is amazing too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I am sure you are right there must be a reason why 3/4 of the agencies that advertise here are so popular with you guys.
Most of the best Indy’s started out in agencies.

I guess with me it is because it took me nearly five years to finally pick one and after going through so many web sights, both Indy and agencies and photographs I kept going back to the same woman.
I could never have imagined my luck as I have been seeing her ever since, it really is like seeing the best girlfriend ever without any of the hassles. I have never had to wait for her for a minute, she goes out of her way to make each occasion fabulous.
I never imagined an escort could be so kind and giving. I have lost count a long time ago how many times I have seen her and it is never enough.

I have had great sessions so far with all the indies I have seen and I like the direct communication, both before and after, it somehow feels cold and so business like going through a booker, yeah I know in the end it is a business transaction for a service, I am not that naive.

We are all different, at my age I have lived my life. Seeing different women every few weeks is not really what I want. I like seeing the same gorgeous women or woman with the occasional new one and knowing that I will have an incredible time.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Merci pour votre commentaire, Sir William!

Mais pourquoi pensez-vous qu'il est important d'éviter les escortes qui changent d'agences?

Sont-elles les plus susceptibles d'être des "princesses"?

D'accord avec toi ici. Le fait qu'une fille change d'agence a peu d'importance.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

i paid a little extra for Lola the brat. First, I paid extra to have her come to me based on my availability, it was outside her agency hours. She was worth every fuckin penny n I had no issues tipping. I’d do it all again if need be. She gave a supreme GFE + experience and was open to a couple extras. Didn’t duck aaaaannny responsibilities. There are girls who are worth it. But I don’t think the OP was questioning the worth of providers in your market. I provide a service, obviously it’s not escorting, but I’m well educated, worked my ass off to get where I am and will ask in the private sector exactly how much I think I’m worth. If people wanna go elsewhere, that’s cool too. I’m certainly not gonna ask for a little extra for doin a half ass job.

What the OP is saying is when providers duck duties and provide substandard service and then ask for additional compensation on top of what their asking rate is. That’s kinda fucked. I do think it’s an issue

I am not sure I get your point.

basically what I was saying was...

1. You will get absolute amazing stellar service with some girl in the 300 an hour or more market. But you may get screwed too. Still chance are much much higher you will not.

2. Like you wrote there are plenty of girl providing stellar service in the 200/220 range

3. and my most important point... Why not adjusting the price to the demand? I have been around. I know at some period of the year girl hardly get any booking per day. Why not going with pricing elasticity? We are in 2019 we are more then ready for that ;) And that might help stellar girl like Sonia to ask even more then she does.. Why not?


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
basically what I was saying was...

1. You will get absolute amazing stellar service with some girl in the 300 an hour or more market. But you may get screwed too. Still chance are much much higher you will not.

3. and my most important point...adjusting the price to the demand? I know at some period of the year girl hardly get any booking per day. Why not going with pricing elasticity? We are in 2019 we are more then ready for that ;) And that might help stellar girl like Sonia to ask even more then she does.. Why not?

Cheers, I get it. Kudos for the clarification

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
C'est drôle comment quelqu'un qui connaît autant commence soudainement à écrire des commentaires avec un nouveau compte Mai 2019 de 3 posts.
Tu décris bien un système d'une agence outcall mais tu veux boycotter quoi exactement?

The Blue is down and they need somewhere to post.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
and my most important point... Why not adjusting the price to the demand? . . . . Why not going with pricing elasticity?

I thought about that too, Jalimon. Wouldn't a lady want to be earning rather than sitting around during low seasons, and earn higher rates when demand is sky high in the summers. But for the Agencies that provide incall services, their operating costs remain the same even in the dead of winters -- they still have to pay rent for the incall condos.

I don't know the math but perhaps both the Agency owner and the ladies (who are independent contractors) can adjust the "split" during slow times. I'm sure something can be worked out -- January and February are tough times for everyone when those credit cards bills come due for the Christmas shopping we all do. The local Clients too experience cash crunches during the winters so it would help them to see more escorts if the rates were slightly lower then.

Hotel rates are lower and plane tickets are less expensive in the winters, which combined with possibly lower rates in Hobbyland may actually encourage more Johns (from abroad and other Canadian provinces) to come to Montreal to see some of their favorite SP's.

Sir William -- Her Majesty the Queen, together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, encourage abstinence because it's free. Stay away from beautiful ladies, SP's and non-SP's, in Montreal and you will amass a huge fortune for retirement. Like XO said, do your research.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Merci pour votre commentaire, Sir William!

Mais pourquoi pensez-vous qu'il est important d'éviter les escortes qui changent d'agences?

Sont-elles les plus susceptibles d'être des "princesses"?

Elles changent d'agence pour faire plus ou parce qu'elles ne roulent pas à cause de mauvais commentaires et changent de nom.

Généralement la princesseté sans royaume, sans chateau ou sans sujets augmente graduellement avec le temps... C'est difficille de faire autrement et normal en quelque sorte...

Sir William

May 22, 2019
C'est drôle comment quelqu'un qui connaît autant commence soudainement à écrire des commentaires avec un nouveau compte Mai 2019 de 3 posts.
Tu décris bien un système d'une agence outcall mais tu veux boycotter quoi exactement?

Je suis hobbyiste depuis les escortes à $80 et les annonces dans le journal de Montréal. 20 ou 25 ans j'imagine. Déjà eu des agences. Trop occupé pour publier, sauf que deux fils de discussions m'ont fait prendre le temps.

La rémunération d'une escorte est négociée par le propriétaire. Ce que les agences paient vont en fonction de l'expérience et de la demande. C'est à l'escorte de renégocier donc je ne comprends pas les commentaires de cas fort probablement exceptionnels cités.

Ce que je boycotte c'est les agences qui prennent continuellement les devants pour augmenter les prix dans le marché et du même fait espérer attirer les escortes qui ont des bon commentaires des autres agences. Le marché est passé de $200 à $220 il y a pas longtemps. La raison de l'augmentation n'est pas d'offrir un meilleur service ou expérience au client elle est juste de faire plus d'argent. Comme si avec une moyenne de 15 escortes par jour vous n'en faites pas assez! De plus augmenter ou payer plus une escorte à tendance à éventuellement diminuer la qualité du service qu'elle offre.

Les meilleures expériences que j'ai vécu ne sont pas avec les agences qui se font la compétition quant au nombre d'escortes qu'elles ont par jour. Le système va à l'encontre de l'expérience client. Ce que malheureusement ces agences font c'est augmenter le prix du marché et forcer les autres agences que j’utilise à suivre.

Pour moi c'est clair. C'est pas une agence qui va me dicter le prix du marché. Je boycotte et ne prends jamais de rendez vous avec des escortes à plus de $220 et j'invite tous les hobbyistes à faire pareil. Quand une escorte à plus de $220 fait 1 appel par jour elle reste pas à ce prix là longtemps.

C’est déjà beaucoup trop cher pour jouer aux fesses. Le $60 000 par année c'est pour un ménage Québecois le salaire moyen d'un Québecois est de $40 000 donc sans faire de gros calculs il faut que le Québecois moyen travaille 18 heures ou 1080 minutes pour moins de 50 minutes de foufounes. C’est déjà complètement ridicule et hors proportion. Et vous en voulez plus!

J’ai inclus dans ce lien les statistiques de revenu Québec du revenu total des particuliers de 2017:

Je ne cogne pas sur les casseroles, je ne fait que citer des faits. C'est certain que vous allez prêcher pour votre paroisse en écrivant que le hobby c'est un luxe. Malheureusement c'est beaucoup trop souvent à un prix de luxe sans le service de luxe ;)

L'augmentatiion des tarifs n'est que de l’abus pur et simple non justifié. Elle est pour nulle autre raison que de faire plus d’argent. Ce n’est pas pour offrir une meilleure expérience client ou meilleure valeur rajoutée…

Certains commerces pensent que c’est eux qui dictent les prix du marché et les clients ont tendance à les croire. En réalité c’est les clients qui dictent les prix.

Bon je retourne dans mon man cave pour un autre bout. @+


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sir William -- Her Majesty the Queen, together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, encourage abstinence because it's free. Stay away from beautiful ladies, SP's and non-SP's, in Montreal and you will amass a huge fortune for retirement. Like XO said, do your research.

And the duke of edinburgh my friend ;) Haha you almost made pee in my pants haha

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
From what I have read the same people who on the past said ot is the owners/girls right to charge what they want and Montreal has the best prices all the sudden flipped and figure they can be better managers of their ventures.... Interesting.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Ahhhh. The price of pussy
They can charge what they want.
If you choose to boycott a certain price level. That is your choice. You might get lucky and find a cheap gem. You could also be unlucky. Get robbed, get bad service or worst.
Or you could pay the piper, get a pretty sure thing and leave happy about 80% of the time.
All this for an extra 20-40$ out of pocket
Escorts are a luxury
Order a burger at mcdonalds. You’ll fill your belly with lots of salt and bread
Order it at QDC. Your mouth will be filled with senses you did not know you had.
Life is about making choices. Everyone is free to make their own.
Sir william; Do not dictate it to others

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ What he said


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
So what IS the bottom line then, aside from 'it varies'? With a typical outcall from an agency running $200 - $220 wish, how much of that does the lady get to pocket at end of night, assuming no upchages applied for greek, cim, or other ... can anyone enlighten with accurate knowledge as opposed to simple speculation?


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
So what IS the bottom line then, aside from 'it varies'? With a typical outcall from an agency running $200 - $220 wish, how much of that does the lady get to pocket at end of night, assuming no upchages applied for greek, cim, or other ... can anyone enlighten with accurate knowledge as opposed to simple speculation?

Why not just ask the ladies?
I don’t think this needs to be shared. It makes no difference. If someone asked you your salary. Would you divulge it? In surveys. It’s a bracket
This bracket is 60-80$
There you go


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just a tidbit. If you are a fan of Cupids in Toronto (i.e. you are too lazy to do incall) their prices are going up today +50$/hour to 350$/hour. The rumor is that the girls will get 20$/hour and the agency will get 30$/hour. But rest assured, the 30$ will be reinvested into the ladies. They will get self defense classes and a pamphlet on how to be a better escort plus the driver will have goody bags with thing like tampons etc. The word on Twitter by the agency owner is that the price will jump up again to 400$/hour Jan 1st.
Toronto Escorts