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How much enhancement do you prefer and the one's you hate ?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
The title of the thread uses the word enhancement yet the first post changes the word to fake, fake fake, fake.
Why would anyone look for fake? It is like those guys who can't afford a Lamborghini, so they make a copy with a camry engine or people buying fake watches or fake louis vuitton bags(Even if they're the ugliest thing to ever exist). The idea is to make people think there is something real behind it, a poor man's satisfaction over the potential cause of envy from others, that is quite ugly by itself, quite mediocre. "Fake" tells you a lot about a person man or woman.

I have dated women with natural big breasts and I realized they have some confidence that just comes natural, something gracious not exaggerated by any means. It carries you away as if the woman you're with hypnotized you without even trying. I have never felt that with a woman who had breasts implants. I feel they tried to patch something that made them feel inferior to others. Thus, the "enhanced" body part becomes the main witness of their sorrow.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The title of the thread uses the word enhancement yet the first post changes the word to fake, fake fake, fake

Do you have any suggestion ?I do believe in this context enhance and fake are semantic words

Why would anyone look for fake?

Great question wrong forum ,where everyone is either looking for a fake girlfriend experience or offering it !and have fun with fake !




New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Do you have any suggestion ?I do believe in this context enhance and fake are semantic words .
Great question wrong forum ,where everyone is looking for a fake girlfriend experience !and have fun with fake !
I don't have any suggestion, I think that "Fake" is appropriate. I was just noticing the transition.
There is nothing fake in having sex with a prostitute. As for trying to find love and comfort in the arms of a prostitute...I won't comment.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I don't have any suggestion, I think that "Fake" is appropriate. I was just noticing the transition.
There is nothing fake in having sex with a prostitute. As for trying to find love and comfort in the arms of a prostitute...I won't comment.

Well we are in agreement then ?
There is nothing fake in having sex with a prostitute!.
I agree the physical portion of sex is real !

As for the rest it's called adult entertainment




Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Enhanced boobs, enhanced lips and anything else thats fake !

I like many here have had the opportunity to see SP's that have gone under the knife to have their boobs done or have had injections in their lips and god know what else they do. Women seem to have more body issues than men and I believe they think having these procedures makes them more desirable.

I thought it might be appropriate to open a discussion on this topic and have your opinions voiced. I for one am not a fan of the fake boobs. In every case where I have met with someone who has had them done there seems to be a lack of sensitivity and hence foreplay does little for the girl. Lips, damn they look ridiculous ! Some feel quite good but others are as hard as rocks and unnatural. I was going to post this as a poll but thought it would be more interesting to hear your opinions

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You already know my opinion :p counting the days

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
I've oftened wondered about this myself.

Such women are already very attractive, at least in the agency world I frequent, and such "enhancements" do not, IMHO, make them even more attractive.

To each his/her own desire, but ...

Who are such enhancements for?

Do men really enjoy them or do they just strike most of us as incongruous?

Or is this mostly something SPs do for themselves, perhaps, as the OP says, to address their own "body issues"?

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
I've actually discussed this with a few SPs ....

One told me that some men like fake boobs because of the "fantasy" element involved, as if those men were engaged in an online game ....

Another, who was considering a boob job, and asked my opinion, said, naively, "Well, won't they feel the same to you afterwards?" No, not at all ... they feel ... artificial. I want a real, flesh & blood woman.

Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I am torn. If you are Jennifer for example or if you are Alicia from Montreal GFE or Chelsea from Euphoria you don't don't get them. If you sag after child birth or maybe if you are flat and you want some curves maybe you consider them.

I just get mad when gifted girls try to mess with mother nature. MTLGFE had a girl that showed up with Alicia for a 3sum. She took her bra off and apologized. She said "I have banana tits" and acted embarrassed. This was the best part of her game IMHO. We need to be honest and the girl needs to be honest with herself. Surgeons are not honest. They have bills to pay.

I like big tits. I don't care if they are fake or real. I don't want them hard and have scars and to look like plastic. I love and prefer a nice natural B cup like Jennifer (I use her because she is such a good example). I like perfume and make-up and lip gloss...the right amount. Sometimes some tattoos like a lower back makes a girl look wicked. Who doesn't want to sin with a wicked girl? So sometimes that is enough.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Why is sagging alwayyysssss linked to child birth :( One of the reasons I'll get mine done tbh.

Most women who get surgery do it for themselves. Most men prefer natural anyways. I dont know a lot of people who would go through surgery if it wasnt for their own self in the first place :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That is just an example of a good reason to get them done. Yes, some women have naturally saggy breasts. Get em done them if that is what you want. Yes, you do it because that is what you want and not anyone else. Men say they don't like implants but if they were being honest (which is hard for us to do sometimes) they will tell you they prefer natural even if they are saggy. Ignore these comments. They are lying. Just select a competent surgeon and have natural looking tits done but anticipate that many women, over time, will experience scar tissue build up around the implant that will make them rock hard to the touch. It is called "Capsular Contracture." Men do not like that. I am not sure if this has anything to do with a surgeons competence but ask about it. It happens.


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I have spent years reading about the procedure and the risks and everything. A capsular contracture can be avoided and is something I'm willing to live with if it ever happens, as long as my boobs look better (to me) than they do now when looking in the mirror :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Julia Sky,

I seen your selfies of your boobs and they are beautiful. I do not think you need implants. But it is your body so if you want to then do it.


New Member
Nov 24, 2010
I wonder if anyone else has encountered the early 80s baseball tits? These were done exclusively for looks only and actually felt like baseballs sewn under the skin. Any enhancement should look at least natural.
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