The title of the thread uses the word enhancement yet the first post changes the word to fake, fake fake, fake.
Why would anyone look for fake? It is like those guys who can't afford a Lamborghini, so they make a copy with a camry engine or people buying fake watches or fake louis vuitton bags(Even if they're the ugliest thing to ever exist). The idea is to make people think there is something real behind it, a poor man's satisfaction over the potential cause of envy from others, that is quite ugly by itself, quite mediocre. "Fake" tells you a lot about a person man or woman.
I have dated women with natural big breasts and I realized they have some confidence that just comes natural, something gracious not exaggerated by any means. It carries you away as if the woman you're with hypnotized you without even trying. I have never felt that with a woman who had breasts implants. I feel they tried to patch something that made them feel inferior to others. Thus, the "enhanced" body part becomes the main witness of their sorrow.
Why would anyone look for fake? It is like those guys who can't afford a Lamborghini, so they make a copy with a camry engine or people buying fake watches or fake louis vuitton bags(Even if they're the ugliest thing to ever exist). The idea is to make people think there is something real behind it, a poor man's satisfaction over the potential cause of envy from others, that is quite ugly by itself, quite mediocre. "Fake" tells you a lot about a person man or woman.
I have dated women with natural big breasts and I realized they have some confidence that just comes natural, something gracious not exaggerated by any means. It carries you away as if the woman you're with hypnotized you without even trying. I have never felt that with a woman who had breasts implants. I feel they tried to patch something that made them feel inferior to others. Thus, the "enhanced" body part becomes the main witness of their sorrow.