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how much is the risk of DFK?


Oct 20, 2009
I know there's always risk. But how much is it for DFK, FK......tounge contact things.....? how much is the chance I could get something worse than a flu?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
DON'T DO IT ! Roland. In other words...don't kiss (since even friends, women, kiss and may not know what the other has been doing) or have sex with anyone. The perfect answer. :rolleyes:

Can you get an STD from kissing???

Although mucous membranes exist in the mouth as in the genitals, many STIs seem to be easier to transmit through oral sex than through deep kissing. According to a safe sex chart, many infections that are easily transmitted from the mouth to the genitals or from the genitals to the mouth, are much harder to transmit from one mouth to another.[4] With HIV, genital fluids happen to contain much more of the pathogen than saliva. Some infections labeled as STIs can be transmitted by direct skin contact. Herpes simplex and HPV are both examples. KSHV, on the other hand, may be transmitted by deep-kissing but also when saliva is used as a sexual lubricant.

HSV1 and kissing

In general, the chance is low--think how many people kiss others and how ofthe that happens, and how few of those events result in herpes transmisison. As you suggest, if one person is infected and the other isn't, the odds are higher with french kissing than less intimate forms of kissing; and the odds would be higher if the infected person had recently acquired infection compared with chronic infection. It isn't known whether the transmission risk is higher from symptomatic lesions vs asymptomatic shedding. (For genital HSV-2, there is littleLittle noses decongestant
Little tummys or no difference). might be higher when overt lesions are present (but maybe not); and so on. About half the population is infected, meaning there is a 50:50 chance you already have HSV-1 yourself--in which case, your chance of getting a new HSV-1 infection is virtually zero, even if exposed.

The risk of STD transmission by oral contact with breast (or any other skin surface other than the genitals) must be just about zero. In 30 years of working in a busy STD clinic, I have never seen or heard of a case. In distant decades, once in a while a baby would get syphilis from a non-maternal wet nurse.

Good luck-- HHH, MD

Try googling... "Oral Sex" or "Kissing" and "STDs" and doing some research.

One example:

Good luck,

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
This was way tooo easy.
Next time I return, I want a challenge.

And be nice and protect the babes.There is too much stuff out there.
H1N1 :(
Ya don't have to DFK them to impress em..

Buy em chocolate instead !

Bye now,



Roland...cute. Nice dodge. This reminds me of the "Just Say No" campaign. It's a good solution considering the problem, but it does absolutely nothing to answer the point of the question itself, and absolutely fails to deal with the reality of what people are doing.


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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Have to quote before it changes again.I left out the nonsense.

Its the simple message that's important.

H1N1 is right around the corner, along with the other gawd knows stuff.

This stuff will get transmitted by DFK.

The SP's are not your girl friends, wives or mistresses.

How could you really know their history, or even more important. could they really know the client's ?


H1N1 gets transmitted without even touching the infected person, so saying someone should avoid DFK makes it sound falsely like a cure, and dangerously misleading when this specific sort of contact is only likely to account for a minuscule percentage of transmission amounting to less than 1%. Evidence shows that like the Flu you just have to touch something the infected person has touched long after he or she is gone.

"Nonsense" "buy em chocolate instead" is a serious viable medical answer from an intelligent person???...LOL! :rolleyes:

So the SP is not your girlfriend, wife, or mistress. DUH! The real problem might be more likely to be your real girlfriend, wife, or mistress. Since human beings are often touchy feely through handshakes, hugs, or kisses like the traditional French greeting, those sociable people in your circles of friends and family may probably be more likely to pass something on to you because of the frequency of contact and friendly exchanges multiplied by the fact that your friends have friends...have friends...have friends...on and on. And then there are jo contacts...whew. So who are you kidding. But go ahead and "buy em all chocolate instead". :rolleyes::D

Are you posting just to knock the hobby or be helpful...Roland.


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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Depends on your point-of-view:

Is Herpes worse than the flu?

It is possible to contract certain STI’s from kissing such as Herpes from kissing but with most Std’s the chances are pretty slim, but still existent.

On the other hand you cannot get AIDS or gonorrhea or most other "serious" STI from kissing.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, kissing is a low risk activity.


PS: having cold sores is having herpes: cold sores are just a nicer way to describe it but it is really one and the same.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Roland, I copied your original post elsewhere and just compared them. All you did was underline parts of what Merlot quoted, nothing more.

What you outlined was originally said BY SOMEBODY ELSE and quoted BY MERLOT. I fail to see in this quote YOUR arguments since you didn't even bother to comment on what you underlined.

Maybe if you bothered making your first post of this thread worth something instead of a useless dramatic post, things would have stayed simple.

If you don't like the way we moderate the board, you know what to do.

I'm putting the lid on this discussion as far as you and Merlot are concerned. Unless you two have something new and useful to contribute, you are done in this thread. It's now time to leave other people say what they have to say.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Speaking for myself, the biggest risk for me until now was being told that i was a lousy kisser. I don't think i am. I actually am fairly certain that i'm a great kisser. However, just being told that i'm a lousy kisser might just blow my bubble & depress the hell out of me.

Actually, now that i thought about it further, the biggest risk for me when it comes to dfk was risking falling in love with my fellow kisser. I mean, when it's supposed to be wham, bam, thank you ma'am & you wind up falling in love with the kissing partner who's being paid big bucks to kiss you, things are getting fairly desperate, don't ya think?

Anyways, the answer to your question....i don't have one. There are risks in everything we do, so i'm sure there are risks. My guess is that it's risker to dfk a pussy as opposed to a mouth, but who knows. Right?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Speaking for myself, the biggest risk for me until now was being told that i was a lousy kisser. I don't think i am. I actually am fairly certain that i'm a great kisser. However, just being told that i'm a lousy kisser might just blow my bubble & depress the hell out of me.

Actually, now that i thought about it further, the biggest risk for me when it comes to dfk was risking falling in love with my fellow kisser. I mean, when it's supposed to be wham, bam, thank you ma'am & you wind up falling in love with the kissing partner who's being paid big bucks to kiss you, things are getting fairly desperate, don't ya think?

Anyways, the answer to your question....i don't have one. There are risks in everything we do, so i'm sure there are risks. My guess is that it's risker to dfk a pussy as opposed to a mouth, but who knows. Right?

Agreed Doc,

You are so right about the real risks here. When you think about risks from DFK there the small risk of STDs and the greater risk of being overwhelmed by passion leading to all sorts of deep complications. I've never had any consequences from DFK that were medical. They were all emotional. That can be far harder to deal with and the effect much longer and deeper than any STD. Beware.

Depends on your point-of-view:

Is Herpes worse than the flu?

It is possible to contract certain STI’s from kissing such as Herpes from kissing but with most Std’s the chances are pretty slim, but still existent.

On the other hand you cannot get AIDS or gonorrhea or most other "serious" STI from kissing.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, kissing is a low risk activity.


On the other hand, according to the reading I did in response to this thread, and my own doctor, Ronnie is accurate. The chances of catching an STD from kissing of any sort is SLIM!


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New Member
Nov 16, 2009
What the heck...

I dont mean any disrespect toward's the girls, but seriously, just thinking of having a deep french kiss with an SP is disgusting to me...with even a small ammount of imagination, anyone who ever participated in the hobby will understand what i mean :cool:

To answer the question, OF COURSE there is risk of catching something when you french kiss a girl, there is risk of catching something when your body is touching the girl's body, there is risk in everything sexual with any girl you will encouter in bed.

I think the risk is much much higher when meeting an escort though, its just logical and its no use to deny it. ANd frenchkissing a GFE must be a lot riskier too...she is with a lot of men every day, providing GFE service...i mean its OBVIOUSLY risky of cathcing something...

If you are not ready to risk catching something, dont fuck and even more, dont see SP's, if you want to reduce risk to a minimum, dont frenchkiss em, hell i dont even let them touch my dick whitout a condom on.

Its just sex after all, it has nothing to do with a relationship....this is not what they are there for, they may fake it but man, a fake relationship is not a relationship. When i go to see an SP, i will be nice to her, i will be respectfull and i am not faking the respect i give them, but i am there to have a good fuck, dont need to french kiss them for that.

I understand other people might see things in a different way, but doing some GFE stuff with the escorts is exactly why our hobby is so dangerous. If no girls provided that, having sex with an SP would probably be safer then getting a girl in a club.

Why take a useless risk anyway's...i just dont get it...:cool:
Agreed Doc,

You are so right about the real risks here. When you think about risks from DFK there the small risk of STDs and the greater risk of being overwhelmed by passion leading to all sorts of deep complications. I've never had any consequences from DFK that were medical. They were all emotional. That can be far harder to deal with and the effect much longer and deeper than any STD. Beware.

On the other hand, according to the reading I did in response to this thread, and my own doctor, Ronnie is accurate. The chances of catching an STD from kissing of any sort is SLIM!



Not if it's HSV2 (genital herpes) Dr.Portnoy says " women of ages 30-50 have it in their mouth and don't even know it" hes the so called guru of microbiology & infectious diseases at the JGH. He specializes in Genital Herpes and other STDs.
This is the easiest transmittable STD orally speaking according to him. I won't quote the percentage of women he estimates who have it in their mouth...too hard to believe!

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New Member
Jan 13, 2010
I'm getting dizzy by reading this thread. All of you are intelligent folks and I do respect each of your opinions. I like to stay as safe as possible so I'll do the following:

1. No DFK
2. Use Rubber for BJ & Intercourse.
3. Avoid giving Oral Sex or get square of latex (just cut condom) for barrier

Any thoughts friends.....


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I dont mean any disrespect toward's the girls, but seriously, just thinking of having a deep french kiss with an SP is disgusting to me...with even a small ammount of imagination, anyone who ever participated in the hobby will understand what i mean :cool:

To answer the question, OF COURSE there is risk of catching something when you french kiss a girl, there is risk of catching something when your body is touching the girl's body, there is risk in everything sexual with any girl you will encouter in bed.

I think the risk is much much higher when meeting an escort though, its just logical and its no use to deny it. ANd frenchkissing a GFE must be a lot riskier too...she is with a lot of men every day, providing GFE service...i mean its OBVIOUSLY risky of cathcing something...

If you are not ready to risk catching something, dont fuck and even more, dont see SP's, if you want to reduce risk to a minimum, dont frenchkiss em, hell i dont even let them touch my dick whitout a condom on.

Its just sex after all, it has nothing to do with a relationship....this is not what they are there for, they may fake it but man, a fake relationship is not a relationship. When i go to see an SP, i will be nice to her, i will be respectfull and i am not faking the respect i give them, but i am there to have a good fuck, dont need to french kiss them for that.

I understand other people might see things in a different way, but doing some GFE stuff with the escorts is exactly why our hobby is so dangerous. If no girls provided that, having sex with an SP would probably be safer then getting a girl in a club.

Why take a useless risk anyway's...i just dont get it...:cool:

Hello FAS,

Considering all of this it's a wonder that the ladies have sex with us at all. They must look at us and the demand by so many clients for so-called GFE or PSE service and say, yikes, these guys are seeing dozens or hundreds of women and they push for every service imaginable...including bareback full service. How disgusting. So considering the perspective from both sides it's amazing there is a hobby at all. Why does the hobby exist? Yearnings and needs have over-riden more rational instincts.


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