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Howard Stern

Vismund Cygnus

The real Fat Jesus
May 17, 2005
In a glamour shot studio
Darcy said:
English radio in Montreal is unbelievably bland!

True that.The guys at work keep listening to MIX 96 and they have some of the boring and insipid announcers.Makes me glad i spent most of my time away from the radio but when i'm around i get an earful of dumb crap.

You could say the same about french radio as well...screw that.Radio is terrible in general, same music, same hosts and the same old borefests everyday.That's why i avoid it as much as possible.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Gee said:
I believe what really did him in was when he quite deliberately and explecitely insulted quebec as a whole.

I don't remember too well what he had said since it was a long while ago but it was definately aimed at us directly.

personaly I am glad he was taken off our airwaves, I don't care much for censorship, I feel it's pointless but at the same time that man is just an asshole who makes a living off of being an asshole.

If I want to listen to assholes I will go to the restroom of a mexican restaurant on bean night.

I find that in general french Quebecers are very able and willing to take potshots at anyone they want, especially the english, on french radio stations. They are exactly the opposite when anything is aimed at them. When it comes from english radio or press they are very thin skinned. It becomes a great insult, a humiliation, that they either refuse, or are unable, to see any humor in. I listen to french stations as much as english ones and attacks against the english language are very common. The word fuck is also used with impunity on french stations whereas on an english one it would lead to numerous complaints. If you want a good insight into Howard Stern, watch the movie Private Parts. You will realize that he is just an adolescent who has never had to grow up and was able to get rich because of it. Anyone who takes him seriously has a real problem. The guy used to have Ku Klux Klan movie reviews for Christ's sake! If someone feels insulted by Howard they should really get that chip off their shoulder. If you want a reason to complain about a radio program listen to Dr.Laura sometimes if you can find her on the dial somewhere. Now that's a person with some serious problems.:D

Life is too short to worry about what other people think of you. And in the immortal words of Bowser and Blue....fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Gee said:
I believe what really did him in was when he quite deliberately and explecitely insulted quebec as a whole.

I don't remember too well what he had said since it was a long while ago but it was definately aimed at us directly.

personaly I am glad he was taken off our airwaves, I don't care much for censorship, I feel it's pointless but at the same time that man is just an asshole who makes a living off of being an asshole.

If I want to listen to assholes I will go to the restroom of a mexican restaurant on bean night.

Get your facts straight...don't just pontificate and think knowone will figure it out that you don't know what you are talking about.

A- He did not insult the people of Quebec...

B- If you don't remember what was said then how can you be sure it was aimed at us?

C- You're glad he was taken off the don't like it therefore I am not entitled to enjoy it? I'm glad I am in a much higher snack bracket than you and am willing to pay for the things in life that bring me us satellite radio.

And definitely Not Mexican food.


May 30, 2005
Lusty pig ,

Je me souviens exactement ce que Stern a dis a propos des francais . Le crtc a eu plusieurs plaintes contre chom qui avais stern sur les ondes et ils ont été forcé de l'enlever . Moi je l'écoutais par ce que c'est de l'entertainement et je voulais toujours savoir ce qu'il aurais fait apres ...

Maintenant je l'ecoutes sur le net mais c'est pas la même chose .


Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Howard Stern.
Diaper humor, talking about farts, shit, piss, assholes.
Good for 8 to 12 year old boys.
I guess some 20 something or 40 something guys get into that.

His "clash with authority" has more to do with problems between mother & son than with overthrowing a government.

Plus I don't like his stupid responses. When he is insulted by someone he will say "yeah but I'm rich and you're poor".


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Regardless of liking him or not, I would still like to be able to decide on my own if I want to listen to him or not - Thanks CRTC but I'm a big boy! To all of those people who were so greatly offended PRESS ONE OF THE LITTLE BUTTONS ON YOUR RADIO AND IT WILL CHANGE THE CHANNEL.:eek:

Oh ya don't want to turn this into a CRTC rant because I would never stop BUT I would also like to be able to choose to watch football on FOX or Global - I want SuperBowl commercials! I hate the CRTC!


Active Member
Jan 18, 2005
Techman said:
If you want a reason to complain about a radio program listen to Dr.Laura sometimes if you can find her on the dial somewhere. Now that's a person with some serious problems.:D

Dr. Laura_____now there is someone who I really find offensive with her holier-than-thou attitude and the way she belittles people who don't share her views or call her show admitting to having done something or other. She has a completely black and white view of the world and doesn't tolerate anyone who doesn't share her views. Howard Stern plays the part of a buffoon, and does it well. It's people like Dr. Laura on the airwaves who are really dangerous.


2-2 in bans... loser...
Just amazing how people lilke to shoot off the 'freedom of speech' bullshit everytime they disagree with a decision. Based on your same logic then neo-nazis spewing crap about the holocaust being a lie, or racists talking about white superiority should also have their own shows since there are people out there who like to hear about it.

If not having Howard Stern to listen to is your biggest issue in life then.... well... get a life.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
hornyanglo66 said:
Just amazing how people lilke to shoot off the 'freedom of speech' bullshit everytime they disagree with a decision. Based on your same logic then neo-nazis spewing crap about the holocaust being a lie, or racists talking about white superiority should also have their own shows since there are people out there who like to hear about it.

If not having Howard Stern to listen to is your biggest issue in life then.... well... get a life.

Stern's show may often be in bad taste but he isn't doing anything that reasonably intelligent people would take seriously. When kids are getting badly injured acting out the things they see on Jackass, it's a hell of a lot more serious than Howard's ranting but many people thought those idiots were entertaining. I didn't. There's alot of garbage on the radio and tv these days. Look at the latest craze with those stupid nanny 911 type shows! These people don't need a nanny, they need a backbone! But I'm not going to start writing letters and complaining because I find these shows insulting to normal people. I do what most intelligent, normal people do...I change the channel.


Jul 21, 2005
techman why dont you read your post where you said that strern commet where taken out of context and then read the post by judge69 and i would like to know wich radio station did insult the english people in montreal See i am curious i want name and date and the radio station


2-2 in bans... loser...
Techman said:
Stern's show may often be in bad taste but he isn't doing anything that reasonably intelligent people would take seriously. When kids are getting badly injured acting out the things they see on Jackass, it's a hell of a lot more serious than Howard's ranting but many people thought those idiots were entertaining. I didn't. There's alot of garbage on the radio and tv these days. Look at the latest craze with those stupid nanny 911 type shows! These people don't need a nanny, they need a backbone! But I'm not going to start writing letters and complaining because I find these shows insulting to normal people. I do what most intelligent, normal people do...I change the channel.

The problem is that there are MANY people who are NOT intelligent and take all this BS seriously. Why do you think the other types of people I talked about do end up finding many many converts?


PS: No arguments from me about 'quality programming' out there, but there are different levels of the garbage out there.


New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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Other incidents involving outrageous or insensitive comments

Didn't Conan O'Brien say something that offended Canadians which was not intended to be taken that way? I can't recall now exactly what happened.

As far as the freedom of speech issue, isn't it the most important right that we have? When we start allowing goverment to tell us what is acceptable and what is unacceptable to say aren't we relinquishing that right? Stern should be able to say anything he wants on Satellite radio since it is a subscribtion service. If he violates indecency laws on public radio then it is a different issue altogether.

As offensive as his comments may be, he has every right to say whatever the hell he wants. In his case he is simply full of shit and not to be taken seriously anyways. Some of the shit he says is stupid, ignorant, and baseless, but it is intended to be that way. He is trying to get a reaction since publicity of any kind will do nothing but garner attention to his show and help his ratings, not to mention I think he greatly enjoys childish mischief. Consider as well that he isn't calling for the murder of anyone like Pat Robertson did on his "Christian" show.

Stern can be a real douchebag sometimes, consider the time Fran Drescher(The Nanny) was on his show and he confronted her about being raped by two black men in front of her husband(true story). He actually asked her if the guy was "well hung" and if she enjoyed it or her husband enjoyed watching :eek: !!! Hence the term shock jock.

He reminds me in a way of Larry Flynt and the cartoon in Hustler magazine which said Jerry Falwell got drunk and had sex with his mother in an outhouse. For those of you who missed the movie "The People vs. Larry Flynt" the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that this was a "parody" which any reasonable person would know not to take seriously and therefore was protected under our right to Freedom of Speech.

Seems that too many people want to give up this right and restrict what you can say and how you can say it because their ears are bleeding from some profane ramblings of talk show hosts. I for one believe in just changing the channel when I hear something just too stupid or offensive to listen too. Thats exactly what I did after I saw the Fran Drescher interview, I no longer listen too him on a regular basis. Another important freedom, "Freedom to change the channel."


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
voyageur11 said:
techman why dont you read your post where you said that strern commet where taken out of context and then read the post by judge69 and i would like to know wich radio station did insult the english people in montreal See i am curious i want name and date and the radio station

According to that post it seems that thin skinned people over reacted to Stern's show. I never heard him take pot shots at french Canadians when I listened to the show, it's not like I live next to the radio. As far as the stations making derogatory comments about the english, well unlike some people, I don't take notes or make stupid complaints to the CRTC. It would generally have been on CKOI or CKMF on either the lunch time show or drive time in the afternoon. And it was more than once but who cares. It was done in a comedic fashion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including Howard Stern. But like I said...if I don't like something, I change the station. I'm not the OLF language gestappo, I don't go around taking notes when I see or here something I don't like.


Jul 21, 2005
Come on i was expecting more from you.Name, date something to back up what you said Yes i am thin skin when it come to my french heritage and culture if someone attack me i will defend myself. If someone attack you be a man and defend yourserlf dont switch station fight its not a question of french or english see what happen to jeff fillion in Quebec


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Actually there is 0% english blood in me. My blood is French and Belgian to be precise. If someone attacks me personally you're damned right I will defend myself and I am very well trained to do so. As far as attacking the Quebec culture and french heritage goes, big deal. The biggest proponent of Quebec culture in Mtl is spoonman! The rest is just north american culture in the french language. Nothing makes me laugh more than hearing french gansta rap on the radio, it's actually worse than the real thing. Almost every hit show on Quebec tv is a rip off of either an american or French program. This is the culture we are supposed to be so proud of? And Jeff Fillion is an idiot who continually made attacks directed against individuals and he deserved to be removed from the airwaves if not thrown in jail.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
voyageur11 said:
Still no answer to my question Stern is on Letterman this week enjoy

Like I said, I'm not the OLF gestappo. I don't have any interest in taking names. Or making anonymous complaints.


Jul 21, 2005
What about poet, song writher, painter, there is more than tv and radio in life It does not change the fact that you made comment on this board not knowing what you are talking about You cant back up your accusation I can understand why you dont like french people if you are what you said you are the french are making fun of you for year The end


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Voyageur11, I don't judge people based on their language , colour, heritage or any other general criteria. I never knew that we were supposed to take notes of everything we have seen or heard in our lifetimes so that we would have evidence to present as proof of our experiences. If someone hates me because of my heritage then I have no interest in anything they have to say. I made no accusations, I made a statement about things I have heard in the past. If you choose not to believe me that's fine as I really don't care if you do or not. Nowhere have I ever said that I do not like French speaking people. Your last comments make absolutely no sense but I do agree with one thing you said...THE END!
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