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I hate the Yankees


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Dec 15, 2003
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Are the Yankees going to make it to the World Series and in the affirmatice, in how many games are they going to lose it.

For the experts, how strong is their pitching??

What about middle relief?


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
For the experts, how strong is their pitching??

do they even have a left handed pitcher?

Just Gabe White thats dumb!
Last edited:


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
Well Im sure clutch hitting will the main way that yankees are going to win! If they don't hit well it going to be a long season for Georgy Porgy and his pitching staff.

the yankees are going to put up football numbers 10-14 L 7-6 L 14-10 L 9-10 W

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I too watched some of the Spring training game on tv in Boston and have to say that Bronson Arroyo totally dominated the Yankees for the 3 innings that he pitched, allowing only 1 hit and facing the minimum number of hitters. Once Shiell came in I knew the wheels were going to fall off this wagon. He was horrible last year for the Sox and was even worse today. Hoping he doesn't find his way onto the RedSox roster come opening day.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
Yankees have a new Cuban ace in El Dukkee. :D :D good thing Gorgy Gorgy bought some bats. Because the Yankees are not going to be the only team circling the bases!!


New Member
Oh my GOD(Or should I say oh my Pedro)

I really fucking sick and tired of hearing the sons of sam horne
bitch and complain about the yankees!!!!!. The Yankees didn't
beat you dumb bastards you beat yourselves !!!!! Your savior
was to much of an omni-god to admit that he could'nt finish the
Yankees off. But being who he is ,he had to try and once and for all rid the demons of October. Well guess what !!!!!! HE CHOKED
and the most amazing thing is that because it was him no one
said a word about it ,you know win with your best right... Wrong
The redsox ballpen was the best in baseball for the last month
of the season. How can your savior not beg to be taken out!!!!
But just like that the unthinkable happens. Everyone in New England expected it, but just as always the threshold for the
heart break had to reach the max. It had to be your savior to
finally stop the evil empire right ? wrong? Don't you see until you
build a team to win the world series and not specifically built
to beat the evil empire you'll never win anything. This is the way
it was meant to be. Everyone fron New England knows it. I could
tell by the averted vision when after conversing with someone for awhile they find out I'm a fan of the evil empire. The disillusion
is inherent and the disgust is part of the charm. It just has to be this way because you guys are banded together as the strongest
fans in any sport in the world in support of your team. I really must say that the world admires your loyality and each heartbreak just makes the bond between yourselves and the team a little stronger. And lets not forget the past. Igrew up with
the (Bloomburgh,Clarke,Stanley,Sanchez,White,Murcer,Lyle,kekich,
kline,peterson) Yankees. When Lyle and Peterson were swapping
wifes the Redsox were busy winning the East again. It took the Yankees 13 years to make it to the world series. And yes in those 13 years I still rooted went to games and supported the team.
And how bout the the 15 years between the L.A. series and the
Atlanta series. I know your pain and to say the Yankees win year
after year in the long run isn't even close to the truth. This is probably the best rivarly in sports right now !!!! So lets stop the
bashing and enjoy what could very well be one of the most memorable seasons in the history of the game. After all it could
be worst ,you could be Cub fans.


New Member
EagerBeaver wrote :

"It should be noted that the Yankees of Horace Clarke, et al were not owned by George Streinbrenner who took over in 1973 after the Yankees had already started to hit rock bottom. And it is noteworthy that the Yankees did not go to World Series between 1981 and 1996, despite having some good teams in that period, mainly because of bad free agent pitching acquisitions like Eddie Whitson, Dave LaPointe, Andy Hawkins and Steve Trout, just to name a few."

Thanks for pointing that out E.B. If i recall correctly those were the C.B.S years. The network bought the team and basically
let the veterans retire and replaced them with subpar players
from the farm system. I 'm not versed in the particulars of manager picther relations on the hill but it seems to me that something so drastic should have elicited a request from Pedro
to be taking out of the game for the good of the team and all the
loyal Redsox fans. I'm sure if he said he had nothing left Little
would of been forced to remove him from the game. I think that
Pedro was so determined to finally beat the Yanks that it cost
his team a world series appearance. Pedro was the best pitcher
in the game and is still one of the top 3,but that doesn't justify
throwing away a season in which the Redsox had the best all around team in the game. I really hated the Boston teams of the
seventies and it was easy. But with guys like Nixon,Veritek you
got to respect this new team. The other thing that really infuriates me is the idea that A-rod being a Yankee is bad for baseball. But its O.k. for the Redsox to get Schilling(best free agent pitcher) , Foulke(Best free agent closer) and at the time
A-ROD(Best all around player). No one says a word. Now the Yankees get 1/3 of the trio and all of a sudden it's bad for baseball? And I love it when people say the Yankees buy championships. What team were they watching from 96-2000?
It was comprised of players nobody wanted and players indivually meant nothing. Trough good couching and management
they adopted the never say die attitude that made the chemistry
on the team so special. I mean come on (KEY,COHEN,GOODEN ,HERNANDEZ,HAYES,REINES,CURTIS,SEIRRA,GIRRADI,Boggs) Not much of an all-star team. Then add in the new additions (MARTINEZ,BROCIOUS) and something magical happens. Lets face it the big name acquisitions the Yanks have
made in the last 30 years were all dead ends except for Jackson
& Clemens. Names like (tartabull,Winfield, messena,giambi) all
great players but all have come up short. Yes the team has the highest payroll in baseball but a good amount is spent on good ole home grown talent. Even the well tooled baseball machine
like the '04 Yankees will find it almost impossible to duplicate
the feats of a bunch of journey men and home grown talent did
in those recent magical years of 96-2000. Really sorry for the ramblings and I apologize for my attitude in the former post
but I can't read this thread 100 times and just not comment
on some of the stuff that was said.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
There should definitely be a salary cap on baseball at both ends a minimum amount and maximum. The Yankees are almost up to the 200 million dollar mark!!! John Henry has a right to be pissed! The redsox are spending all this money to try and keep pace with the Yankees but are stiil a far second in baseball with the highest salary at 70 million less than the yanks!!


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Dec 15, 2003
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...Matsui, who has gotten bigger
Jeter also looks to me like he has filled out since his younger days....
What does it means.....


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
gorgy porgy going to blow

Like I said before The Yankees pitching is questionable at best! Boston’s back up # 5 Starter out pitched the Yankees #1! If Boston wins today expect Gorgy Porgy to blow a
head gasket!

Goods guys 5 wins Evil empire 1 win. Go Soxs Yankees suck!


New Member
"like I said before The Yankees pitching is questionable at best! "

Where we watching the same series ? The pitching on both teams was very good ,except the Contreras debacle. The really
impressive thing has been the middle relief on both teams. The
Sox showed the problems with their middle relief last year has
been rectified and the Yankee middle relief was also good. The
Yankee offense has been non-existent since the begining of the season. But how bout those Redsox going 1 for 22 with men in scoring position. That alone speaks volumes because once they get locked in that won't happen again this year. Both teams are
struggling and eventhough the Redsox are in first and have a winning record we have seen them play much better. But I rather
lose in April then in October anyday. Yes the Redsox fans should be proud and on a tremendous high. Lets face it the start between both teams hasn't been this loopsided since 1913 and
we all know who won the series that year. But my beantown
brethren the offense here in N.Y. is a sleeping giant with great resolve. It's only a matter of time before this team becomes an
offensive juggernaut. Deep in your hearts you know your glee will
be a brief one and that nagging doubt will start to resurface. Remember 8 out of 9 Yankees are in a slump right now in APRIL.
If your not going to hit nows the time not to do it. As far as the pitching the Yankees pitching with vazquez & Brown is far better then the Yankee pitching with Pettitte & Clemens (although we still miss Andy terribly). So once again all the marbles are up for grabs and it will inivitable come down to October. Redsox beating the Yankees in April so what !!!! The Redsox beating the Yanks
in October don't hold your breath. The Redsox will win the ALCS
in four just like the Bruins will beat the Habs in four !!!!



Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
Originally posted by RickZler

The Redsox will win the ALCS in four just like the Bruins will beat the Habs in four

Rick 2 different franchises. The bruins have probably the worst owner in hockey never willing to take the extra step to put a championship team together! This year being the only exception. The sox brass is the opposite we have a championship caliber team right now, just have to get by Yankees and it all over! NY has seemed to be the Achilles heel of the Sox. The sox have got past that! The sox have far better pitching than the Yankees, and remember Sox had the best offense last year and Walker is the only player that has not returned. In stead of Walker whom I miss we have probably one of the best Def infielders in Reese. Pokey cannot bat worth a shit but his lack of offence will be over compensated in his def. Yankees may have the Offense but that’s it. Redsox have a good offence, defense starting rotation and the BEST bull pen in baseball!! Remember pitching brings you championships. Lets not compare the Sox to the Bruins, compare them to the WORLD CHAMPS the PATRIOTS!!!!!!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by RickZler
As far as the pitching the Yankees pitching with vazquez & Brown is far better then the Yankee pitching with Pettitte & Clemens (although we still miss Andy terribly).


I'll give you that Vazquez will make a difference and I think he's going to be an amazing pitcher, but do you really think Kevin Brown is going to last an entire season? I predict he'll go down with an injury before July 1. Mark those words.


Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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You have a good point regarding Schilling & Martinez, touche. I still believe though that there's no way Brown will come close to playing a full season...and who's this Lieber character? Never heard of him in Boston...

As for Regna's comment about the Yankees getting anyone they want, it's sad to say that it's apretty true statement, money talks, but I haven't heard anything about the Contreras for Johnson rumor, where'd that come from?


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
Originally posted by EB

Joe Lieber is scheduled to join the rotation Saturday when he starts against KC.

Joe Leiber is not god enough to put the balls on stand my nephew’s tee ball team!! He is washed up like half of the Yankees starting rotation!
Originally posted by EB

El Duque will probably be ready in July, should he be needed.

Ready for what? Does Eldukee turn 65 and will be ready to collect Social security.

GO SOXS!!! Kill Grady


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Let's see...Yankees are about one game out with 5 months left in the season

Pedro's already grumpy and he's practically filed for free agency.

The only thing that "worries" me is how tough the Sox will be when Nomar and Trot return.

In any case, it should be an interesting season and I expect this thread to exceed 500 posts.

God..I love this game! And it wouldn't be half of what it is if we didn't have this rivalry.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Re: Yankees Kick Ponson's Ass

Originally posted by EagerBeaver
Red Sox fans should take note: the Yankees are not going away. The bats have only now arisen from their slumber. What happened to Ponson tonight is only the beginning.

We're not worried Eager. There's still a long season ahead. Trot & Nomar are soon to be returning and we'll see who's on top come October.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What the hell is Jeter's problem? He's hitting close to the Mendoza line. Was George correct a year or two ago when he said Jeter was out partying too much and not concentrating on baseball? Is age catching up to him? Who's his new flame now?
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