Montreal Escorts

I have a regret about all this . . .


Dec 24, 2005
and its this. . .

I don't have enough time in my upcoming trip, just 2 days, and b/c of my winter waning stamina I cant see myself having the energy to see more than 3 girls.

Please next time you feel I am about to book a trip to Montreal please convince me that I need at least 3 days not 2.

There is so much highly reviewed talent:
Im looking at 3 from MSC, 2 from SD, 5 from WOP, 3 from Vicious, 2 or 3 from GOF, Eleganza, Lisa/Raine, plus others.

I ask you now to please forgive me, Im just 1 man damn it, I surely cant fuck all of you in 2 days (and enjoy it).



most of the time
Jan 9, 2009
Some lack the time while others (me) lack the financial means to meet all those amazing sp's. I have to space out my encounters while you'd like to meet them all in a few days.Life is truly unfair!:D :D :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Better to have only 2 days than none at all. I wish I had the time to bang away for 2 days. Have fun!


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
this is what's going to happen...

CocaCola said:
and its this. . .

I don't have enough time in my upcoming trip, just 2 days, and b/c of my winter waning stamina I cant see myself having the energy to see more than 3 girls.

There is so much highly reviewed talent:
Im looking at 3 from MSC, 2 from SD, 5 from WOP, 3 from Vicious, 2 or 3 from GOF, Eleganza, Lisa/Raine, plus others.

Day 1...not one of the girls on your list will be working, not even the backup's to the backup's. And with this cold spell, venturing out in misun 20 degree's wont be an option. You'll be forced to pay 20 bucks to watch the hotel's crappy porn channel and get better acquainted with your right hand (your left if your a lefty or both if your ambidextourous).

Day 2...all the girls on your list will be working....but only from 7 till you have to choose just one...and that one you pick will be a no show.

On a serious note though, it sounds like you've grabbed the cheap winter roundtrip airfare to Montreal and plan on leaving right after work on friday. Its been my experience that most of the girls work tuesday thru thursday and the pickings are slim on the don't get your hopes up that many on your list will be available. I've done the cheap airfare to montreal deal on the weekend a couple of times and found its just not worth the money and effort. You get in late and get to your hotel to find a bunch of other guests all got in late ahead of you...then your told your room isnt ready yet so have a wait at the bar. Its hard to book a girl if you don't know if your going to get your room in time.

weather forcast: High -1°F Low -4°F....add in the wind chill and your looking at -20
Last edited:


Dec 24, 2005
Im coming out there to celebrate MLK day :). Got an airplane and 4* hotel for under 400 for 2 day trip.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Breadman: don't let anyone call you a pesimist !! :)

CC: Your room will be fine if you get in late. It's January... practically a ghost town in montreal. Call the hotel when you arrive at the airport and give them a warning of your imminent (30 minutes) arrival.

I'd try to book a couple days in advance though. The point about better and more girls available on weekdays is accurate.

Good luck!

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