The biggest problem here is the lack of respect
How is it that the streets are perfectly fine, no thick sheet of ice, and yet, the sidewalks are pure ice?! On my street alone there are no less than 8 driveways, oh so nicely and cleanly cleared, but, oh, fuck the pedestrians, let's just leave the huge ridge of snow on either side of the entrance. Now let's not forget the people digging out their cars, hmmm, you don't see them digging out and throwing the snow in the street, no, don't want to impede the cars, let's throw it on the sidewalk!
So now we are stuck with no less than 3" deep on ice, coated with a little bit of snow, just so you can't see it. Oh, and the end of my street has no corner - yup, it is one huge snow bank. Forget about walking in the streets, Quebec drivers don't give a fuck about hitting you.
And that's my rant for the day!