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If SP's could do reviews of costumers


Oct 25, 2018
How would you guys handle having a bad review ? I know this may sound weird but have you ever thought what kind of reviews we would have if it was the other way around.


Oct 29, 2019
It would be weird, I hope my reviews would come back positive. I would hate to see negative things said about me, as I am always pleasant, but you never know some would probably find flaws. Would be interesting to say the least.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I assume that I would be voted MERB customer of the year several years in a row. Most of the time, when I book a provider she doesnt end taking the money and a few have offered to pay me - so, I think its a pretty safe assumption.

In all seriousness, I do try to treat providers as if they communicate with each other. From what I have learned over the years the only real significant reputations are bad ones - treat a girl badly and your name gets around.

I would actually like to know what providers thought of me as a customer - I am just not sure I would want those reviews on a semipublic forum. I mean, I already know I am short, fat and unattractive and dont need a reminder. But it would be nice to know if I did anything annoying or something that put a girl off in any way unintentionally.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
I don’t think I have ever mistreated a woman in my life, have never had an SP that refused to see me a second time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
How would you guys handle having a bad review ? I know this may sound weird but have you ever thought what kind of reviews we would have if it was the other way around.

My friend, such review board already exists and that's call twitter :) . If you go there, you will see, most SPs all day long complaining/retweeting about bad clients, how they treat them badly, how review boards are toxic place etc. After reading all that, not sure if you would still like to see them :rolleyes:

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I do follow many of the SP's on twitter and the ones who are thrashing clients have a right, and I agree with them on some of their comments. I would still want to see them because you know that treating them right they will return that. I talk to the SP's and at times we come to talking about experiences with SP's or clients and I hear some weird stuff and some clients being assholes. 1 example where a girl was in doggy and the client was trying to take off the condom to penetrate, that person deserves a thrashing or any other stupid stuff, and I think the ladies are venting it out on twitter


Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
My friend, such review board already exists and that's call twitter :) . If you go there, you will see, most SPs all day long complaining/retweeting about bad clients, how they treat them badly, how review boards are toxic place etc. After reading all that, not sure if you would still like to see them :rolleyes:

To be honest.... the review boards are a bit toxic.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
This topic has been covered in the past

but for the sake of argument
YOU are the paying customer. Now this does not give you free rights over the other person.
BUT. You are paying so she makes you feel like a king.
She is being paid to make you feel like you are the best looking and best lover she has ever had.
So other that lying on the board about the review of you. What else would you like her to say.

if you need a review of yourself from an sp. you have personal issues about self-absorbance or self-confidence that you need to deal with privately

Adaline Rose

Lustful & Romantic
Supporting Member
Apr 28, 2020
When I went in Calgary, when you are a supporting member of the board, you can see what the providers have said about a client when you ask for his board username and references. It was very good for us, for our safety, and to avoid time wasters. Let’s say the reference of the client doesn’t answer, we could see by ourselves what the other ladies had said about this specific person: like: very clean, always on time, very respectful. On the other hand, we could also read: books, but never shows up, doesn’t have a good hygiene, didn’t have the correct amount, etc... So yes, it is a good and safe tool! Just as the principle of asking for references! Or when someone is so precised and nice in their presentation and communication. When someone reaches out without presenting themselves or just « Hey babe, available now? ». Sorry, but no. There is something that will be going on, and we aren’t just prostitutes as some call us. That is why I like being on the Upscale side, you see the difference with the clients that approach you, it is also your branding as a provider, and you get, as we say in French « la crème de la crème »! ❤️


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Valerie. I agree with you for providers sake. A private board.
but what OP wants is a public board where a provider can say what she thinks of him and he can see it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I know what the thread is really about, but I can' t help but laugh that the title of the thread is asking about reviews for "costumers".

I, too, would like a board where we can review the people who design the costumes the SPs wear. :)

Adaline Rose

Lustful & Romantic
Supporting Member
Apr 28, 2020
Valerie. I agree with you for providers sake. A private board.
but what OP wants is a public board where a provider can say what she thinks of him and he can see it.

Well, an opened board, it's just as this board. A provider may like a client and another one may not. « Les goûts sont dans la nature ». It's one of my favorite idioms in French! For a client, an SP can be the hottest bomb on Earth. For another one, she can be too skinny, for another client, she will be too chubby, too curvy, etc. What you read is subjective. But no one can come back to the service, the attitude, the hygiene, the respect, the way the lady will treat you. That's a conversation I had with a friend of mine that works elsewhere than Montreal. Clients can find you attractive or not, at the end of the day, beauty is subjective, but no one can say anything about your service if it's perfect in every sense of the word. I will read my reviews and will be happy of my good reputation, because that is what I offer. If someone says they find me unattractive, it's their business, at the end of the day, Mother Nature made me as I am, and other clients will tell me I'm the most beautiful girl they have seen. It's so subjective... What to take in consideration and what not to take?

I had this girl telling me a client was weird in the way he contacted her and she was not sure if she wanted to see him or not. If it was worth it, cause she needed the money badly, when asking for a reference. First of all, this client was a totel gem. Yes, his message was long, but so respectful and nice in his details and love notes. He's a new immigrant, doesn't have friends and few family members. English is not is first language and he doesn't speak French. I loved exchanging with this gentleman even before meeting him. He was such a sweetheart. Other girls will find it hard, boring... Every girl has what she prefers. Some want meaningless and cold sessions. Some, like me, will prefer warmth and connection... Everything is subjective at the end of the day.

Better off you make your own point of view...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I think this is a really good idea, it should work for both sides.

Here Merb, everyone who is going to speak is all very good customers, at least I hope.

Since I'm the type to talk to my partners, I can say that there are more bad clients than you think.

I would say that in addition to hygiene issues, disrespect is quite common. Like "I paid you do what I want, I am the customer etc ..."

And what about texting? (language is so so).


Oct 25, 2018
This topic has been covered in the past

but for the sake of argument
YOU are the paying customer. Now this does not give you free rights over the other person.
BUT. You are paying so she makes you feel like a king.
She is being paid to make you feel like you are the best looking and best lover she has ever had.
So other that lying on the board about the review of you. What else would you like her to say.

if you need a review of yourself from an sp. you have personal issues about self-absorbance or self-confidence that you need to deal with privately

I started this thread for discussion only and I was not implying Sp's should have their own review board. I was just asking because sometimes I do read some comments from hobbyists that I find questionnable and what would their reaction be if it was the other way around. It was just for the sake of discussion not for self-absorbance or self-confidence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
How would you guys handle having a bad review ? I know this may sound weird but have you ever thought what kind of reviews we would have if it was the other way around.
Wouldn’t be an issue at all. I never give an SP my MERB handle so they can talk about me all they want. And the kind of reviews I would get would be some of the greatest reviews ever written on MERB because I am the greatest lover the world has ever seen!
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Jun 14, 2019
It would be very interesting to then see exactly what varying SP expectations are similar to customers on here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think ladies expectations are far different and they have said it many times.
Be clean, be respectful, be on time, don’t haggle about price and act like a gentleman.
Oh and if you are a notch above the hunch back of Notre Dame in looks you are good to go.

How many clients would be willing to overlook the looks and age factor with an SP.
Not many out there willing to book a 60 + year old Hagetha lol.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I started this thread for discussion only and I was not implying Sp's should have their own review board. I was just asking because sometimes I do read some comments from hobbyists that I find questionnable and what would their reaction be if it was the other way around. It was just for the sake of discussion not for self-absorbance or self-confidence.
ahhhh. So then it is one of those infamous “white knights” thread!
Defender of the ladies.
I love the r-rated reviews. The more details the better. This should not be “bleu-nuit” reviews.
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