Do those pornstars make penetration scenes with or without a condom? Because the fact that SPs have penetration with protection 100% of the time is the reason why we don't have to test as often as every two weeks.
Yes, of course. Girls who don't engage in the act of sex aren't pornstars, they are exhibitionists

BTW, I'm not judging you or anyone else for that matter. Condoms break, some STD's can be transmitted orally, and no justification is exempt of risk. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and takes actions accordingly. In the adult industry, 2 weeks is the accepted standard, though there are some who do not adhere to it. Personally, I test before every scene unless the scenes are on successive days as an extra precaution for the girl as the transmission vector is more often lopsided. And I even test before seeing SP's, and I'm not very sexually active (not by choice). Again as an extra precaution. And I've never had a STD of any kind, knock on wood. In fact, knowing this, I've had two Central European SP's mount me and start fucking me before I could get the condom on. I had to quickly stop them for our safety, but particularly for mine. But if it was a porn girl, I knew she tested regularly and didn't do privates, I would have been flattered and not stopped her.