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If you see me in public


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

While I agree with you that guys should respect boundaries and avoid embarrassing an escort they may run into this is really stretching it.
Guys stare at women all the time, great boobs, ass, face, whatever or she may look like his long lost love or somebody he absolutely hates, the reasons are endless.

She is no shrinking violet if she can’t come up with an excuse or just make light of it then she deserves to be “ mortified” all the guy did was stare, big deal wtf.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I am not disputing that guys should know better and respect her private life, I totally agree with that.
There is no reason to continually stare at any woman to the point of making her uncomfortable whether you know her or not.

What I am saying is that when you enter into this lifestyle, you know somewhere down the road you will need to deal with a situation like this.
These women are not naive little school girls they should be able to deal with this kind of situation especially if the guy doesn’t attempt to make any kind of contact or doesn’t approach her.
I am sure many men had stared at her before it is not so uncommon for men to stare at a gorgeous woman
I think it is more that she recognized him and was afraid he would approach her, this is life, a judge may run into a criminal he put away same for a police man. an escort will eventually run into a former client.
We all have to deal with choices we make in life some pleasant some not so much.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
There are stares, and then there are stares.

Yes and the #Me too movement is having a field day with this kind of crap.
Next it will be 5-10 for lewd staring, if you lick your lips while doing it maybe twenty.

Again I don’t think you should intentionally make anyone uncomfortable but WTF where do you draw the line with this PC, BS.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Did she really see a former client or was it a guy just ogling a hot young lady? Also, what was she wearing? This is a rhetorical question - but I see girls/woman with tits and ass sticking out all over the place and when you look at them they act like they've been violated or something.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Did she really see a former client or was it a guy just ogling a hot young lady? Also, what was she wearing? This is a rhetorical question - but I see girls/woman with tits and ass sticking out all over the place and when you look at them they act like they've been violated or something.

Hungry that's a funny post and oh so true. I saw this countless times in my clubbing days 20-25 years ago. Back then on Crescent st most girls would let it all hang out no matter what the weather was like. So many times some seemed to get offended when a guy who wasn't a hockey player or Brad Pitt actually had the nerve to look or hit on them. I distinctly remember one time this girl with her tits popping out having to fend off the advances of a guy she wasnt into. After he left she turned to her friend and snapped "do i look like i wanna be picked up?". Of course I was in earshot so all I could do was smirk. If a woman dresses provocatively then no that does not necessarily mean that she "wants to get picked up ". However she will attract male attention....presumably that is the intention. You sometimes got the feeling that some of these girls believed there was a kind of "select switch" they could flick that ensured that only the men they found attractive would look and come on to them. If only life worked like that haha.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Hey GMA,

That makes sense, I deleted mine also not worth making an issue about it since I was not there either.
I don’t think anyone of us wants to embarrass or harm any of the ladies, and all you need is a little common sense as with most things.
If someone annoyed my ATF I would be pissed also.


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
If you're an sp long enough it's definitely gonna happen once or twice but as far as I'm concerned it's an occupational hazard that needs to be accepted if you do this job. I know a lot of ladies experience some serious anxiety due to this on a regular basis while out in public. We can chat all we want about whether it's right or wrong to wave to, stare at, talk to, or avoid an sp in public. Everybody is different and there's no right answer for everyone. I personally agree that playing it safe is always the best option. As a previous poster mentioned, if she walks by you, simply smile and make eye contact and if she wants to approach you let her decide on her own.

It's no fun having anxiety all the time. Most ladies (as a lot of you know) don't work much longer than a couple years doing this and this is certainly a contributing factor as to why this is the case. One thing I can tell from all my years hobbying is that mental health doesn't get enough attention in this occupation and its a shame because a lot of the girls have a difficult time discussing these issues with others since sex work is not as acceptable in society as it should be. Mental health issues are rampant and I've experienced it first hand on many of occasions with ladies I've known over the years and they have explained many of the issues with me that they've dealt with while working as an sp.

I wish I had more answers. Maybe touring instead of working in your home city, that would cut down on running into people you know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
. I was irked that someone had tormented my SP friend, but it's not worth getting into a battle with guys who weren't even there, and whom I don't know.

We should all be irked by SOB's like this guy. There are so many fucked up individuals that are delusional and fall in love with or obsess about a provider and turn into stalkers. They do all of us a disservice.

Funny thing, one of the last girls that I repeated with recently had acted a little guarded as we spoke. Funny, when I told her I had an S.O. she was relieved and said That's good because.... and she went on to explain that guys will pry and find out a little information and then play detective and find out more. Pretty soon they are following her social media. The know where she works, hangs out, and who her family is etc. and then all of a sudden, she is running into them in the street or at the bar or they show up at her day job, etc.

BTW: If a girl is interested in me, I know it. Red flags start flying up everywhere. Why???? What is their ulterior motive? Sometimes it seems plausible, when we really click and are closer in age, etc... I prefer pay-for-play. Way, way, way less complicated...and less expensive.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
2 SP's I have met at the Econolodge had a stalker from the blue board, he would hang around after work hours and almost beg them to see him after hours, when they refused he wrote false reviews about them calling them addicts, pimped out and doing BBFS. Yes, there are fucked up people out there.
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