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I'm looking for escorts driver job

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm 24, not driving a hooker to a client gives me adrenaline, but when there's a problem go see the client to solve it and protect the hooker is what gives me.

From that, it sounds like you'd like to see problems come up and get into a fight with a customer. I wouldn't think that's exactly what agencies would want to happen because that could lead to cops and other shit happening. Driving for an agency is not for adrenaline junkies.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'm 24, not driving a hooker to a client gives me adrenaline, but when there's a problem go see the client to solve it and protect the hooker is what gives me.

and I see that your trying to make me ridiculous and immature Lusty Pig, but good try. I will reverse the question, how old are you to judge someone on an internet forum?

If your afraid of everything, just stay at home, don't go out and you will not get any problems. Life is risk, you go out of your home and you could get hit by a car. So please, don't take out the criminal record argument to convince me to not do this.

p.s. I would be very curious to meet you in real life and see who's the immature

the rush of saving a hooker ?
much older than you but not only that, much much more real life experience , yours up until now is whats on television , reality shows and ufc fighting
its nice to see that are guys like you out there who will take a bullet for a hooker - you take the hit, feel like a hero, hooker goes on to plant herself on another cock
there is always going to be somebody out there using guys like you as cannon fodder -
i'm sure the agency will ensure all medical costs and therapy's will be covered under their extensive medical plans
all this for 20-25 bucks a ride ?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I'm 24, not driving a hooker to a client gives me adrenaline, but when there's a problem go see the client to solve it and protect the hooker is what gives me.

From that, it sounds like you'd like to see problems come up and get into a fight with a customer. I wouldn't think that's exactly what agencies would want to happen because that could lead to cops and other shit happening. Driving for an agency is not for adrenaline junkies.


That's what I get for not reading completely. Yes, the apparent attitude would be a huge disqualifier for the reasons T-man cited. And while "hooker" might be accurate slang, it doesn't exactly show a very good view of the ladies either. Good point.

Life is risk, you go out of your home and you could get hit by a car. So please, don't take out the criminal record argument to convince me to not do this.

p.s. I would be very curious to meet you in real life and see who's the immature

So you want risk, and you want a fight too just because of an opinion. You probably won't get a choice if the agencies see these posts. I can see them backing far away from this type of driver. The drivers I know are not anything like this. They know how to behave responsibly, be efficient, take care of the ladies, and importantly avoid creating any situations that would be bad for business or especially get the LE involved.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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p.s I'm a big guy, 6''3 230 pounds so Im not afraid to protect escorts when its time.

Unless you plan on driving for Sabrina's "Evil Empire" or other bait and switch agencies that tend to employ goon types as drivers, your brawn and muscle will not be of much help to you. With those agencies, you may be called upon to collect a fee from a defaulting client who in all likelihood is refusing payment because he has been lied to or cheated. Some of those clients will be angry, some will be drunk and some will be both and perhaps as big as you, and possibly capable of beating your ass in a street fight.

The better agencies need drivers who have brains and are reliable and trustworthy. Brains means you know all the streets and hotels of Montreal and can drive in a responsible manner without getting traffic or parking tickets, meaning you have to know drop off and pick up points. Trustworthy and reliable mean you show up for work when you are supposed to and do not fuck around and go to a bar when you are supposed to pick up a girl. In short you need to show to the girls and the boss that you are worth the $20 per appointment you will make. You must have the trust of the girls and it is not just being a protector, but showing them you are responsible and professional. When drivers are fired its usually because they do not have the trust of the girls they are driving, and/or the booker.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Jun 21, 2003
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I think being a driver is like being a doorman at a club or bar. When a situation arises you have to be a good communicator to defuse the situation and not just strong arm someone which just esculates the situation. One doorman that I know who works at one of the more popular clubs in the city is a great communicator and because of that he is able to defuse situations before they get out of hand. But if need be, getting physical with someone is just to remove them from the premises and not to rough them up.

It seems that dcfan is getting all riled up by everyones comments and doesn't have a calm temperment that I think a driver needs when a problem does arise.

Also one of the risk I heard of getting caught is getting your car impounded and loss of liscense.

I hope I don't get strong armed here for writing all this but I'm just trying to help.


The Don

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Is dcfan getting all this or has he stopped reading this because he doesn't get what he wants to hear ?

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's

Any agency can say any of those descriptions listed above and excuse it as an "opinion". The looks of a lady guarantee looks only, not satisfaction for the client and so not business for the agency or drivers.

The best agency criteria for a driver IMHO...generates repeat customers, motivates the better ladies to stay, organizes business time efficiently to increase encounter number opportunities, provides better rate for the driver and covers his/her driving expenses as needed.



What part of post did you mistake for being serious, i was making fun of this thread and the ridiculous descriptions used by bait and switch agencies to describe there ladies.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What part of post did you mistake for being serious, i was making fun of this thread and the ridiculous descriptions used by bait and switch agencies to describe there ladies.

It seems that driving for these agencies is what dcfan wants. He envisions himself as a goon/protector and the only agencies which need such drivers are the bait and switch outfits who need some muscle to collect fees from the lied to and cheated client who is refusing to pay up. These agencies will in fact give him the chance to flex his muscles, and that is what he wants to do. If dcfan goes to the Bait and Switch agency sticky thread, he will find many possible employers that will fill his job-seeking criteria.
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New Member
Nov 25, 2012
Ok I took some time to answer because I'm working on the night shift.

First I would like to say, I have a lot of respect for girls and I thought the word ''Hooker'' was a respectable word to describe these girls. My first language is french and I'm not perfectly bilingual so I can make mistakes, I will not use this word anymore. I have a friend who's a stripper and I enjoy go see her and give her lift for free, because I appreciate her and respect her, she's a nice person.

Second, I'm not looking for any fights and will try to calm a situation, but if I feel the girl is in danger I will not have choice but to defend her. Also, I will follow the directives of my agency, if they tell me not to enter the room if there's any problems with a customer, I will not enter and get involved in any problems. I'm not a fighter and always talk with the person to calm the situation. I know real life is not a movie and it's better to avoid fight and talk like a peaceful and smart person, and thats I always do first. I'm not an animal, I studied at university and consider myself has a very good and calm person. I'm just prepared to any possibilities that can happen, because like someone said the guy can be drunk, so even if you talk and try to calm the customer he can become agressive and/or can have a knife on him. And this situation don't happen only in movies, 2 years ago an escort get killed for 20$ and the driver was injured. And getting adrenaline don't means I'm going to jump on the customer like a beast and begins to punch him, it just means I'm ready to react and defend myself if anything happen, and it's normal to have a rush of adrenaline in these situations. It's not a video game where you have 3 lifes, so you have to do something if it turns bad. But AGAIN, I will always talk like a civilized person and try to solve the problem without getting physically involved. What I would prefer is an agency who tells me not to intervene at all, and someone else go solve the problem and me I stay in my car relaxing and listening music!

I know pretty well the streets of Montréal so to know the spots is not a problem, I don't even need any gps. I think I have all the qualities required to do a good job. And yeah if you want guys you can bash on me like you want, tell me I'm stupid and nobody will want me with my attitude (this based on my posts on an internet forum and not even in my first language..!!!!) but I know who I am in real life and know I'm easily qualified for the job.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
find something else with a better prospective future
nobody here is bashing you for no reason
you only hurt the one you love lol
stick to slipping the women the meat
don't forget rule number 1
look after yourself cuz no one else will
if ANYTHING - many of these girls use drivers from incalls to go to and leave from
do this and get paid in BLOWJOBS
or anal
enjoy !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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"Hooker" is definitely not a respectable word to refer to these ladies. Basically all the English labels are somewhat derogatory in nature. I would never use such labels around the ladies and I would treat them as you treat your own friends, with respect. If you do that they will respect you.

If your intentions are as stated in your last post, I would seek work with the reputable agencies that are doing good business. These include Montreal Sex City, MTLGFE, Eleganza, Asservissante, and Montreal XXXtase. If you look at the top agency threads that will give you an idea of who are the more popular agencies in addition to the 5 I mentioned above.

Good luck with your job search.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
What part of post did you mistake for being serious, i was making fun of this thread and the ridiculous descriptions used by bait and switch agencies to describe there ladies.


Your sarcasm mantra isn't just a pose? :eyebrows: Yes, but as you noted the labels are used, and my response may be too obvious for veteran hobbyists but not for newbies. You thought it was all about you?

Second, I'm not looking for any fights and will try to calm a situation, but if I feel the girl is in danger I will not have choice but to defend her.

Your use of English was displaying a lot of aggression that seemed like a desire for confrontation. Protecting the ladies is part of the job, but the priority is to carry out the duties in the best way to keep the business safe, profitable, and avoid the attention of the LE. If you do have a confrontation the best way to handle it is still to leave with the least chance of more emotional or possible physical confrontation that would make the situation worst. Being willing to defend the ladies is an asset, but doing anything that increases the risk of escalating a tough situation and create more problems is the last thing the agencies want. I've known employees who got fired for trying to stop thieves because the business didn't want to have the kind of person who risks any negative publicity...and that was in a totally legal business.

Being capable is great, being smart about it is best.

good luck,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
He envisions himself as a goon/protector and the only agencies which need such drivers are the bait and switch outfits who need some muscle to collect fees from the lied to and cheated client who is refusing to pay up. These agencies will in fact give him the chance to flex his muscles, and that is what he wants to do.

Isn't it exactly because of this type of 'driver' that an escort got murdered a few years ago? :rolleyes:


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
thx EagerBeaver for your answer, very useful!

and rumpleforeskin, I already deliver pizza during the week. What I need is a job during the night, friday and saturday, to keep the night beat of the week and make extra money. There is no other option than driver of SP. EagerBeaver gave me useful info instead of bashing, and I thank him. Merlot also, thx for your replies.

Too bad. With blowjobs and anal you can make money,_Montreal

Just sayin.

I'm not interested to know what you do the week end to pay your food and house... these are the kinds of things you should not share with everybody.


New Member
Sep 18, 2011
I don't know how well it pays compared to escorts, but have you considered driving strippers ?

If the pay is similar, I personaly think you should consider it since driving strippers to bars is not considered pimping (unless you drive them to FS bars then it probably is). Don't get me wrong it is still illegal to transport people in exchange for money but it is not a criminal offense I think the only thing you expose yourself to is a fine because you don't have a taxi license.

Driving escorts on the other hand would be considered pimping which bear heavier consequences if arrested and proven guilty.

It's just my opinion im not trying to judge you, but if I were you, I would weight the risk versus the reward between the 2 options. If I had the choice, driving escorts would have to be considerably more rewarding for me to choose that option especially considering the fact that you could potentially have to get involved physically on someones private property which brings the possibility of even more charges, with strippers, I don't know how it works but I think the bar crew takes charge of security you just drive and you said earlier that you would prefer not getting involved and stay in the car to listen to music.

My point is, IF you can make as much money driving strippers, why risk the consequences of driving escorts ?

In all cases, I wish you luck in your search.


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
Your probably right Godfather, you just learn me that driving escorts is different then driving strippers for the law. I like your idea and will try this opportunity instead of driving escorts to avoid problems and make almost as much as money then driving escorts. Even if I make less money, I don't care because it's safer and will be able to sleep on my 2 ears, and this is priceless.

Thank you Godfather.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Bonsoir dcfan
Driving escorts or strippers is the same for the law. You can not legally transport somebody for money without the legal papers. That is transportation licence, taxi permit, plate and insurance. It is not only the cop who can stop you. You can be arrested by the Montreal taxi permit regulation group (I don't know exactly the name) or by the provincial road controllers.
Penality is a very stiff fine. It can also include a severe beating if some legal taxidrivers catch you in a dark alley. It can include the car getting confiscated permanently if I recall correctly. It will be in-pounded on the spot guarantee.
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