It is true that prices have gone down in the last few months. Some agencies are offering, in JDM, a 1 hour service for 90 $ or even 75 $ (like super choix and coyote city...). These are very low-level agencies though. I don't know if this is due to bad economy or to competition. New agencies are created on a regular basis (others also go out of business on a regular basis).
Assuming this is due to the economy, will it affect the HDH agencies on the long-run? It seems that most of the HDH SPs clientele consists of tourists. If you are coming to Montreal for business or just to relax, you would like to make your trip memorable in every aspect. you will not have a room in the Hilton and go for a Low-level escort. If the financial situation of some of these tourists starts to be shaky, they will just refrain from coming to Montreal and not keep coming to montreal to see low-level SPs (low-level SP means that the price is low and not that the SP herself is low-level, a necessary clarification). For locals the situation is different. It might surprise you, but there are also people living in Montreal who make good money and see SPs from time to time. I guess if one of these persons goes into financial trouble, then he will sooner or later cut his hobying budget. In this case he will either continue seeing HDHs but less frequently or switch to low-level SPs, keeping the same frequency. I would say, that the second situation is more likely. As when you loose your job, your need for affection will get higher, and you will just need some human wormth more frequently.
For the LDL vs. HDH debate, I don't think that all the people who sometimes criticize the high prices of HDHs are jealous. Being poor (i.e. having an incmoe of less than 150000$) is not a crime and not something that sb should be ashamed of. I know some rich people who are real jerks and poor people who are smart . Many locals here though not having billions in their bank accounts (including myself) can afford to see a HDH SP at the same time basis as any american tourist (after all they come here just a few times a year). I would say that many locals see SPs once every 2 weeks or even weekly (or maybe more frequently). So, in comparing the hobying budget of both categories over time, I don't know who is spending more money on hobying. So why "poor" people don't go for HDHs? after a quick brainstorming, I've got these possibilities :
1- A lack of self-esteem : I am poor and I don't deserve that girl.
2- Not attracted to barbie-doll girls (speaking for myself, this is one of my main reasons, I prefer next-door girls, I am not attracted to girls in their early twenties as I am still young and has nothing to prove to myself either sexually or physically, maybe that will change in the coming 20 years).
3- The fear that the SP will provide a poor service when she sees you. after all, you're not rich and poor people deserve poor services. This is not a lack of self-esteem but being realistic.
To close up, thinking that money brings pleasure is just an illusion. The real pleasure you will have it with your loving wife or gf, and that pleasure is priceless. Many "poor" people are happier than rich people. And I hope that we will not have to say one day "Tell me who you fuck, I will tell you who you are". We are fed up with these silly social discriminations. Sorry for being so frank (mean?).