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In response to: |STOP the Bigotry

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Jan 6, 2009
In response to: |STOP the Bigotry

Hello Merbites/Staff, this is actually Anglophuck again and I’d like to respond to the thread above. If some of the staff and community take issue with somebody asking for an English speaking SP (I have not had the opportunity to learn French yet), I can only assume that they are prejudiced against Anglophones. Moreover, I seem to have been banned without warning or duration after only four posts. Others have been banned for a few days or weeks and they have actually violated the forum rules, whereas I have not. The staff have accused me of making disparaging remarks towards Frenchies, but if you look at any of my posts I have not done so nor would I ever (against the French or any other race/religion/culture/etc). As an Anglophone in Montreal, I know firsthand what it is like to experience this sort of persecution and would certainly not wish it upon anyone else.

In my initial thread, I had asked for information on English speaking SPs, as I had had a negative experience with a girl on CL who did not speak English (who claimed to in her advert). Respondents had the audacity to call me bigoted, uneducated, inbred, and retarded and did not even answer my question; there was no punitive action taken against them. Unfortunately I don’t know anybody in Montreal yet (professional colleagues notwithstanding) and it was very important to me that company elicited could speak English coherently.

Before relocating to Montreal (from Vancouver) a few weeks prior to Christmas, I thought French Canadians generally speaking, were very open, tolerant, and accepting of other cultures, races, and languages; I was egregiously mistaken. The bigotry and intolerance I have endured as an Anglophone in Montreal is revolting. This has not just been at the hands of the Merb Staff. My neighborhood, Outremont, was so overwhelmingly anti-Anglophone (particularly towards my daughter) that we were forced to move after only one week. I have since relocated to the Plateau area where people are a bit friendlier, but many are nonetheless cold and withdrawn when I approach them in English. I have also seen rampant anti-Semitism and prejudice towards Muslims in my brief time here (I do not fall into any of the aforementioned demographics).

I am tremendously grateful for the information provided by this site and community, and apologize if I have offended anyone. However I am very disappointed at the apparent intolerance and double standards at Merb. The Merb staff and other bigoted Montrealers should be ashamed of themselves. I have never fully understood the Federalist/Separatist issue until now.



P.S. I have posted this thread and asked one last question in another as well, but now you can delete this account and my other one. If Anglophones are not generally welcome, I will leave.

P.S.S. This thread underscores the narrow-mindedness that plagues much of Montreal.

Quote From Above Thread:

1. Racism (and presumably other forms of prejudice [cultural/lingual/etc.]) is socially acceptable.
2. You can take bets with your friends on which English neighbour will move out next.
3. Other provinces basically bribe you to stay in Canada.
4. You can blame all your problems on the "Anglo A*#!%!"
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
SpeedRacer said:
Hello Merbites/Staff, this is actually Anglophuck again and I’d like to respond to the thread above. If some of the staff and community take issue with somebody asking for an English speaking SP (I have not had the opportunity to learn French yet), I can only assume that they are prejudiced against Anglophones. Moreover, I seem to have been banned without warning or duration after only four posts. Others have been banned for a few days or weeks and they have actually violated the forum rules, whereas I have not. The staff have accused of making disparaging remarks towards Frenchies, but if you look at any my posts have not done so nor would I ever (against the French or any other race/religion/culture/etc). As an Anglophone in Montreal, I know firsthand what it is like to experience this sort of persecution and would certainly not wish it upon anyone else.

In my initial thread, I had asked for information on English speaking SPs, as I had had a negative experience with a girl on CL who did not speak English (who claimed to in her advert). Respondents had the audacity to call me bigoted, uneducated, inbred, and retarded and did not even answer my question; there was no punitive action taken against them. Unfortunately I don’t know anybody in Montreal yet (professional colleagues notwithstanding) and it was very important to me that company elicited could speak English coherently.

Before relocating to Montreal (from Vancouver) a few weeks prior to Christmas, I thought French Canadians generally speaking, were very open, tolerant, and accepting of other cultures, races, and languages; I was egregiously mistaken. The bigotry and intolerance I have endured as an Anglophone in Montreal is revolting. This has not just been at the hands of the Merb Staff. My neighborhood, Outremont, was so overwhelmingly anit-Anglophone (particularly towards my daughter) that we were forced to move after only one week. I have since relocated to the Plateau area where people are a bit friendlier, but many are nonetheless cold and withdrawn when I approach them in English. I have also seen rampant anti-Semitism and prejudice towards Muslims in my brief time here (I do not fall into any of the aforementioned demographics).

I am tremendously grateful for the information provided by this site and community, and apologize if I have offended anyone. However I am very disappointed at the apparent intolerance and double standards at Merb. The Merb staff and other bigoted Montrealers should be ashamed of themselves. I have never fully understood the Federalist/Separatist issue until now.



P.S. I have posted this thread and asked one last question in another as well, but now you can delete this account and my other one. If Anglophones are not generally welcome, I will leave.

P.S.S. This thread underscores the narrow-mindedness that plagues much of Montreal.

Quote From Above Thread:

1. Racism (and presumably other forms of prejudice [cultural/lingual/etc.]) is socially acceptable.
2. You can take bets with your friends on which English neighbour will move out next.
3. Other provinces basically bribe you to stay in Canada.
4. You can blame all your problems on the "Anglo A*#!%!"

Hello SR,

All you needed was a better way of expressing your wishes. If you don`t realize from the start at the most basic level that the word "Frenchies" (typifying your approach), which you continue to use, is insulting, then the cause is lost.


mazingerz said:
Ton "top reason" est une fois de plus du Québec bashing de la part de la communauté anglophone mais ça on est déjà habitué d`en recevoir. Ton attitude méprisante envers la langue française fera en sorte que tu ne seras certainement pas le bienvenue au Québec. Si tu veux vivre ici, tu dois apprendre le français et cesser de la dénigrer. Il est clair, juste par le ton de ton intervention, que tu ne veux rien savoir du français car tu nous as dit de partir en France. Or, les Québécois francophones ne se feront sûrement pas exiler en France, ils sont majoritaires. Vous ne répèterai pas le déportement de l`Acadie.

Donc, si tu veux vivre ici, apprend à nous respecter sinon tu n`as rien à faire au Québec


Of course, to be fair...responding directly in a different language to those who can`t read it is RUDE and INSULTING too. Don`t forget that Mazingerz.

Walk the walk,

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wtf is going on?

New Member
Dec 31, 2008
cynical city
wtf is going on?

SpeedRacer said:
Hello Merbites/Staff, this is actually Anglophuck again and I’d like to respond to the thread above.

Before relocating to Montreal (from Vancouver) a few weeks prior to Christmas, I thought French Canadians generally speaking, were very open, tolerant, and accepting of other cultures, races, and languages; I was egregiously mistaken. The bigotry and intolerance I have endured as an Anglophone in Montreal is revolting. This has not just been at the hands of the Merb Staff. My neighborhood, Outremont, was so overwhelmingly anti-Anglophone (particularly towards my daughter) that we were forced to move after only one week. I have since relocated to the Plateau area where people are a bit friendlier, but many are nonetheless cold and withdrawn when I approach them in English. I have also seen rampant anti-Semitism and prejudice towards Muslims in my brief time here (I do not fall into any of the aforementioned demographics).

I am tremendously grateful for the information provided by this site and community, and apologize if I have offended anyone. However I am very disappointed at the apparent intolerance and double standards at Merb. The Merb staff and other bigoted Montrealers should be ashamed of themselves. I have never fully understood the Federalist/Separatist issue until now.

I think Anglofuck is just having a little bit of fun trying to create some shit. Now i don't live in montreal but i having been coming here for decades. I have only run into a handful of people who couldn't speak any english and most of them tried there best to help you out. I do not speak any french and it has never been an issue, i have found the people for the most part to be polite and friendly. On occasion i have ended up with an sp that spoke french only and still had a pretty good time despite the language barrier, she did her best and i did my best but there was no attitude from the sp's who spoke french only.


Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello SR,

You were warned about using the term 'Frenchie' in your posts. You were told that it was considered to be a derogatory term. But you continued to use it and to complain about the lack of English proficiency of French speaking escorts in Montreal, a predominantly French city.

There was a simple solution to your problem. You could have simply asked for information regarding escorts who could converse in English but instead you went on a rant about how it was the agency's responsibility to supply you with an English speaking girl when you had not specified that to begin with.

As far as Anglophones being welcome here on MERB is concerned, if you had spent any time reading the board you would find that the majority of posters do post in English. We have no language laws here. All we ask is that the members show respect for each other. Everyone is welcome to share their experiences and to read the posts of other members who are sharing theirs.

Once again in this thread you are using the term 'Frenchies' which is one of the main reasons for your ban.

You have also registered a new handle which in itself is grounds for banning. If you were serious about coming back to MERB and apologizing for your previous comments you could easily have communicated with myself or any other moderator by e-mail and we possibly might have worked out a solution. Instead you register another handle and come on MERB to complain about your poor treatment and bigotry in Montreal in general. Like many people you fail to understand that how you conduct yourself has an effect on how people will treat you in return.

Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror and try to see how others see you before blaming everything on everyone else.

Needless to say, this new handle is also banned and this thread is closed.

EDIT: If you are indeed serious about becoming a valued member of MERB and discovering the beauty of our fine city and the pleasures it offers, my invitation to discuss matters with you by e-mail remains open.

Mod 8
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