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Is “this” for rich people only?


New Member
Jan 21, 2022
Is meeting a sex worker an activity reserved for rich people?

Do you feel like booking an escort is a luxury?
I know it isn’t cheap as most people charge a lot more than minimum wage per hour yet we have clients from all backgrounds (more modest jobs and very well paid).

Can you afford your needs or do you need to save a little before finally being able to book someone?

Do you wish you had a bigger budget?

Do you wonder how other people afford to book multiple people every month?

I am asking all those questions because I am curious. Please stick to your own experience and do not mention anyone by their name. Sex workers are allowed to charge whatever they want.

For SW:

Do you consider yourself a luxury?
Of course it's a luxury, just think about it ! You book the girl of your dream and she does almost everything you want ! Unless you're a sicko.these girls deserve every penny they earn, it's not an easy job, clients are not always nice with them and not always freshly showered. For me i only book a girl every 6 or 8 weeks so it stays something I'm enjoying. Too much is like not enough.


New Member
Jan 21, 2022
Je trouve que c’est maintenant du luxe de rencontrer une escorte, je dois contrôler mes pulsions sexuel sinon cela finirais par coûter cher $$. Une chance que j’ai encore quelques demoiselles que le prix est raisonnable, j’ai jamais payé plus de $200/Hr pour le moment. Quand je vois l’annonce et que c’est indiqué $350 - $400/Hr je n’essai pas de faire baisser le prix, si dans l’annonce il n’y a pas de prix et que la demoiselle est jolie je demande le prix si elle me dit $350 /Hr je répond merci sans plus, parfois elle va me demander à quelle heure tu viens me voir BB, alors là je répond c’est pas dans mon budget et il m’arrive de me faire répondre que je suis CHEAP, pardon je me lève à : 5 :30 tout les matins fait mes 40 hrs de travail et pour voir une demoiselle je devrais travailler 2 jours pour une rencontre de 1hr et je suis CHEAP, j’ai quand même un revenu qui me permet une gâterie de temps en temps mais les rencontres ont diminué.

Alors oui c’est maintenant du Luxe, il faut quand même mettre nos priorités à la bonne place, on a tous des paiements et des membres de la famille à aider (enfants).
Si je peux me permettre, le prix est en fonction du service et de la fille, essaie le une fois tu vas voir la différence.
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Sep 8, 2020
Of course it's a luxury, just think about it ! You book the girl of your dream and she does almost everything you want ! Unless you're a sicko.these girls deserve every penny they earn, it's not an easy job, clients are not always nice with them and not always freshly showered. For me i only book a girl every 6 or 8 weeks so it stays something I'm enjoying. Too much is like not enough.

While I agree with what you said I’m trying to understand the correlation.

We do deserve the money we charge but is that the reason it’s a luxury?


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
An interesting perspective change that happened to me after starting this hobby was that I no longer value expensive supercars (Ferraris, BMW, etc), unless you’re really into cars and that’s your thing.

Because let’s be honest, most of us want expensive car to increase our Sexual Market Value, but the end goal is to get laid or boost their ego. So why spend on car when I can direct that $ straight to the final goal.

And that’s how I save for part of this hobby.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2006
An interesting perspective change that happened to me after starting this hobby was that I no longer value expensive supercars (Ferraris, BMW, etc), unless you’re really into cars and that’s your thing.

Because let’s be honest, most of us want expensive car to increase our Sexual Market Value, but the end goal is to get laid or boost their ego. So why spend on car when I can direct that $ straight to the final goal.

And that’s how I save for part of this hobby.
I do not understand your point of view. I am the owner of an amg Mercedes and I do not see nor feel what is has to do with my sexual market value.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
An interesting perspective change that happened to me after starting this hobby was that I no longer value expensive supercars (Ferraris, BMW, etc), unless you’re really into cars and that’s your thing.

Because let’s be honest, most of us want expensive car to increase our Sexual Market Value, but the end goal is to get laid or boost their ego. So why spend on car when I can direct that $ straight to the final goal.

And that’s how I save for part of this hobby.
with all due respect I think you need to set your priorities straight, because neither expensive cars nor escorts are key to having a fullfiling life.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
We do deserve the money we charge but is that the reason it’s a luxury?
Mais non ça n’a rien à voir avec ce que vous croyez mériter pour accepter de faire ce métier. Seulement vous, pouvez déterminer où se situe ce barème.

La raison pour laquelle c’est un luxe se trouve uniquement, comme tout les autres produits dits "de luxe", dans les pourcentages de la population qui, de façon raisonnable, peuvent se permettre d’avoir accès à ces produits.

L’exemple le plus concret pourrait être celui-ci:

Le salaire moyen d’un ouvrier qualifié et expérimenté au Québec aujourd’hui se situe autour de $35/hr. Donc avant impôts, $1400.00 par semaine. Disons qu’une fois toutes les charges déduites(impôts, assurance collective, assurance emploi, RRQ etc.) Il lui(elle) reste un gros $850.00 dans ses poches.

Avec ce montant il (elle) doit, comme nous tous, subvenir à ses besoins essentiels, et probablement à ceux d’autrui; enfants, épouse etc. Combien coûte un loyer pour loger une petite famille? Ou une hypothèque pour une maison? L’électricité, la bouffe, les frais scolaires, l’auto… pas nécessaire d’aller plus loin, notre bonhomme/bonnefemme est déjà dans le rouge!

On peut donc, d’ores et déjà, avancer que, dans l’absolu, tout les cols bleus de ce monde ne peuvent se permettre ce genre d’activités. Ça fait un gros pourcentage de la population, pour qui, ce n’est pas accessible donc, c’est du luxe puisque ce n’est pas essentiel.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Is meeting a sex worker an activity reserved for rich people?
No. It's just less visits for those who need to save up to be able to afford it.
Can you afford your needs or do you need to save a little before finally being able to book someone?
I am flattered when I know someone can only see me once every few months because they need to save up to be able to see someone. Some of these are the sweetest souls, but just don't have much to their name.
For SW:

Do you consider yourself a luxury?
I find it a luxury.

Kind of like getting your nails done. Sure the more fortunate can just go ahead and get them done as often as they want. And can afford the designs and gems, while some just don't have money for it and have to either save up for it, or pass on the expierience.
Sure we all have nails. But it is a luxury to have a professional do your nails for you, instead of doing them yourself.
Same goes for SW. It is a luxury to be serviced professionally, otherwise your left with your hand or toys and do it yourself. You don't need to have a woman there to cum.
It is a luxury to afford to have a professional come in to help make the expierience better than doing it alone. And for some they want to cuddle and feel the closeness too, not just aim for the ejaculation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
with all due respect I think you need to set your priorities straight, because neither expensive cars nor escorts are key to having a fullfiling life.
No but it helps pass the time quite pleasantly while you are searching for fulfillment.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
with all due respect I think you need to set your priorities straight, because neither expensive cars nor escorts are key to having a fullfiling life.
Mise en garde: représentation culturelle de l'époque.
Do you mean fucking a Thérese in a Tercel?...
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
An interesting perspective change that happened to me after starting this hobby was that I no longer value expensive supercars (Ferraris, BMW, etc), unless you’re really into cars and that’s your thing.

Because let’s be honest, most of us want expensive car to increase our Sexual Market Value, but the end goal is to get laid or boost their ego. So why spend on car when I can direct that $ straight to the final goal.

And that’s how I save for part of this hobby.
The perfect performance vehicle is equal to or greater than the perfect multi-orgasmic lover (and I'm referring to they type that can make you double pop). And whether you're in a 4-wheel drift, knee skimming the ground, or jumping that double, the orgasm lasts longer, lol. If you're buying a vehicle for poser value, penis insecurity, or SMV as you put it, then you're buying the wrong vehicle for the wrong reason. Take some formal instruction or get rid of said vehicle/stop deluding yourself. To quote a friend, "What good is a 12" cock if you can only use 6" of it?" ;)
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