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Is an 18 year old girl too young?


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
In addition very often but not always as girls age especially when they hit 30, they tend to get out of shape/gain lots of weight. I seen many examples of that at stripclubs. For me that is one of the reasons I prefer girls in their early 20s. Also young girls usuallytend to give more and are usually more open to give extras. That has been my experience.
110% agreed. It's the "Law of the Wall" that women can't avoid.
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Sep 8, 2003
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I found some stock photos online. I have a photo of a woman in her late teens or early 20s and another in her 40s. Which one do you prefer? LOL

If you search again, you can also find an average 20yo with glasses and acnea, and a sexy slender 40yo.

But get me right, our body at 20yo is at its prime and it goes downhill from there. But as we read on this forum in so many reviews, good sex is not only about beauty. I'll take a pretty, affectuous, uninhibited and skilled 40yo anytime over a stunning, ice cold 20yo doing the least she could do in bed.

Now, if you've got both youth, beauty, warm attitude and skills, she's a keeper. But that's very rare. And she will age too (as will you!).

I must be getting old I guess....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
You should try the older women once in a while. Less game playing, more experienced, more sensuous. I like the prettiness of the young ones, but appreciate the skills and attitude of mature women.
oh I have. I did not mean to imply that i dont like 30 yos. I've been with lots of beauutiful and great 30 yos and even some 40 yos (better looking than me that's for sure), but for the casual sex as this industry offers, the preference is for the 20 yos..
Also, the older i get, the less important is the 'experiennce' of the older woman for me it seems.


New Member
Jan 1, 2015
Avoiding the politics that somehow crept into this thread my short answer is that it depends.
I’m in my 40’s and haven’t been with an 18 year old since I was in my 20’s (young dumb and full of cum) and it wasn’t an sp.
My personal preference is to have some sort of connection with my partner be it an sp or otherwise. A bit of maturity and life experience goes a long way imo.
That’s not to say there aren’t 18 year olds out there that are “vieux têtes “ but for me as a guy who enjoys pleasing my partner I’m more attracted to women who are more experienced and comfortable with their bodies and sexuality. That’s something that comes with time and just plain old living life. Hard for an 18 year old to fit those criteria.
But once again it comes down to personal preference. Just my 2 cents
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Some 18 person are amazing intelligent human... but I got my first experience at 18 in my personnal life & im really happy to have start not at this age... a lot ot provider who start at this age dont have time to know their own taste. But always have exeption...almost everybody say they prefer 30 S

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I met my wife 35 years ago when we were both 18yo and we were having sex three times a day so I am trying to recreate those memories with young SP since I do not find my wife attractive anymore. 18 is not too young for anything.
You will never be back like a 18 years.. i just thing with a 30 s year provider... its the best.. I think you gonna be more confortable aswell because she have expérience... also its just to do something new.. and also important to put magic youe own bring her to the hotel book a couple massage.. good food .. buy her lingerie..parfum... Nice shoes.. do a activity.. really important is the human the more important in your life
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