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Is it obvious when she is on her period??


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
After I finished round 1 with an SP, she asked to use the bathroom and I brightened the lights, I then noticed a few blotches on the white sheets. They weren't very conspicuos, I may not have noticed them if they weren't white sheets. They were small blotches , kinda in a grayish color, no real distincive color, maybe even like a light coffee color. I don't know anywhere else they could have come from. When the lights were dim, I barely noticed them.

Would it be obvious when a women is having her period. Would the staining be more than a few blotches. She claimed to have had period the prior week. When I started to perform DATY on her earlier, it did have a weird taste, but that could always be for other reasons too.


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
Has anybody ever seen this? Perhaps, I should have directed the question at the women on the site.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
fellers said:
Has anybody ever seen this? Perhaps, I should have directed the question at the women on the site.

I've seen this with one of my ex-s. I've never encountered this with a SP. I can't really comment about the taste during DATY since almost everytime that I partake in DATY, my mouth was just rinsed/cleaned with mouthwash (so I can't really taste anything).

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
As a married man, I can tell you that menstrual blood is usually a very dark reddish-brown when it hits the sheets. After it dries, it is light brown at the center and dark around the edges. If the spots you saw were grey, maybe they were stains that were already on the sheets.

If you have sexual intercourse with a woman in mid-period, you will find a big blotch about 4-8 inches in diameter on the bedsheet. It will be very obvious.

As for the taste, it should be slightly metalic like blood. Of course, if she hasn't recently taken a shower the smell would have been obvious and unpleasant. If she has just showered, any blood you encounter will still be fresh so you might not notice it in the dark. You might look like Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer when you look in the mirror however.

Of course, nobody sets out to perform DATY during a woman's period, but on the odd occasion it happens by accident, particularly if the woman is not aware that her period is just about to arrive. If she is aware, she will stop you before you get down there.
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Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Corleone said:
Do you also do that before you eat oysters? You are missing the best part of DATY, IMHO.
French Emperor Napoleon was known to write his wife Josephine not to wash herself the week before returning from a battle.

I don't. It is just that since the meeting sometimes (or most of the time) involves kissing (DFK or LFK), I always rinse my mouth before an SP meeting. For me, it is as normal as a shower and a shave is before a SP meeting. After the SP meeting, I normally do the same thing (shower and rinse my mouth).


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Oh so guys find menstruating women sooooo sexy Mmm!

:p I guess I have been fortunated enough to have meet males in my life who adore me and find me delicious particularly around my menstruating days. Obviously they dont want to eat blood but if I am wearing tampon and fresh from a shower the one's i have keept as boyfriends will daty on me and persist to love me tender specially around my period.
I would not keep a guy as a boyfriend if he finds me undesirable around my menstruation days. I would call him misogenistic, which means having disgust of the female body. All of us are in the earth thanks to menstruation process. Women should be celebrated and loved, particularly during their period not despised. I love the smells from my body around my period I think I am much sexier:) ;) :p ! I love that metalic smell it is sooooo sexy on me of course !


New Member
Jul 24, 2004
Oh well Juliana, the one that insists on her customers been clean and smelling good, now that's logical allright, lmao.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
I am not talking about clients !

MManour said:
Oh well Juliana, the one that insists on her customers been clean and smelling good, now that's logical allright, lmao.

Maxima and MManour

I was not refering to clients, I dont even work during my period, because it is way too exausting !

I was trying to say that: If i date a guy who despise my body during my menstrating days, he will be dumped for sure !
I dont expect clients to love me.But the man who whom I love, and cook, and I care for, oh yes!!!!!!!! he has to love me with or without menstruation otheewise he is out off the equasion all together !


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Check again Juliana.

Juliana said:
:p I guess I have been fortunated enough to have meet males in my life who adore me and find me delicious particularly around my menstruating days. Obviously they dont want to eat blood but if I am wearing tampon and fresh from a shower the one's i have keept as boyfriends will daty on me and persist to love me tender specially around my period.
I would not keep a guy as a boyfriend if he finds me undesirable around my menstruation days. I would call him misogenistic, which means having disgust of the female body. All of us are in the earth thanks to menstruation process. Women should be celebrated and loved, particularly during their period not despised. I love the smells from my body around my period I think I am much sexier:) ;) :p ! I love that metalic smell it is sooooo sexy on me of course !

Hello Juliana,

First, please excuse me for the correction. Misogyny, the base form of the word misogynistic, does not mean "disgust of the female body". Your use is outside the real meaning, though it could be a very limited acceptable extension related to the word if one is open-minded. But you are distorting the real meaning. Misogyny is even viewed by feminists as being in the same category as "racism or anti-semitism". It is a bias against women generally. It is when others, even women, see women generally as a subordinate gender. It can be used to convey a disgust or hatred of women in the sense of a whole gender. Your use may serve your intent but it is off base at best. Apologies for the lesson.

I found this thread distasteful in subject matter. I would not have joined in except for the character of your comments. Of course I have no right to say there is anything wrong with your preferences. Enjoy life as you will without doing harm to others. But you seem to be having a personal reaction to the posts previous to yours because I don't see where anybody infered they "depised" the female body. Perhaps it would be interesting to learn more about your feelings, but your reference seems to be outside of anything others said or intended to infer.

As I said, no one can tell you what your preferences in life should be. Could you also allow that principle of free choice for others. You seem to be implying it is wrong not to daty a woman during her cycle. Whether someone wants to daty a lady during her menstrual cycle or not under any circumstances is simply a matter of preference...not any kind of implied attack against women, and definitely NOT misogyny. I have enjoyed many of your posts. But I find your latest, quoted here, odd. I don't see any connection between what the previous posters have said and misogyny, and I hope no one goes in that direction. Your apparent connection to the idea of a hatred for the female body in the these posts is way out of bounds up to now. Maybe you meant to say..."if i date a guy who rejects my body during my menstruating days." But, no feminist overkill...s'il vous plait.


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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Well, suffice to say - a BF and a client

are going to have different reactions to the redflag days!

I will not work during my period, nor would I have sex with a BF during the time... I consider the time ME-SACRED. My period reminds me to focus on my comforts and to regroup and enjoy some alone time, or girls time (actually, girl time rules!).

I have met men who could care less about that time as long as you let them know (I have done this when it shows up unexpectedly and most guys still meet with me), I have met those that love it (apparently everything gets alot hotter in there!) and then I have met a few who would rather not. I don't take offense to that at all.

I think the SHOCK of not knowing ahead of time is what disgusts most men. However, men need to understand that working in this business does change your cycle and make it a little less predictable.



Oct 26, 2006
My ex-BF used to love redwings! I personally dont enjoy or feel comfortable having sex or getting eaten out while on my period...its something just too personal for me..i've done it a couple of times though, actually sex isnt too bad during those days:p


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
It may be true, but not entirely. She would still have occassional breakthrough bleeding and less predictably at that.


Corleone said:
An MP that I will not name, and with whom we were talking about daty, told me once that she does not have periods, because she takes a certain kind of contraceptive pill.
I was circumspect. Is it true or pure BS?
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