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is it ok to refuse a girl?


Mar 2, 2004
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after my fiasco with forty plus agency on friday i come to the conclusion that it should be ok for us to refuse a girl at the door when she is really not what you expected...i mean some agencies are just there to screw you and dont really care about the clients....i always feel bad so i dont refuse but do they feel bad for us after they lie to us about one of their girls...HELL NO...
another lesson learned...stick with the reputable agencies........
I am not sure I agree with this statement. Why should I have to pay if the agency is dishonest? Especially if the dishonesty is blatant i.e. you ask for a black girl and you get a white one or you asked for a specific girl and someone else shows up.
In those cases the SP should take it up with her agency.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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If they lie or bait & switch they shouldn't get anything.

If they send someone who isn't to your liking (for whatever reason) then it is customary to give the girl a 20$ for the "travelling"


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Nov 25, 2003
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MG_mtl said:
If they lie or bait & switch they shouldn't get anything.

If they send someone who isn't to your liking (for whatever reason) then it is customary to give the girl a 20$ for the "travelling"
You are right MG... we have the same way of thinking as you...


New Member
Nov 25, 2003
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Question for you guys???

If you consider that it is ok for you to refuse a girl... what we agree too...

Do you consider that the girls have the same right (to refuse a customer)... without charging anything for transportation or else (of course if it is her decision) ???


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Yes it is OK to refuse a girl... I used to work for 40 plus. And it is not necessary to offer her anything. That said the girl is not the one to blame. The agency is. The girl does very much appreciate when you give her a little something for her trouble... many still have to pay a taxi or a driver (40 plus does not employ drivers).

The best way to do it is to explain to the agency while the girl is beside you that you requested someone for your fantasy, and the girl they sent over is not what they told you... nothing wrong with the girl per se, just that she does not fit the fantasy. This way her feelings are not hurt, and the agency knows the problem without assuming it might be the girl.



2-2 in bans... loser...
suzan&michele said:
If you consider that it is ok for you to refuse a girl... what we agree too...

Do you consider that the girls have the same right (to refuse a customer)... without charging anything for transportation or else (of course if it is her decision) ???

It's your right but don't expect a good review.

Also under your same logic shouldn't you be paying us guys for sex if you do accept us????????


Mar 2, 2004
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thanks for the advices..i think 20$ is about right and fair for both parties involved...but if its a repeat screw up with the same agency then probably not...
some of you say if they would refuse us?????...why would they isnt this how they make their living getting customers good looking bad looking i think when they get to a room most of them block everything out and dont even see it that the end its a job....but if guy is good looking than lucky for them and him cuz beleive me you get much higher mileage from girls if they are into you and are attracted to youand especially if you treat them good not saying im a stud but ive read reviews about girls with so many restrictions and when i was with the same girls i got so much more initiated by the YMMV with all of them...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree 100% with you. YMMV factor is huge, in my experience. However at least two posters have admitted being rejected by an escort and I think that there are several valid reasons for an SP to reject a potential client:

1. The client is raving drunk and incoherent.
2. The client is using drugs and incoherent.
3. The client is or becomes physically or verbally abusive.
4. The client's hygiene warrants rejection (e.g. overwhelming body odor; strange looking sores on client's cock)

In any of these situations I would not blame an SP for rejecting a client. The burden is on the client to behave, to not abuse drugs or alcohol, to act respectfully, and to be clean and well groomed and disease free.

BTW Cardshark I can tell you are French Canadian because of your pluralization of the word "advice" to "advices." This is a common Francophone mistake on a tricky English word that is actually plural as "advice." Don't take this personally as many of your fellow Francophones make the exact same mistake.
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Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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cardshark said:
some of you say if they would refuse us?????...why would they isnt this how they make their living ...

The main reason, I think, is that the woman might not feel safe. Escorting is a weird business. The woman spends an hour or more locked in a room with someone she doesn't know. She has her clothes off and a stranger inside ehr body, and the stranger (very often) assumes he can give her orders. In her place I'd be careful about who I said yes to.

As one of the very few clients ever to post about getting turned down, all I can say is I don't blame the girl in question. Yes, I think she made the wrong call, but it was her call to make. If a girl has any doubts, there's no way she should put herself in a stranger's power.

(I never found out why the girl bounced me, but I was drunk at the time. Not raving and incoherent, just drunk, and maybe she'd had some bad experiences with the messed-up. At any rate the agency sent over another girl thirty minutes later and we had a lovely time.)
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