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Is this current economic situation affecting your amount of hobbying?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
well it is mine. With the price of EVERYTHING going up and up (including sps), i'm starting to really feel it. I made a decision (at 3am last night) to slow way down my frequency of hobbying. Anecdotally, one provider told me things were slow at a place that usually is very busy in the waste island (a lot of homeowners out there).

I am alone in feeling the need to cut back?
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Toto beefcake

well it is mine. With the price of EVERYTHING going up and up (including sps), i'm starting to really feel it. I made a decision (at 3am last night) to slow way down my frequency of hobbying. Anecdotally, one provider told me things were slow at a place that usually is very busy in the waste island (a lot of homeowners out there).

I am alone in feeling the need to cut back?
Its affecting everybody man. So no your not alone Even sps are affected, hence the raising of prices .


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
The current economic situation could have affected my hobbying but fact is my libido went down over the past few years. I never thought I'd say this but Thank god! My mind is much more peaceful, focusing on other things that matter more to me now.

So, even though I still hobby and have great fun doing it, I'm more of an outsider now, looking at you guys getting blue balls and all the action.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
I made a decision (at 3am last night) to slow way down my frequency of hobbying.
That was 3 am. You were firm on your decision at 6 pm? every morning I make a promise to myself that I am not going to have a drink. As day starts to get darker I break this promise.
Yes! it inflation does hurt and try to rationalize the spending including (spending on dick)

The Mac

Active Member
Apr 13, 2008
Pre covid I used to keep a log of girls I saw/ prices and back in 2019 I could pay between 100-140 for 30min with a good looking Indy whereas in 2023 I’m paying at the very least 200$ for the same amount of time and quality of girl. A particular sp I used to see in 2019 used to offer 30min at 120$ now she only offers hours and it’s 300/h so yeah my hobbying is almost non existant compared to a few years back.

Toto beefcake

Lack of talent is a far bigger killer.

Average SP age has increased by 5+ years since 2020.
Average weight is probably up 15 lbs.

Say what you want about "experience."
But young fresh girls are priceless.

Ain't many around anymore.
I think everyones doing it now to be honest. At least from what ive observed Obviously theres some whove been doing it for 8 years plus like certains girls in some mps but then again i havent been in the game as long as
Some of you when it comes to seeing “talent” so cant compare and maybe my opinion means squat lol


Mar 22, 2019
Kinda feel like the universe always balances out in these cases. Less money to go around to pay for SPs, but less clients for them as well. Given time, everything falls back into balance.

I used to stress about when markets were up or down, but now I realize that when everyone else is in the same boat the tide goes up and down with the rest of the world and we all end up pretty much where we started.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
From what I heard, Covid really had a major financial impact as well, and some are still trying to recover from the lost income.
Inflation and having our regulars suffer with lack of affordability has been hurting us once again. Agencies have a constant flow of clients, but many indies have a lack of clients these days. Even less so, if you don't fit the beauty ideals of perfection today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Difference is i have paid taxes all my life and even on retirement i am at about 50% tax
nd dont give me the bs you pay tax on every cent you get getting paid cash
no person getting paid cash in their right mind declares all their income
ya its great right now but wait till your older
quebec pension if you retired today max before tax is 1350 a month and old age security is 707
2057 a month minus tax $24,684 a year provided you declared a income high enought to get the max from quebec
your tax provideing you had no other income would be $969 23,715 net or $1976.25 a month
the guaranteed income supplament cut off point is 20,832 so your bottom line is $1976.25 a MONTH
quebec gives you 25% of the average income you earn
so if all you cash earners who dont contrabute or dont contrabute a lot feel its bad now just wait
think i am wrong anyone call call quebec and ask for a extimate of retirement paper 514 873‑2433
which will show wht you if you keep contrabuitng will get if you take it at 60 nd if you take it at 65
and its about $10 off and your contrabution history like the government websites is roughtly 3-4 yrs behind

Each year, your employment earnings are recorded under your name in the Record of Contributors of the QPP , up to the maximum pensionable earnings ($66 600 in 2023). The amount of your pension corresponds to 33.33% of the average recorded earnings.
I am fully aware that retirement doesn't provide enough income... i have spent most of my life working in public jobs and paying into retirement. And those jobs didn't pay enough to prevent me from falling in debt. Trying trying to raise 3 kids alone on barely above minimum wage while i worked my ass off for an employer who didn't appreciate the business i braught in just from having a beeming personality and being a perfectionist at my job. He got to live well off while I struggled to put food table for my kids.
Once i left his business took a bit of a dive and i still get to hear when i go in that it just isn't the same withoit me there. I know damn well what it is to work hard. Too hard in fact.
I also know my golden years will suffer by choosing to go into this line of work.. but i still struggle to put food on the table, and pay my bills and i see my regulars suffer as well.
I had to raise my prices because i spent most of last year paying my mom to take care of my youngest while i ate ramen threwout the year. A meal that costs $0.30 beefed up with an egg and some veggies, eating once a day. I still struggle with the bank claiming over 600/month on intrest rates and pray every month i make enough to cover rent.
Every time i start to get ahead something happens to my vehicle which i am still making payments on and have to fix that. Just so that i can keep working and make it to the doors of the clients i have. Not to mention the price of gas constantly going up.

Trust me your not the only one who is struggling in this economy. I have been offered a christmas basket by my kids school because they see me trying, and had to accept it just so i could afford a few gifts for my kids come Christmas.

My entire f*cken life has been 1 f*cken struggle after another i do what i can to survive, and i don't make my problems the problems of my clients either. As far as they know i lead a good life and am doing fine. I wouldn't have depression issues and anxieties and all the rest if life desided to cut me a f*cken break, and i still choose to even do this job with the best smile i can muster and give more cares to my clients than i do myself as i have done all my life believeing in earning an honest living rather than accepting handouts or scamming people. I'm not even scamming the government as i dont even accept welfare, just trying to provide for my family the best i can without being a burden on others.

Besides retirement as far as I'm concerned is almost the equivalent of the governments idea of insurance or a scam... the majority of people are likly to die from being overworked before they ever reach the age of retirment.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think everyone is feeling the pinch and it of course hasn’t helped that Indy’s have raised their prices dramatically in the last 2 years.
I have never used agencies but have thought about it lately.
The Indies that I have been seeing the most I will continue seeing basically because I don’t know how many more years I can continue as health issues are starting to complicate things and I do enjoy seeing the ladies I have become friends with. There is one that I will never stop seeing as long as she is willing to see me both as an escort and a friend, she has been a total angel to me for many years.

Toto beefcake

Inflation and having our regulars suffer with lack of affordability has been hurting us once again. Agencies have a constant flow of clients, but many indies have a lack of clients these days. Even less so, if you don't fit the beauty ideals of perfection today.
Dont forget agencies mps they give a cut to the house. So what they charge is not always the excat money they make

Toto beefcake

I don't think SPs have ever had more clients than they do now, you literally have to book them seconds after the schedule is out or otherwise they are fully booked. I'm not sure your logic works here.
I dont believe that. Sometimes they hype it up to make it seem that they are busy. Tricks of the trade. Agency to. You need some breaks in between. Then again some are different than others
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Dont forget agencies mps they give a cut to the house. So what they charge is not always the excat money they make
I actually just pointed out that fact on another thread.

Copy and pasting it.

Some of these points do lead to making it harder for an indy SP to be able to survive in this industry, and lord knows many of us have tried the agency route and found it severly lacking in screening and respect for the girls, to be willing to be part of them. Not to mention having them with one hand in the SPs pocket often feeling more like they are the legal equivalent to a pimp than a helpful hand in business. They do the advertising, they do the screening, (and newbies and girls who have tried soloing often get the shitty and sometimes dangerous clients on purpose as a form of screening before being allowed to see the more popular girls, or nicer clients) they provide the location, they tell you how much you actually make, and are treated like an assembly line with little to no say in who you get to see. (Oh you didn't think the amount she is paid actually goes to her did you? There's a few people who's hand is in her pocket making money off what she is doing.)
It is also why you are more likely to find the younger girls in an agency, as once a girl realizes just what is going on, she often opts out and to do it on her own.

Toto beefcake

I actually just pointed out that fact on another thread.

Copy and pasting it.

Some of these points do lead to making it harder for an indy SP to be able to survive in this industry, and lord knows many of us have tried the agency route and found it severly lacking in screening and respect for the girls, to be willing to be part of them. Not to mention having them with one hand in the SPs pocket often feeling more like they are the legal equivalent to a pimp than a helpful hand in business. They do the advertising, they do the screening, (and newbies and girls who have tried soloing often get the shitty and sometimes dangerous clients on purpose as a form of screening before being allowed to see the more popular girls, or nicer clients) they provide the location, they tell you how much you actually make, and are treated like an assembly line with little to no say in who you get to see. (Oh you didn't think the amount she is paid actually goes to her did you? There's a few people who's hand is in her pocket making money off what she is doing.)
It is also why you are more likely to find the younger girls in an agency, as once a girl realizes just what is going on, she often opts out and to do it on her own.
So agency and others , your kind of indirectly forced to offer extras to “break even” in a sense.
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