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Is this current economic situation affecting your amount of hobbying?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Besides retirement as far as I'm concerned is almost the equivalent of the governments idea of insurance or a scam... the majority of people are likly to die from being overworked before they ever reach the age of retirment.
I think anybody that is relying on the government solely for their livelihood in retirement is looking towards an old age of misery and poverty.
Then again is it really the role of the government to provide everyone a comfortable life style or is it up to the individuel to be smart enough to save and educate himself and pick the right career path to do it for himself.

I honestly think that many SP are very good at making money but have very little knowledge or skill at how to save it and make it grow.
I wish some of the more knowledgeable ladies would offer to help their colleagues and there was a place where SP could confidently go and ask and then use this to better their life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Ce qui se passe actuellement n'est rien avec ce que le futur nous réserve.
Ce hobby est un luxe que certains peuvent se permettre.
Moi j'ai beaucoup diminué mes rencontres.
Ma libido a beaucoup diminué et quand je regarde l'inflation galopante dans tous les domaines.j'ai hâte qu'on frappe un mur pour changer cette société malade.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I think anybody that is relying on the government solely for their livelihood in retirement is looking towards an old age of misery and poverty.
Then again is it really the role of the government to provide everyone a comfortable life style or is it up to the individuel to be smart enough to save and educate himself and pick the right career path to do it for himself.

I honestly think that many SP are very good at making money but have very little knowledge or skill at how to save it and make it grow.
I wish some of the more knowledgeable ladies would offer to help their colleagues and there was a place where SP could confidently go and ask and then use this to better their life.
It takes money to invest money. Someone who has some extra it is a wise decision to invest and get ahead. I wish I had known about the potential to invest when I was 18, I likely wouldn't be where i am today if I had. Problem is there's likely just as many scam opportunities in investing as there is in hobbying these days. It is a way the rich get richer.
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
I have to ask my ATF when she'll be on schedule to have any chance of seeing her
In my case, I'm sending her a text message early in the day and she makes sure the agency keeps a spot for me...

Edit: I know for a fact that a couple of non regulars got bumped because of me... sorry guys!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
In my case, I'm sending her a text message early in the day and she makes sure the agency keeps a spot for me...

Edit: I know for a fact that a couple of non regulars got bumped because of me... sorry guys!
Even agency girls can somewhat control/prioritize who they wanna see, especially the more popular ones. And it definitely makes sense, for them to do so, if they know they are comfortable or enjoy the company of specific clients. It does make it hard for people like me, who are from out of town and only visiting for a few days, to see the more popular agency SP's. For instance, in previous years, I have had great experiences with Euphoria. But on my most recent trips, I found it difficult to make bookings with them, because I like to plan out my trip days in advance, and they only release their schedule the night before. On top of that, even if you watch out for the schedule, and contact them immediately, you are not assured of any appointments. Not complaining, it's just the nature of the business, and it has worked well for them, but I do miss my visits with Euphoria's staff ;)

Toto beefcake

That's a myth, I've had many girls tell me that they are booked back to back to back. I have to ask my ATF when she'll be on schedule to have any chance of seeing her, because by the time the schedule is out I might not be able to book her. An agency would have no reason to lie and refuse your money by saying a girl is booked if she isn't, that would make no sense.
Im not saying an agency is lying but after all the girl has a say as well. Theres no gun to her head
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Jun 14, 2019
I am in my mid 30's for everyone I know this economy has been great compared to the past. Only ones hurting is maybe those with mortgage debt whom had extended themselves but otherwise things are great. Those who have housing debt have enjoyed a big jump in values too so kind of balances out either way. No changes in activity on our side, I think the agencies seem fairly busy though when i try to book.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Yes I cut down a lot.

I used to be a big spender, 2-3 SPs a day. There has been some weeks I see 30.

Since the summer, I have had to cut down a lot. I see maybe 4 a week now.

Our business revenue went down by almost 40%. I also had a fire in my condo so I had to spend a ton to replace a lot of things, and it was much more than I originally bought it for.

Our business clients have been very antsy and I have been working 10 hours a day to make sure they're happy. So I don't even have time to hobby.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Most agency girls do 6h shifts, so with the agency cut let's say 260-80=180 and then let's assume 20$ tip on average so 200x6=1200. If she works 3 days a week that's 187,200 per year minus any time off. And then they choose how much of that to give the government.

I'm sorry to hear that indies are struggling in these times, but agency girls definitely aren't.
Whoa! I’m not sure this is the case for MOST agency SPs. I am not trying to say that’s not accurate, but I think it’s different for some SPs. I know a couple of SPs who have other jobs or go to school, so they work at most 2 days/week and see maximum 3-4 clients per day.

As well, as an example with XO, I think there are about 50 or so SPs on the roster. They can’t all be working at least 3 days per week and seeing 6 clients per day! Some of them don’t appear on the schedule for 1-2 weeks sometimes.

As well, I’m not sure all SPs are fully booked ALL the time. I usually book in advance, but on the occasion that I booked the day off, quite a few SPs still had availability.

Anyway, I don’t want to disagree with you, we’re just speculating. IMO, your math might be right for the top 10% busiest SPs, not sure it’s valid for all.
Just my 2 cents!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I dont believe that. Sometimes they hype it up to make it seem that they are busy. Tricks of the trade. Agency to. You need some breaks in between. Then again some are different than others
Agreed. A lot of it is hype. I’ve had some girls tell me they’re less busy at this time of the year.
Sometimes I book last minute and many agency SPs still have availability!

If they make it seem like the girls book up quickly and are fully booked all the time, guys will rush to book early and often. Lol!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
It hasn’t affected my hobbying that much, although I don’t see as many SPs and I tend to repeat a lot. Frequency is about the same, although sometimes I’ll go a few weeks without hobbying. So far I can afford it, but I’m putting aside less $ than in previous years, due to inflation.

IMO, this hobby is not affected as much by inflation, as other luxury things are. I think a certain percentage of hobbyists are well off or have good paying jobs, so inflation doesn’t affect them. I’m guessing others feel the pinch of inflation, but have decent paying jobs or savings, so they’ll find a way to hobby. Maybe others can’t afford it as much, but will cut down on other things in order to hobby. When we have the urge or want to see our ATF, we’ll find a way! Lol!

I think some are cutting back, based on some responses in this thread. But overall not sure there is less demand, but I could be wrong. I think the popular agency girls are still booked regularly. The popular Indy’s probably still have their regular clients, but I’m guessing some might have less bookings.

So overall, inflation obviously has impacts, but more on some than others.


Oct 25, 2023
It takes money to invest money. Someone who has some extra it is a wise decision to invest and get ahead. I wish I had known about the potential to invest when I was 18, I likely wouldn't be where i am today if I had. Problem is there's likely just as many scam opportunities in investing as there is in hobbying these days. It is a way the rich get richer.
Good point I blew a lot too when I was younger!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
That was 3 am. You were firm on your decision at 6 pm? every morning I make a promise to myself that I am not going to have a drink. As day starts to get darker I break this promise.
Yes! it inflation does hurt and try to rationalize the spending including (spending on dick)
I admit, im already cracking a bit...:) it has been 4 days since i have seen an sp and I feel differently. but im really gonna have to try. i have always lived beyond my means, but this is rediculous
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I admit, im already cracking a bit...:) it has been 4 days since i have seen an sp and I feel differently. but im really gonna have to try. i have always lived beyond my means, but this is rediculous
“If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world” Paulo Coelho
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Ogre Tones

Active Member
Dec 23, 2005
I feel very privileged with my incomes. However, I feel that 400-600$/hr or more is mentally more difficult to justify than the rates pre-covid. The whole economy is inflated and ready to sink soon. I have done meetings at these rates this year and they were awesome. But I don’t feel good spending that much money for 1hr and it is not like I get the super-service. I have gotten the « btw, my 1.5 hr package is what I prefer - it would be less rushed » comment a couple of times.

Agencies or the best massage places I find more on par with my expectations vs. what I pay. I‘ve also had a few good meetings with rising indies in massage or escort spaces - I find they are great options. Still a desire to please.

What I wonder is if we get a big economy crash (just another increase of the « taux directeur » would be hard for many), the clients willing to pay these rates may drop like flies and these rates would be unsustainable.

Just my opinions of course.

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