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Jesus bones, truth or myth ?


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
Techman said:
As for the C.S. Lewis quote...Personally I feel that anyone that takes stories that were written thousands of years ago to be absolute truth
Guess I won't see you in church this Sunday.:rolleyes:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually I love churches, especially old ones. Marvelous examples of architecture and they do evoke certain long forgotten feelings of belief. Doesn't last long though. I've always wanted to be rich enough buy an old unused one and turn it into a strip club.:p


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Techman said:
I've always wanted to be rich enough buy an old unused one and turn it into a strip club.:p
Almost happened in Hull in the late 70's early 80's. :p
An old church was turned into a disco. Soon after, rumors started that it was haunted and that turning this old church in a disco was a sin... Peoples started seeing "things" and reporting "strange occurences"... Not too long later, after an action-packed night of party, somebody noticed the old cross, on top of the bell tower, was now up side down... Of course, it got that way by no human intervention! :eek: The place closed shortly after... :rolleyes:

Still want to buy an old church and convert it to a SC? :D

The opposite happened in the 80's in Gatineau: an old bar renound to be trouble was converted into a church, with new bell tower and all. No ghosts there!
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Techman said:
I've always wanted to be rich enough buy an old unused one and turn it into a strip club.:p

And I've always said I wanted to buy one and turn it into a brothel. Maybe we can combine our ideas. :p


Jun 23, 2003
Visit site
Oh I can just hear the holy words being uttered in the new SC/Brothel/Church:

Oh my god, oh my god, more, more, more, oh lord, oh god, yeessss! yes, YESSSS!


That's my kind of prayer.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Christ for profit.

Hello all,

Whatever was found it is certain no one will be able to prove these bones belonged to any individual. What we do have in those boxes is something else for the "true believers" and scientists to battle over like pit bulls each trying to seize the entire steak for themselves. There is also the profit motive again. After watching a documentary this morning about an argument over which Bethlehem (there are two places with that a few miles from Nazareth, the other over 100 miles away) was the birth place of Jesus, and how two communities were building tourist facilities in each place to suck in all the currency they can, this new discovery will definitely have a huge profit bias component.

Then as one who has not entirely lost the beliefs he grew up with, I find it most odious that anyone would even think of claiming they found the "bones of Jesus". It's not just the sacreligious offensiveness of such a statement, it's the pure human arrogance inherent in offending believers over something that can never be proven even if you don't believe He was the "son of God" who ascended to Heaven.


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New Member
Dec 6, 2005
Some interesting new comments I've come across regarding James Cameron's "find." Cameron has been promoting his television program as offering "tangible, physical, archeological and in some cases forensic evidence” for the existence of Jesus.

As The Right Rev. N.T. Wright, Bishop of Durham, and a leading New Testament scholar says “I can’t believe how far behind the game he is, scholars from all religious traditions and none have no doubts that Jesus lived. The argument is about whether he was who he said he was.”

Professor Geza Vermes, a world authority on the life and times of Jesus and one of the first to study the Dead Sea Scrolls and a self described “sympathetic agnostic,” says “These are such common names of the time that nothing would oblige you to connect them with the figures of the New Testament. You’d also have to assume that Joseph and Mary — who famously lived in Nazareth — moved to Jerusalem to be buried there. If we had an inscription saying ‘This is Jesus, son of Joseph, celebrated as the Messiah’, then we might be getting somewhere, because why would you need an ossuary if the body has been raised . . . but I wish I hadn’t suggested that because it will give someone an idea!”

Keith Ward, Regius Professor of Divinity (emeritus) at Oxford University,
Feels the current fascination with the ossuary is different from religious veneration. Relics offered a sense of devotion because of their perceived link to Jesus — “like people who collect football shirts” — but “this modern obsession is the opposite.” “Like The Da Vinci Code, it is the simple desire to shock even when the argument is breathtakingly literalistic, ludicrous and superstitious.” "As a scholar, I don’t care if people aren’t religious, but I am dumbfounded at the second-rate thinking.”
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