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Joe Biden a good President


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
The address is tonight to Congress BUT----Covid oblige---it will b très intime with autour de 200 représentants/sé oui majoritairement des DEMS avec en tête dans les meilleurs fauteuils KAMALA-- PELOSI et CHUK :) a change...
in your face TRUMP and Co.......;).


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

President Biden said it’s time for the richest Americans to "pay their fair share".

The guy mopping the McDonalds bathroom pays more taxes than the ceo of McDonalds. This needs to change!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Joe Biden declared the United States is "on the move again" as he marked 100 days in office with his first address to Congress.

The US president outlined trillions of dollars in post-pandemic spending plans including the "the largest jobs plan since World War II".

Mr Biden said: "It is 100 days since I took the oath of office and inherited a nation in crisis. Now, I can report to the nation - America is on the move again. Turning peril into possibility, crisis into opportunity, setback into strength.

"In America we never, ever stay down. Americans always get up. Today, America is rising anew. America is ready for takeoff. We have shown each other and the world there is no quit in America."


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
The address was great--clear --inspiring and CREDIBLE. As JOE said....AMERICA is on the move:)....with big big challenges to face -----economy, climate, education, health, infrastructure........He has a vision for his country and for the future... :) yes it's ambitious
BUT that's the way to go choice.....again well done JOE.:)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And the vision is higher debt, taxes and inflation. Very surprised that none of you take that onto account, do you think that raising taxes to those only who make over $400 K a year and corporations will pay for all of this? Do you not think the heavily taxed corporations will not pass the extra tax onto you? Jobs cut due to animation?
Free stuff is nice but never free.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well c'est certain que de bâtir a better quality of life for the MIDDLE CLASS has a cost ;)BUT don't forget with more money in their pocket people will spend more and a lot of these massive investments will b reinvested in the economy d'une facon ou l'autre..
IMHO it's a win win situation ;) .

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So the only people actually making more are the corporations for selling goods at a marked up price and through animation due to wage increases and governments from the taxes? The middle class is a very low income group who will not spend as you think. How will climate change expenses put money into someones pockets? Economics is not a strong suit for the left it seems. Also adding the outsourcing when companies say fuck it to the tax system, cheaper do do business in China ( Bidans buddies ).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...the middle class will perhaps not spend that much BUT that does not mean they don't deserve better access to education , health services and safe environnement...bien au contraire....ils sont le poumon---l'oxygène de l'économie américaine......and ---don't forget---these investments sont sur un horizon de 10-15 ans.......not tomorrow morning.;) you understand my a big mistake.....erreur d'inattention......But some day hope i will put a sincere one ....;). .


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Biden's cognitive decline was evident again during his speech last night and in another recent talk earlier this week.

He constantly stumbles over and mispronounces everyday words. This happens even when he is well rested and all he has to do is read from a teleprompter. It's not like he is speaking extemporaneously. It's no wonder his staff lives in mortal fear of letting him answer questions or speak without a teleprompter.

Sleepy Joe.jpg

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And it starts

President Joe Biden has unveiled a plan for higher taxes on inherited homes to help fund the $1.8 trillion American Families Plan.

The proposal would tax inherited property gains at death, targeting generational wealth transfers.

But financial experts say the measure may impact more families than just affluent ones.

"I think it could become a quagmire from a couple of different fronts," said certified financial planner Ken Van Leeuwen, founder and managing director of Van Leeuwen & Company in Princeton, New Jersey.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
that does not mean they don't deserve better access to safe environnement..
Do you actually think our environment is not safe? Other than major cities which there are few of the air quality is great, take a drive out into the country, beautiful blue skies, fresh air, snow covered mountains, land is not being swallowed up by the oceans. We are improving year by year and making good advancements, no need to break the bank over this because the scare has been put into people, gullible people to say the least.
Alternative Views on Climate Change | Council on Foreign Relations (
Gore found easy money with climate change because being in politics taught him how gullible people are. Bidun will spend trillions trying to alter the course of climate change, and fail, but there will be no consequences to him as probably his associates will have made millions. Again, 40 years of false climate claims and this one is correct?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Crazy Uncle Joe Biden and his sidekick Kermilla refuse to characterize the results of their open borders policy as a "crisis." I wouldn't call it a crisis either--it's more like a disaster or a catastrophe.

A lot of Americans aren't really following what's happening on the border because the mainstream (i.e. Democrat) media refuse to give the story the coverage that it deserves.

But at a certain point, the story becomes something you can't ignore, like when you suddenly realize that a small house in your nice, middle-class neighborhood in Houston (300+ miles from the Mexican border) is packed with 90 illegal aliens under the control of a criminal gang of human traffickers. No wonder Joe and Carmella don't want to set foot in Texas--they wouldn't be very welcome these days.

More than 90 people were discovered Friday inside a Houston home where investigators believe a human smuggling operation was under way, police said.

Some of the people appeared to have COVID-19.

Houston cops tweeted that dozens of people were found inside the home in the 12200 block of Chessington Drive in the city’s southwest section.

Cops had received a report of a kidnapping late Thursday and worked overnight to nail down a possible location, leading them to the home with a search warrant Friday, Assistant Police Chief Daryn Edwards told reporters at a press conference.

Edwards estimated that 91 people were found inside the two-story residence — five woman and 86 men...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you. for you...enjoy the MOMENT....cause il ne va pas durer très longtemps.... ;) .
Yes it will not last too long.... für die Demokraten :)
  • Haha
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