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Joe Biden a good President

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
..of course it's better to b good friends--alliés avec les tyrans--dictateurs de ce monde ;) .
No need to be friends but running your mouth against North Korea is not the best thing to do.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The Biden Team has had remarkable success so far in undoing much of the shit caused by the previous administration. It has done this despite the usual unending problems caused by Cruz, Graham, McConnell, Hawley, Greene, Boebert, Gohmert, Jordan and almost all other Republicans.

But perhaps the biggest accomplishment of the Biden Team is restoring normalcy to a nation that for four miserable years was subjected to daily tweetstorms of hatred and shit by a corrupt, ignorant president who did nothing other than play golf, tell lies, botch the covid response, spew hatred and incite a violent insurrection.

Biden has restored basic decency to the highest job in the land and for that he will be remembered as a great president...perhaps not in the upper pantheon with Lincoln and Obama, but still great.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Excellent article. It shows that Biden and his team are not perfect in their public statements but are far more honest than Trump was. Hardly a surprise there! Furthermore, when the Biden Team's errors are pointed out, they do not deny and attack as Trump did - they admit the error and attempt to be more accurate in their subsequent discussions on the topic where they erred. Refreshing transparency and honesty.

What it's been like fact-checking Joe Biden through 100 days (

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
By Nebojsa Malic, senior writer at RT
The Washington Post, which obsessively “fact-checked” every utterance by former president Donald Trump for years, is discontinuing its presidential database only 100 days into Joe Biden’s tenure, saying it’s just too much work.
The Post’s chief fact-checker Glenn Kessler announced the decision late on Monday, making a Freudian slip by describing the database as a “Trump” one rather than presidential, while trying to argue it required “about 400 additional 8-hour days over four years beyond our regular jobs.”

Going easy on Joe: WaPo drops presidential fact-checking database they maintained under Trump after Biden’s 100 days — RT USA News
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

After the first 100 days of President Donald Trump's inauguration.
His statements continue to be closely scrutinized, and the Toronto Star writes that he makes 2.2 false allegations per day. For a true total of 220.

I took the time to read Sol's link, and about Biden's 40 of the supposed Lies. Here are 3 examples of Biden's lies:
Biden Statement on Impeachment Falsely Attributes Officer’s Death to Capitol Riot.
Biden Repeats False Claim That Trump Told Public to Inject Bleach.
Biden Says Goal of 100 Million Vaccine Shots in 100 Days Was Tough for Him to Meet.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You still hanging onto the Trump told people to inject bleach and the Capital hill riots? Yet you post fake pictures of Trump with a pre-teen, there seems to be a link here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
It's my answer:
You are right to admire a man who likes bleach to clean us of this shit, I imagine that with orange juice is better.

What about the capital hill riots? watch all his MAGA rioters who are complaining that trump let them down.

You are right to admire a man who is mentally ill and ask psychologists if narcissism can be cured, well the answer is NO.

In short, many of Biden's lies are truths.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Sene, some people will never believe the truth. The scientific term for such people is "Trump supporters".

Fortunately EIGHTY-ONE MILLION Americans DID believe the truth and voted to give Joe his massive landslide victory. Now, Joe's consistently positive ratings in all the polls show that more and more Americans are finally starting to realize that Team Biden is doing a great job. His administration will be remembered by the history books as the one that brought America back from the brink of disaster caused by the previous four years of EPIC failure in everything from the economy to jobs to street violence to the pandemic - all of which were horribly botched. Thank Heaven Team Biden came in to undo so much of the damage.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
While talking about trains last week Biden once again lost his train of thought. He embarrasses himself every time he tries to make remarks without a script.

He was talking about a job that Obaba assigned to him--making a budget for a "high speed" rail network that was doomed from the start to never get built (a good task to keep Biden busy). Biden mentions proposed lines that would go "from Charlotte to..." [he never says to where] and "from Florida down to Tampa." Huh? o_O

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
four years of EPIC failure in everything from the economy to jobs to street violence to the pandemic - all of which were horribly botched.
You must be getting your news from team Bedun, here are some real numbers but do not let facts get in the way of your delusion.

1. Jobs were better than expected until the crisis began.​

The unemployment rate fell from 4.7% shortly after Trump’s election to 3.5% by the end of 2019, below Federal Reserve expectations of about 4.5%. That was partly driven by Trump’s corporate and individual income-tax cuts and a February 2018 bill that reset spending caps Republicans had demanded in the Obama era. When the coronavirus struck, the economic damage from social distancing and states’ shutdowns helped to drive the jobless rate to 14.7% in April this year. The rate fell faster than the Fed expected, reaching 7.9% in September, but the jobs recovery is far from complete. Five million more people were unemployed in September than when Trump took office.

2. The growth rate rose, but not as expected.​

Trump’s first budget in 2017 projected that the growth rate under his policies would pick up to 3% by 2020 and stay there. During the expansion under Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, gross domestic product grew at an average annual rate of 2.25%. It picked up to a 2.5% rate over Trump’s first three years in office, according to Commerce Department figures. With the onset of the pandemic, growth went haywire as states shut down local economies and then reopened at different paces. A majority of private-sector economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal this month estimated the gears of the economy wouldn’t be turning fully again until late 2021 or later.

3. Gains for minority workers were reversed.​

During Trump’s first three years in office, median household incomes grew, inequality diminished, and the poverty rate among Black people fell below 20% for the first time in post-World War II records. The unemployment rate among Black people went under 6% for the first time in records going back to 1972. Minorities and low-skill workers tend to do best late in expansions as the jobless rate falls, but they also tend to be hit first in downturns when some firms dismiss the most recently hired. By September, the Black unemployment rate was 12.1%, reversing all of the gains achieved since 2014. The jobless rate for high-school graduates with no college was 9%, reversing the gains since 2011.

4. Blue collar jobs were hit hard by Covid-19.​

Trump’s trade policies, most notably tariffs on imports, were aimed at helping blue-collar towns hurt by competition from China, Mexico and other low-wage countries. After decades of declines, manufacturing employment began a modest rise in 2010 and extended those gains under Trump. But the Covid-19 crisis knocked manufacturing employment back down to levels comparable to the 1940s.

What Happened to the Economy Under Trump Before Covid and After - WSJ

You know if not for covid Trump would be in power, the BLM riots fueled by the Dems did not help either. It must we wonderful believing whatever your media of choice pumps into you.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
While talking about trains last week Biden once again lost his train of thought. He embarrasses himself every time he tries to make remarks without a script.

He was talking about a job that Obaba assigned to him--making a budget for a "high speed" rail network that was doomed from the start to never get built (a good task to keep Biden busy). Biden mentions proposed lines that would go "from Charlotte to..." [he never says to where] and "from Florida down to Tampa." Huh? o_O

I tried going from Florida to's very confusing!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I finally found a Biden proposal that I can support: "Anybody making less than $400K a year will not a pay a single penny in taxes."

"Not a single penny!" That's exactly what he said.

Yah-hoo!! Now that's a policy that I can support wholeheartedly! :D

Oh wait it's just Crazy Uncle Joe's daily gaffe. Sorry. He meant to say that everyone's taxes are going up, up, up. :(



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The gaffes, lies and episodes of extreme "forgetfulness" from crazy Uncle Joe just keep on coming.

Amtrak Joe hits the buffers: President's story about conductor congratulating him for traveling 1.5m miles had RETIRED 20 years earlier - and his mother who he 'was visiting' was already dead​

  • Biden shared the anecdote in a speech on Friday celebrating 50 years of Amtrak
  • Said conductor congratulated him on 1.5 million miles in his second VP term
  • Recalled the incident occurred while he was traveling to visit his sick mother
  • Biden began his second term in 2013, but conductor he named retired in 1993
  • And Biden's mother sadly passed away in 2010, at the age of 92
  • It is not the first time questions have been raised about Biden's anecdotes

    President Joe Biden's strange anecdote about reaching 1.5 million miles on Amtrak has come under scrutiny after key inconsistencies emerged that make it impossible to have occurred as he told it.
    On Friday, delivering a speech in Philadelphia commemorating the 50th anniversary of Amtrak, Biden launched into the tale of a certain conductor congratulating him on reaching the milestone as he traveled to visit his sick mother. Biden said the incident occurred in his 'fourth or fifth year as vice president', or around 2014-2015, at which time the conductor he named had been retired for 20 years and his mother had passed away, inconsistencies first pointed out by Fox News...


Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
The gaffes, lies and episodes of extreme "forgetfulness" from crazy Uncle Joe just keep on coming.

This almost doesn't seem newsworthy at this point. It's obvious that Joe's mind is going off the rails on a Crazy Train.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The first paragraph.

Not once in the 244 years of history of the American Republic has it had such a clueless and extremely self-indulgent president as Joe Biden. In the first 100 days of his presidency, he was able not only to destroy – purely out of spite and vindictiveness – every single one of Donald Trump’s economic, military and political achievements, but also to make the USA vulnerable in all three fields. The Socialist Democrat Party has Joe Biden as their main puppet to initiate their leftist, globalist agenda.

Joe Biden is Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief - America Out Loud


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Destroying every single one of Donald Trump's (ha ha ha) "achievements" (ha ha ha) is the main reason Biden will be remembered as a truly excellent president. For the survival of the USA, it was and is necessary to erase every one of Trump's horrendous errors. Bravo to Team Biden.
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