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Joe Biden a good President


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Gives other countries a lot of confidence to back US initiatives and believe in their promises.
Perhaps eventually they would have had to pull out but certainly not the way they did it.
So much for the man at the helm and his generals and advisors, a pitiful crew of assholes that completely botched this and put many lives In jeopardy needlessly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'Afghanistan est l'échec de 4 administrations successives de BUSH à BIDEN qui doit composer avec la décision prise par son prédécesseur.

BUSH en 2001 a voulu venger les attentats du 11-09-2001 et contrer Al-Qaida et ben LADEN tué en 2011 sous OBAMA....à l'époque c'était la bonne dé ce fut en peu de temps mission accomplie. Sous Bush l'intention de s'y installer pour la sécurité
et le bon développement du pays était bien fondée MAIS l'intervention en IRAK a tout fait basculer.....on a délaissé l'Afghanistan pour concentrer nos efforts en IRAK avec les résultats que l'on connaît. À partir de ce moment les TALIBANS ont recommencé
à s'organiser et maintenant on voit le résultat.....on aura eu au moins eu 20 ans de

Alors après des centaines de milliards partis en feu...des milliers de vie sacrifiées dont 168 Canadiens.....on repart à à coup sûr le terrorisme va renaitre devenir une triste réalité avec laquelle il faudra dorénavant 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
L'Afghanistan est l'échec de 4 administrations successives de BUSH à BIDEN qui doit composer avec la décision prise par son prédécesseur.
I suggest you stick to Quebec and Canadian politics!!!...fuckin sad au `bout ostie!

What the fuck does that mean "his predecessor"!!!... Any decision Trump made to eventually pull out of Afghanistan was driven by pre-election demands by Biden and the Democrats for the Republicans to pull out of Afghanistan because of cost reasons and saving fuckin` American troop lives!!! And now you`re fuckin`crying and blaming Trump for the pull out when even when ``Slow Joe`` admitted today that the right decision was his to pull out!!! Something fuckin' seriously wrong with you're analysis dude!

Tell me! In over 6 fuckin months does the U.S. have a Vice President that can articulate even a syllable out of his or her mouth! Cause I haven`t heard fuck all! If you ask me most of the morons in the Biden administration including their V.P. believe they are pullingh out of Taliban! They have no fuckin' idea what the difference is between Taliban and Afghanistan!!!

This may be the first time since 1776 that the U.S. has a phantom/mute V.P.! Pretty fuckin`sad admistration if you ask me!

Pleasant dreams "Sleepy Joe" and your V.P. over the next 4 years!...Pleasant dreams!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It was not Bush not Obama, and not Trump that just botched and pulled out all the troops leaving vulnerable people that helped the US and believed in them to die and be tortured by the Taliban.

It was sippy cup Bidet, stop trying to spin this in all different directions.
He fucked up big time end of story.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Any decision Trump made to eventually pull out of Afghanistan was driven by pre-election demands by Biden and the Democrats for the Republicans to pull out of Afghanistan because of cost reasons and saving fuckin` American troop lives!!!
This statement and Fradi's "Sippy Cup Bidet" is how one knows you're more interested in playing the blame game than objectively looking at the situation. Trump made his commitment to pull out of Afghanistan as part of an overall anti-interventionist "America First" agenda. It had absolutely nothing to do with any Democratic demands. Everyone was tired of both wars. That was exactly why Trump lied and said he was against the Iraq war from the beginning, despite the fact that he told Howard Stern the exact opposite back in the day.

Plus that line is objectively hilarious on its own. Trump doing something because Democrats wanted him too? The Donald Trump? If you believe that, then I have an invisible sculpture to sell to you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What blame game ?
You are still hung up on Trump.
He was an egotistical asshole that fucked up on how he handled the covid situation and it cost him the Presidency.
He was however far better for the economy than Bidet will ever be.
What gets me is that Bidet completely fucked up and along with his Generals and advisors miscalculated the Taliban and now has left Afghanistan defenceless and all the ones that stood by the US and helped were not evacuated first but now left at the mercy of terrorists to be tortured and killed at their whim. This will give the US allies a lot of confidence to back them in the future.
Yet all of you are still blaming a guy who has been out of the picture since November, not the old fuck up that can’t remember his own name who is supposedly running the show.
This is what is hilarious, hope you enjoy the laugh.

On top of that Bidet has kept his promise of getting everyone vaccinated right, how is that going for him.
America is great again, number one in the world with new covid cases all that with having millions of doses of approved effective vaccines sitting in storage.
He deserves a lot of blame, you were right after all .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Some interesting read:

More on the blame game over the fall of Kabul and the Taliban's return to power:

China, Russia and Pakistan are expected to increase their influence in Afghanistan:


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Crazy Uncle Joe reassures an anxious nation on July 8:

Defense Secretary Austin in February:

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Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I remember when Biden referred to Austin as "that guy who works in that department over there".
He is only Defense Secretary...not like someone important whose name you need to remember.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Your point is well taken, but I have a devil’s advocate question for you, Capt. Renault, Sharkman and anyone else.

Is it really that bad to have a Weekend at Berne’s President?

What if he doesn’t have the mind to listen to the next educated idiot?

What if no President had listened to Robert McNamara or Paul Wolfowitz because the President they were talking to had no mind?

They were intellectuals in the government who had visions for Vietnam, Iraq (the 51st state) and Afghanistan (the 52nd state) that not only didn‘t pan out, but turned into helicopters trying to make it off the rooftop disasters.

Just a thought from someone who has come to increasingly dislike politics. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if we had years of nothing from a President who had no mind, and everything turned out great because the government really had nothing to offer anyway.
Interesting point Patron and I think I know where you are going with this. On the surface it's a strange comparison. LBJ was smart as a whip and way more shrewd than Joe even when Joe had all his marbles. However, he let his "intellectual" advisors lead him into the quagmire of Vietnam and his eventual political destruction. It wasn't just McNamara but Max Taylor, Dean Rusk and pretty much all his foreign policy advisors with the exception of George Ball who pushed him into Vietnam.
However your point is well taken. The LBJ presidency was basically a continuation of the JFK administration. LBJ kept most of Kennedy's cabinet with the exception of JFK's brother Robert.
One could argue that the Biden presidency is really a 3rd Obama term by proxy. Many of Joe's inner circle are former Obama staffers and it seems they are the ones really controlling the country with an easily controlled senile fool as their "leader" ( ie puppet).
The crucial difference is in the 1960s the Democrats were prepared to fight America's enemies. Back then it was mainly the Communist powers, Russia and China.
These days the Democrats seem to hate America almost as much as America's enemies hate America.
Joe can't have it both ways. He can't abdicate his responsibility now for this major foreign policy blunder. He is supposed to be the president..
He owns it.
This may well be the biggest foreign policy blunder by a new US president since Kennedy's foul up with the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. It's like Joe was saying "Hey Jack you think Cuba was a disaster? Hold my beer!".
Yes he was most probably being controlled by former Obama advisors, but the buck stops with him.
Btw the Weekend At Bernie's reference was my joke. ;)
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