Bbw hunter - I missed the movie, but I saw the trailer last Fall. I wished more people saw this movie then.Btw the Weekend At Bernie's reference was my joke.![]()
Bbw hunter - I missed the movie, but I saw the trailer last Fall. I wished more people saw this movie then.Btw the Weekend At Bernie's reference was my joke.![]()
Could it be that you're a little confused about recent American history?Leave Barack Hussein Obama out of this!
Laughing meme to follow shortly. Lol.
Not at all. Historically you’ve been using the laughing meme on all of my posts and it’s very cute.Could it be that you're a little confused about recent American history?
Yep he created this Disneyworld, with no fairy godmother to be had, does he look like and sound like one to you crocodile tears.......he just says he will mobilise every ressource necessary for evacuation....will do whatever needs to b done......not an easy task....not like going out from Dysney to b more in control today...i know there will b
still some skeptical....lolllBUT i like what i heard......à suivre......n'a plus le droit à l'erreur.
Well, cloudsurf, what I found funny was that your posts are usually highly intelligent and straightforwardly accurate without stooping to name-calling. In the "funny" (?) one , however, for some reason you chose to refer to Biden as a "puppet of the left", which is certainly not true. Then, saying he should be impeached and charged with war crimes is CERTAINLY hyperbole that I would expect from some right-wing zealots, but not from a wise and astute commentator such as yourself. Yes, Biden could have done better: no question. But war crimes - come on - even Bush was not charged with war crimes. Finally, you threw some insults at Trudeau - perhaps very justified, but not really relevant to a thread on Biden.Purplem what do you find so funny?
My comments about Trudeau could be construed as funny but he is going to leave a sad legacy. He is a pathetic shadow of his father.
Biden on the other hand is turning out to be a dangerous bumbling and stubborn idiot. He is personally responsible for the coming bloodbath in Afghanistan. You find that funny?
Strange how you constantly attack Biden (sometimes with justification, but often for no reason) yet always defend a guy who was totally incompetent AND instigated a treasonous attack on the very country he was supposed to be leading. And, by the way, if you DO wish to point out Joe's flaws, perhaps it would be a better strategy to stick to the facts than to use childish insults like calling him "Bidet" or to parrot Sean Hannity of all people by using Hannity's silly "Sippy Cup Joe" nickname. It kind of shows where you get your ideas from when you quote a Fox hack like Hannity. Is Biden perfect? No...but he's a hell of a lot better than the guy who came before him - a guy that you defend more often than not.Nope,
These excuses don’t fly, the White House according to their own admission, doesn’t even know how many Americans are left in Afghanistan or where they are.
I am sure there were many generals that did not agree with this kind of stupid pull out and must have warned Bidet.
Saying that it would have been the same with anyone else is ridiculous, there is no poof for that, owning up to the fact that he is a blithering idiot not fit to be President is the right approach.
All the Democrats are still up in arms and had the President impeached for the the attack on Washington, yet now where there will be total bloodshed and thousands of people tortured and killed the excuse is simply ow well it probably would have happened to whoever was in control. Perhaps like P I should have attached a laughing emoji to that argument.