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Joe Biden a good President


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
This summer, Biden declared to Europe that "America is Back" and was once again going to be a partner with Europe. No more "America first." Yet he did not consult with or inform any of the U.S. allies of his intentions in Afghanistan. I watched BBC world News today and he is being slammed in the press in Europe.

Member of Parliament Tom Tugendhat said - "To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, to claim that they ran. It's shameful,. "Those who have never fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have," he continued.

MP Huw Merriman called Biden a “total blithering idiot."

Another former minister, Simon Clarke, said it was the end of an American era. “The more you reflect, the more you realize the speech [Biden] gave last night was grotesque. An utter repudiation of the America so many of us have admired so deeply all our lives – the champion of liberty and democracy and the guardian of what’s right in the world,” he said.

This will be Biden's legacy that he will never recover from. Unfortunately it will also have repercussions for years to come, not only for the U.S., but the world. Is it any wonder that in a European poll this summer, most Europeans believe that China will surpass the U.S. as the leading World Power in the next 10 years?

Oh and as for the title of this thread - I think we all know now what the truth is.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Seriously, this puppet of the left should be impeached and since the buck stops with him as he says, he should be charged with war crimes. Because he didn`t listen to intelligent military advice......thousands of innocent Afghan men and women will be killed and girls enslaved..
Russia and China are laughing and Europeans are shaking their heads with bewilderment.
And Trudeau will say any lie and kiss any ass to get re-elected.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Purplem what do you find so funny?
My comments about Trudeau could be construed as funny but he is going to leave a sad legacy. He is a pathetic shadow of his father.
Biden on the other hand is turning out to be a dangerous bumbling and stubborn idiot. He is personally responsible for the coming bloodbath in Afghanistan. You find that funny?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Purplem finds everything funny.
His contribution is constant laughing and sad face emojis, perhaps Bidet is busy doing the same thing now with all the bad press against him.
Actually pretty funny and sad at the same time.
Bidet is a total disaster, he has made America a weak laughing stock, and no country will have any confidence in them when lead by a bumbling idiot who will now be responsible for thousands of innocent lives.
Now his biggest weapon is sanctions against the Taliban, that should work lol.
I listened to his nonsense that if any Americans are harmed bla, bla, bla, exactly how is he going to do anything with the Taliban controlling all cities, pathetic old fool.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Understood....BUT who would have predicted the political Afghan leadership would run away like a thief --- et l'armée would collapsed miserably the way they did in only 11 days----even surrinding their weapons loosely to the n'avait vu ca venir...on s'attendait à une meilleure et longue résistance de leur part......mais s'est écroulée lamentablement comme un chateau de cartes.

La majorité des Américains étaient/sont en accord--agree et souhaitaient le départ des Américains d'Afghanistan......évidemment dans la PRÉCIPITATION des évènements oui BIDEN screwed up with the situation...and takes full responsibility...
BUT at the end of the day-- under any administration Dem or Rep----it's obvious the TALIBANS would have won won that war......they now govern the country.....and yes it will b IMHO now or in 1- 3-5-10 years ....cette siituation était malheureusement


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
These excuses don’t fly, the White House according to their own admission, doesn’t even know how many Americans are left in Afghanistan or where they are.
I am sure there were many generals that did not agree with this kind of stupid pull out and must have warned Bidet.
Saying that it would have been the same with anyone else is ridiculous, there is no poof for that, owning up to the fact that he is a blithering idiot not fit to be President is the right approach.
All the Democrats are still up in arms and had the President impeached for the the attack on Washington, yet now where there will be total bloodshed and thousands of people tortured and killed the excuse is simply ow well it probably would have happened to whoever was in control. Perhaps like P I should have attached a laughing emoji to that argument.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Gaby you are right, the Afghan government leaders were corrupt and a bunch of thieves who fled the country like cowards. Afghan soldiers saw what their leaders did and they dropped their weapons to save their lives in a desperate situation .
But none of this, excuses Biden`s screw ups.

His administration was warned weeks ago by a cable from the Afghan embassy that the government was on the verge of collapse and the country was in imminent danger of being run over by the Taliban. That was a month ago when the US still had a chance to evacuate thousands of friendly Afghan civilians. Biden chose to ignore that warning and do nothing.

He was also advised by his military to leave a few thousand soldiers behind to provide protection to contractors that supported the Afghan military and to provide air cover to those fighting the Taliban. Biden ignored that advice too....or doesn`t remember getting it. Something is seriously wrong with the guy. This was a preventable situation if it had been handled by capable hands.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Just listening to CNN, commentator says he wants to see a speech coming from the heart of Bidet and how he feels about all this.
Yeah maybe the asshole in chief should shed some huge crocodile tears for all the lives he needlessly put in jeopardy that should help.
News is the invisible V.P will be alongside Bidet for a press conference, they must really be hard up if they even dug her out of the wood work, this should be good maybe she can accuse the Taliban of sexual misconduct lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Bidet says people are able to get to the airport and Taliban is accommodating.
Seems CNN reporter who managed to get to the airport is saying exact opposite. Now imagine reality if a CNN reporter is actually disagreeing with him.
Bidet says he was and is in talks with NATO and allies and credibility is good with them.
I guess he is living in this dream world of his.
Reality is everybody that tries to get to the airport is risking his life. European and other allies were not consulted they believe Bidet is a useless senile idiot and they no longer have any confidence in him or the US.
In other words Bidet is confirming he is a lying scumbag who should be impeached for war crimes like Cloudsurf mentioned before.
America has sunk to it its lowest confidence level ever throughout the world, and this blithering idiot can take full credit for it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 crocodile tears... ;) ....he just says he will mobilise every ressource necessary for evacuation....will do whatever needs to b done......not an easy task....not like going out from Dysney to b more in control today...i know there will b
still some skeptical....lolll;) BUT i like what i heard......à suivre......n'a plus le droit à l'erreur.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner crocodile tears... ;) ....he just says he will mobilise every ressource necessary for evacuation....will do whatever needs to b done......not an easy task....not like going out from Dysney to b more in control today...i know there will b
still some skeptical....lolll;) BUT i like what i heard......à suivre......n'a plus le droit à l'erreur.
Yep he created this Disneyworld, with no fairy godmother to be had, does he look like and sound like one to you lol.
  • Haha
Reactions: purplem


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Purplem what do you find so funny?
My comments about Trudeau could be construed as funny but he is going to leave a sad legacy. He is a pathetic shadow of his father.
Biden on the other hand is turning out to be a dangerous bumbling and stubborn idiot. He is personally responsible for the coming bloodbath in Afghanistan. You find that funny?
Well, cloudsurf, what I found funny was that your posts are usually highly intelligent and straightforwardly accurate without stooping to name-calling. In the "funny" (?) one , however, for some reason you chose to refer to Biden as a "puppet of the left", which is certainly not true. Then, saying he should be impeached and charged with war crimes is CERTAINLY hyperbole that I would expect from some right-wing zealots, but not from a wise and astute commentator such as yourself. Yes, Biden could have done better: no question. But war crimes - come on - even Bush was not charged with war crimes. Finally, you threw some insults at Trudeau - perhaps very justified, but not really relevant to a thread on Biden.

Those are the reasons I used the "ha ha"...but it was probably an error on my part. Given my admiration for all your other posts, I was very surprised by the tone (not the content, but the tone) of the one in question, which was more in keeping with the laughable posts by certain Trump defenders than by someone of your intelligence and class. I guess I should have used the "sad" emoji rather than the "ha ha" one. My apologies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
These excuses don’t fly, the White House according to their own admission, doesn’t even know how many Americans are left in Afghanistan or where they are.
I am sure there were many generals that did not agree with this kind of stupid pull out and must have warned Bidet.
Saying that it would have been the same with anyone else is ridiculous, there is no poof for that, owning up to the fact that he is a blithering idiot not fit to be President is the right approach.
All the Democrats are still up in arms and had the President impeached for the the attack on Washington, yet now where there will be total bloodshed and thousands of people tortured and killed the excuse is simply ow well it probably would have happened to whoever was in control. Perhaps like P I should have attached a laughing emoji to that argument.
Strange how you constantly attack Biden (sometimes with justification, but often for no reason) yet always defend a guy who was totally incompetent AND instigated a treasonous attack on the very country he was supposed to be leading. And, by the way, if you DO wish to point out Joe's flaws, perhaps it would be a better strategy to stick to the facts than to use childish insults like calling him "Bidet" or to parrot Sean Hannity of all people by using Hannity's silly "Sippy Cup Joe" nickname. It kind of shows where you get your ideas from when you quote a Fox hack like Hannity. Is Biden perfect? No...but he's a hell of a lot better than the guy who came before him - a guy that you defend more often than not.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I suggest you to stick to attaching laughing and sad face emojis, that seems to be your only forte, now that is childish lol.
btw this happens to be the Bidet thread there are many other places you can stick your emojis if you want to talk about the other guy.
Just to let you know I have never watched Fox News I don’t even know what Sean what ever the fuck his name is looks like I happen to watch CNN it is always better to know what fake news is being broadcast. Actually I don’t believe anything coming out of any US media is not biased BS towards one side or the other. It was your friend thegreatwaloo or Capt Renault used Sippy Cup where I first saw it and I though it fit the incompetent senile old fool perfectly. Bidet ,well my typing or spelling is not perfect.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You are under estimating Bidet.
He hasn’t even been there a year.
Fuck up number one he totally failed to deliver on his vaccination promise even while having millions of approved vaccines at his disposal, yeah I know it is the governors and those fucking Republicans that are responsible not him he is only the President..
He made America great again, number one in new covid cases.
Fuck up number two it was not that he pulled out of Afghanistan, the US had no business there in the first place, it was the way he did it leaving thousands of innocent people both American, allies and Afghans that risked their lives and believed in the US to be tortured and killed at will. Who actually believes the US can do a thing for these people if the Taliban decides to slaughter all of them tomorrow they control every city and road.
This makes him a weak laughing stock to the rest of the world and most allies will think twice before agreeing to any new US lead venture.
I won’t even mention the shit show going on at the Mexican border and that he aligned with the poorest V.P that the US is ever likely to have.
All this in under a year, give old Sippy Cup another 3 and he will make the orange egotistical asshole look like a hero.

Yes I still believe Bidet is horrible for the economy and Hillary would have been even worse.
Other than that you make a lot of interesting and thought provoking points.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Though my opinion of Biden has always been low, I thought that since he was just one of a hundred senators there was only so much he could do to harm the country. However, now that he has occupied the office of president for seven months, he has done more to harm the country than he did in decades of pontificating, plagiarizing and prevaricating as a professional politician.

The disaster that has unfolded in Afghanistan over the course of today and the last couple weeks just underlines what an extreme failure Biden is as president and politician. I cringe every time he goes on camera and struggles to read words written by others that scroll across a teleprompter. At this moment he still hasn't addressed the country about today's attack. Americans want an answer to the question: "What's the plan?" But as should be clear from the sad events of today and the last couple weeks, there is no plan.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 you want so much to hear from him...lolll.... he will address the nation around 5...anyway not sure you will appreciate anything he may say ;) ...
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