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La France va pénaliser les clients


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
Can a kind bilingual Merbite summarize the above for those of us who don't speak french well enough to understand?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
It's a discussion about a french bill that will be discussed next fall. France would adopt the Nordic model on the prostitution issue. It's based on client criminalization. The discussion drifted slowly on the more general issue of the separation of power and politics in our contemporary world. Usual lounge stuff, no more no less.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Tout le monde sait que dans les annees 1970 la productivite des travailleurs Francais etait de 10% superieure que celle des travailleurs U.S. maintenant elle est inferieure de 15%.La venue en 1981 des socialistes a tout change et pas necessairement pour le mieux.Les gouvernements francais manquent vraiment maintenant d'imagination sur presque tous les sujets.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
It's a discussion about a french bill that will be discussed next fall. France would adopt the Nordic model on the prostitution issue. It's based on client criminalization. The discussion drifted slowly on the more general issue of the separation of power and politics in our contemporary world. Usual lounge stuff, no more no less.

Thanks. This nordic model concept is really taking off. I wish the government would apply it to other businesses to see how it works. ie. you can be a dentist but not hire a dentist.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
My question is . Who gives a shit about ''LA PHRANCE". They call ''immigrants'' ''émigrés'', they believe they are the masters of human rights and democracy but they cannot handle their racial problems and have a huge issue on passing a bill about same sex mariage. What kind of example is that and why should we be worried about it. Our main concern should not be France and its pseudo-socialist government but Harper and its so obvious radical right wing inclination!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
freedom3, what you re saying concerns the labeling issue. The Nordic model is indeed a prohibitionist model: it makes the transaction illegal. But since it relies on a concept — prostitution is violence against women — closer to the basic idea behind the ‘abolitionist’ movement that developed in France and UK in the first half of the last century, they have called it neoabolitionism. It sells better in the public opinion then prohibition.

Is the Nordic model really taking off? I’m not sure. Of course it does in the public discussion because quite power groups financed by the USA — I’m talking about the famous anti prostitution pledge they have to make to get public financing — and Sweden have important means to get the campaign in the media. Politically, however, the governments have to build up their policies on some evidences. And they have problems to find those evidences. They also have to deal with their public health agencies, almost unanimous all over the world, telling them prohibition is a dangerous path. They need to be able to get access to sex workers AND clients if there is an outburst of antibiotic resistant std or aids. Prohibition is part of the worst case scenario for them. At the moment, the Nordic model is discussed mainly in Ireland and France. I don’t know of any other place where it is seriously considered by political agencies. Of course, it is ridiculous to consider that approach at a country level in Europe considering the mobility of both sex workers and clients.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
gugu, most of us guys come here to this board to have information on how to get their rocks off with some nice ladies instead of using manual masturbation. Obviuosly you are invintig us to some kind of mental masturbation instead...just a joke!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
My question is . Who gives a shit about ''LA PHRANCE". !

I do simply because they often are the precursseurs of how the world is changing.
Sometimes not really but many times they have been at the forefront of movements that ended-up changing and/or shaping the world completely.

Many political and/or social movements have been either started in France or took root there.

And even if sometimes their politics seems very socialist to many, often it is because they are open and willing to change the way the western world should. In opposition to many countries who simply copy/paste or keep forever old retarded way of living which end-up being totally irrelevant in their time. The simplest exemple of this is monarchy.

Always keep an eye on what is going on in France simply because it could affect the world completely.

Many seems to forget that before England came to be an empire and then the US, France was THE biggest influence all over the world and they kept a lot from this.

Not long ago, both in Vietnam and Irak, France warned the US before starting a war !
Yet the US admin and many Americans thought France weren't on their side.

I think it should be wise to still keep an eye on France, after everything they did through out history for democracy, long before England and the US... instead of 'spitting' on France even if everything isn't going ok.

Lately, they have shown to take the initiative in the Arab world and it looks as if they are coming back in the forefront of international politics.

Their debt is still very high yet their influence is growing back.

Lets see what will be the result of all these struggles and we may end-up with some new ideas on how we should manage western democracies since frankly, we are going right in the wall if we can't deal with how much debts we owe vs. the rising economy of the BRIC.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Ok, if we want to look at France glorious recent polltical history let's also not forget the second world war Petain's nazi sold governement. What about the french implication in Vietnam before the US got there. What about the war of Algeria? We have nothing no learn from a country and a people which were liberated by US troops during second world war but still criticize the american way of life but at the same time do nothing but to try to copy it


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
T'as ben raison mon grosbâton, eu z autres y l'ont l'affaire, les ameuricains. Yah!Maudits français ingrats!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Lol Grosbaton, I Wonder if you're serious or jokin and try to imitate the typical Grand Old Party Texas redneck's opinion about France... I think you were joking and it was actually really funny...

Lol Gugu, je vois ktu sais t'adapter a ton interlocuteur...

Anyway, stay on topic : ce stupide projet de pénalisation des clients en France et l'espoir que même a long terme, le Québec ne sera pas touché par cette mode...


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Not a red neck at all, very serious indeed. Do you know about Petain and Gouvernement de Vichy? Have you heard of Dien Bien Phu? Have you read about Albert Camus position on the War of Algeria? Have you ever been to France?
And you are right, all this does not matter because our concern is not France , it is Harper, Oh, by the way I personnaly know a guy who is a merb member but also a federal civil servant. He is very liberal, but obviously he is more concerned about justifying and keeping his job than anything else...


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Ok, if we want to look at France glorious recent polltical history let's also not forget the second world war Petain's nazi sold governement. What about the french implication in Vietnam before the US got there. What about the war of Algeria? We have nothing no learn from a country and a people which were liberated by US troops during second world war but still criticize the american way of life but at the same time do nothing but to try to copy it

C n'importe quoi.

I'm not saying everything they did was glorious but for instance like you said about Vietnam... they warned the US because themselves they got booted out.
If you want to talk about WWII ?, France never stoped their resistance and even the allies wouldn't have made it across the channel without their help.

And to take England's defence also, it was clear that without English ingenuity and their knowledge in spying that the US troops would have been completely smashed by germans. Yet England still had an army because Frenchs fought Germans instead of fleeing at Dunkirk.

It was an all out effort by all allies and to think that France did nothing is total BS and a clear lack of knowledge specially in WWII.

A huge effort was made by frenchs to help with England put up all the spying network in Europe needed for the overall liberation of Europe.

This is not to say that many Francais went into collaboration with Germany but still you have to take history into account about how much France suffered in WWI which brought many to simply stop fighting at all costs.

For even if WWII brought about a catastrophe who took over 56 Millions lives, a lot of people who don't know shit about WWI don't even realize that this war also took over 30 millions, 2 Million of them Frenchs.

So how can you say that they "only" criticize the American way yet they want to copy it after saying they are completely different being way too socialist ?

The reason is simple.. you don't seem to know much about France and think that they owe everything to us...

In the mean time you forget everything we owe to them in America for without France there wouldn't be independant countries on this side of the ocean.

The war in Algeria was far from being noble grant you. And some others to. But they did brought a lot to many African nations and not just the worst from western democracies.

But don't tell me that IRAK is better. And yet, Canada would have gone side by side if the cons. would have been in power with their a$$licking of England's monarchy and copying everything the US is doing.

And since you think we don't have anything to learn I suggest you study about where it comes that people shouldn't get privileges based on birth.
Many of the laws and code we have today were started or spread in the western world because of France; including the freedom of religion !

So like today, it's far from being all ok, yet they are always working at changing and re-inventing the way we live, instead of us here who are simply trying to live in denial.

As if we didn't have any responsability in the world economic crisis of 2008 for instance or climate changes for which people in North America including us, BS the world with hypocrisy that we didn't believe it was true until we got it in the teeth.

Yet... name a country where more people (in %) were raising the issue back then...

Yes France. behind only Brazil and Argentina, they were raising this issue at 68% while we (wanting to sell our oil to the US) were concerned at about 47%.

Nowadays ? the whole f*ckin world knows that it wasn't an illusion ! that we (wanting to preserve our way of life) simply hide the truth as hypocrites.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Have you read my previous post. Again, the problem and the solution is not France. The problem is Harper and the conservative party and the canadians voting for them...We are a much better off country than France but we have to make the right choices!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
T'es donc ben drole GB ?

Mais kesse ke Harper a rapport avec ce qui se passe en France d'abord ?

On l'sait toute que c'est crack-pot cette façon de gouverner et c'est justement en train de derailler de tous bords tous côtés leur affaire à Ottawa.

Mais y a rien la dedans qui va changer quoi que ce soit a la prositution en France :confused:

En tous cas.
Moi j'veux une kple de belles Francaises dans mon lit !
Alors tant mieux si il y en a qui decident de devenir des Filles du Roy !

Ah pis ! J'men K lisse de ce qui se passe ailleurs.
Tu content la ? :lol:


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
The relationship between France and Harper is that this thread is trying to make us think that the situation in France could possibly influence what happen here. And my view is that yes it could be the case with Harper in power. And yes, you are right laws will never change the reality of prostitution, anywere in the world. So if you want french girls in your bed, just fly to Paris and enjoy yourself with no concern. But trust me, you will be spending much more money than here without getting anything better.
Moi always content with french canadian girls. The best to fuck...but :wave:the worst to marry!


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Grosbaton tu as jamais dit si bien, les femmes quebecoises celibataires sont extra mais il faut absolument oublier de les marier si on ne veut pas de prolblemes croyez moi sur parole.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Ontario is the only province who shows a significant increase in divorce in Canada since the turn of 2000.
Appart than Yukon and Nunavut !

While it remained stable in every other provinces if not, then decreased a little bit.
Even in Quebec.

On a 30 year basis Ontario rate of divorce has gone up more than 25% while in Quebec it wasn't even 5%.

Anyway... I do prefer banging them.
.. then getting into a 'business' which has less chances to succeed almost than the Leafs to make it to the playoffs !


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Gentle, you are forgetting a major fact, Québec is a unique province in Canada where a unique high percentage of couples are not officialy married...go and check. And believe me from my long long experience , Québec girls are the best to fuck, but the worst to marry...And it's all easy to understand, they are on top of women's lib, getting there to a point of no return where they will have to decide if they can still get all the privilèges of being well respected female and to have equal rights and equal treatments as for men. As my french teacher taught me today: ''Tu peux pas avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre''.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Helas au Quebec les femmes veulent le beurre et l'argent du beurre.Des qu'elles sont mariees,elles possedent tous les biens de leur mari et il est mieux de se tenir tranquille s'il ne veut pas se faire mettre a la porte.
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