Ok, if we want to look at France glorious recent polltical history let's also not forget the second world war Petain's nazi sold governement. What about the french implication in Vietnam before the US got there. What about the war of Algeria? We have nothing no learn from a country and a people which were liberated by US troops during second world war but still criticize the american way of life but at the same time do nothing but to try to copy it
C n'importe quoi.
I'm not saying everything they did was glorious but for instance like you said about Vietnam... they warned the US because themselves they got booted out.
If you want to talk about WWII ?, France never stoped their resistance and even the allies wouldn't have made it across the channel without their help.
And to take England's defence also, it was clear that without English ingenuity and their knowledge in spying that the US troops would have been completely smashed by germans. Yet England still had an army because Frenchs fought Germans instead of fleeing at Dunkirk.
It was an all out effort by all allies and to think that France did nothing is total BS and a clear lack of knowledge specially in WWII.
A huge effort was made by frenchs to help with England put up all the spying network in Europe needed for the overall liberation of Europe.
This is not to say that many Francais went into collaboration with Germany but still you have to take history into account about how much France suffered in WWI which brought many to simply stop fighting at all costs.
For even if WWII brought about a catastrophe who took over 56 Millions lives, a lot of people who don't know shit about WWI don't even realize that this war also took over 30 millions, 2 Million of them Frenchs.
So how can you say that they "only" criticize the American way yet they want to copy it after saying they are completely different being way too socialist ?
The reason is simple.. you don't seem to know much about France and think that they owe everything to us...
In the mean time you forget everything we owe to them in America for without France there wouldn't be independant countries on this side of the ocean.
The war in Algeria was far from being noble grant you. And some others to. But they did brought a lot to many African nations and not just the worst from western democracies.
But don't tell me that IRAK is better. And yet, Canada would have gone side by side if the cons. would have been in power with their a$$licking of England's monarchy and copying everything the US is doing.
And since you think we don't have anything to learn I suggest you study about where it comes that people shouldn't get privileges based on birth.
Many of the laws and code we have today were started or spread in the western world because of France; including the freedom of religion !
So like today, it's far from being all ok, yet they are always working at changing and re-inventing the way we live, instead of us here who are simply trying to live in denial.
As if we didn't have any responsability in the world economic crisis of 2008 for instance or climate changes for which people in North America including us, BS the world with hypocrisy that we didn't believe it was true until we got it in the teeth.
Yet... name a country where more people (in %) were raising the issue back then...
Yes France. behind only Brazil and Argentina, they were raising this issue at 68% while we (wanting to sell our oil to the US) were concerned at about 47%.
Nowadays ? the whole f*ckin world knows that it wasn't an illusion ! that we (wanting to preserve our way of life) simply hide the truth as hypocrites.