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Lara Roxx - BEWARE


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What these materials seems to say is that there is a legal duty to disclose HIV status where there is a significant risk of infection to the partner. There is a suggestion from the Cuerrier case, although it is not clear, that there might not be a legal duty to disclose HIV status if a condom is used as there is no serious or significant risk of infection. Which is what I suspected the law might be.

This of course refutes some of what has already been discussed in this thread.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Lara Roxx

I`ve seen her pop up on several internet sex sites recently, and the videos were recent.

I believe it`s Rocco Siffredi who once said that 95% of hardcore pornstars have genital Herpes, plus all kinds of other stds.

His sidekick, John `Buttman` Stagliano, is HIV positive and that`s when he went from being `in front` of the camera to `behind` it.

I`ve met several local providers who`ve claimed to have previously (or presently) performed in-front of a camera. When i hear this, i usually get turned off instead of the other way around. That`s when i insist on more protection (cbj instead of , etc) and will sometimes refuse intercourse. A good friend of mine tells me that if he does, he `double- bags` it...his terminology.


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Objective Statistics Please!!!

JustaJohn said:
I believe it`s Rocco Siffredi who once said that 95% of hardcore pornstars have genital Herpes, plus all kinds of other stds....
I`ve met several local providers who`ve claimed to have previously (or presently) performed in-front of a camera. When i hear this, i usually get turned off instead of the other way around. That`s when i insist on more protection (cbj instead of , etc) and will sometimes refuse intercourse. A good friend of mine tells me that if he does, he `double- bags` it...his terminology.

Mr. JustaJohn:

LMAO!!! :D I guess porn stars are not your cup of tea. So why not save your tea bags for something else? ;) I think it is fair to say that while it may be a common perception that porn stars are more likely to have STDs, but until objective statistics are presented and verified, it is at best heresay. Actually, as a public health issue, it will be very good to find out how many of the porn stars in Montreal are actually infected, with Lara being the more serious case. Any one has solid information?

Professor Louis
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