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Lara Roxx on ABC Primetime


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Cought the same here in Canada on Bell Expressvu. Interesting...
Can't believe some of the stuff! When it gets that bad, I think it's too much. Where will it stop?
Lara paid dearly for her little trip. Poor girl indeed...


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Jun 28, 2003
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I can't believe how little they make for these movies!

I also think that the way the producers/directors force the girls to do some sexual acts should be seen as rape or at least sexual harasement.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Caught it on cable last night, here in Canada. What pisses me off about the whole thing is that huge conglomorates are raking in millions in profit from pornography. I'm referring to companies such as Time-Warner, Comcast, Direct TV (part of Rupert Murdock's empire), Marriott, Hilton, and a cast of others. Yet, not a single one of these greedy evil bastards is giving a single penny to provide health care benefits to the performers, who are the people putting their lives on the line to make money for them.

I never actually realized until now that homegrown talent from Canada had a huge advantage (health benefit-wise) over their American/European counterparts. Free healthcare is still offered to Canadian-based performers, while it's not the same story across the border. Too bad for them all these billions (nearly $200 billion at last count) are going to the Iraq cause.
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Jan 3, 2004
Nevada USA
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I'm not aligned to any political party, but yes, it it a travesty and a disgrace that we do not have universal health insurance in the USA. Especially when a lot of money is spent on other less vital things.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
While health care problems here are very different than in the USA. The biggest problems are over crowded hospitals, overworked staff, and paying for perscription drugs when you are broke.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Over-crowded emergency rooms and over-worked (and under-manned) hospital employees is a common theme all over Canada and in the US.

As for paying for prescription drugs when you're broke, i agree with you. However, many employers in Canada have a health insurance plan (Clarica, Sun Life, Liberty Health, etc) in place for their employees, where dental care, eye care, massage therapy, and medication is either free or there is a one-time annual fee that you have to pay for them (around $15).

I can't say for certain, but i was under the impression that Welfare covered the cost of these medications for people that are poor or unemployed.

I don't get your statement regarding 'health care problems are very different than in the USA', though.....



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Welfare cover the cost of most perscriptions but definately not all, and I would be very supprised if they covered the cost of the very expensive drugs that anyone with HIV or AIDS needs.

I doubt that in Lara's case that she has health insurance.

Why dod I say that health care problems are different here and in the USA? In the USA, someone who has little money, like a low wage earner working in a place without group insurance, or someone starting up a business where their cash is all tied up simply cannot afford to get sick, how can they pay the medical bill?



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May 1, 2003
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JustaJohn: Those companies are "third levels" on porn... they sell it, but they don't make it. The problem in the porn industry lies in the nature of the hiring for these movies: Close to 80% of all porn performers are doing piece work, which is they are paid by the scene as independant contractors. No tax deductions at the source, they work for themselves.

Sadly, most of the people involved are a little too young and a little too naive, and end up spending that money on clothes and a fancy lifestyle, rather than taking care of themselves and planning for the future. As a result, many of these girls need to work more and more to keep paying for the toys they have bought, and even less gets spent on keeping themselves up.

Many of the girls in the business either work strip clubs as deature dancers (having a box cover on a porn movie helps them charge more) or by working as 'pornstar escorts', where some of the girls are commanding $2k and more per hour for "fan experiences". You can go over to big doggie and find many girls listed.

Blaming Time Warner for Lara's plight just doesn't work. They don't control what goes on, and certainly none of them are lining up to show double anal fuck shots on their cable systems. Look in the mirror and blame yourself and people like (all of) us who are willing to sell out $5 a day to rent the stuff from the local porn emporium.

They wouldn't shoot it if there wasn't a market. We are the market.



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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I feel for these girls. When I saw Belladonna crying (or trying to stop herself from breaking down), I broke down as well (a little!!!!).

After the initial excitement of getting into the porn industry and doing things for the first time (ie: first gang-bang, first trio, first dp, first big paycheque, etc...), I'm sure most of these girls realise that they are simply objects and that their time is ticking,...and that once that time is over, they will just be pushed aside and left all alone.

Sex won't mean much to them anymore, they may have a hard time finding a real soul-mate, hard time having children, no emotional support, physical and life-long injuries to their genitals, etc....

Most of these girls are young when they get into this business. But as they mature, they will slowly realise that this industry is not a stepping stone, it is a tombstone in every sense of the word (as stated by Bill Marigold on that ABC special).

This can fukk with your mind in a big way
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