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Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
Hello everyone,

how do you greet a person you dont know for the first time?

do you write: Hey?

do you write : Hello ... the name of the person?

"Hey is for horses, not for people."

It is an informal word. it isn't rude for someone you already know but it is not the right level of formality in a lot of situations.

What does Hey mean? if it is supose to mean Hello or Hi, Why just not write Hello or Hi?

I think using casual slang language with people you don't know often comes across as rude.

Its like saying Aie chose .... in french instead of bonjour ... le nom de la personne.

I have experienced people who use standard, polite phrases such as "Hello" or "Excuse me" are nicer and of superior level.

Save "hey" for later, after you know the other person accepts that level of informality.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What really bugs me is the use of gender specific pronouns. On the California state legislators they are finally banning the use of “he” or “she” and replacing it with “they” and ”them.” What were all the alternative pronouns that Canada wanted legislate??? Zie or something like this??? I worry about the .1% of the population that would be offended by the use of gender specific pronouns.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Worst than "hey" is when SP's reply "hi babe" or especially "hun" can't stand that, what about you guys?

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
"Hey!" is still better than a dick pic....

Just sayin'


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
"Hey!" is still better than a dick pic....

Just sayin'

Dik pic's I block automatically it announces a waiste of time.
Hey by my personal experience also announces a waite of time its often the very younger like 20 to 25 year old that use Hey!

long live the 35 and older lol Just Saying hihi.

We are made to Thrive in order to do so we must compare to better not with worse!

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
I dont think woman (escorts) naturally say babe or hun to someone they dont know!

We definitely do not know the same SPs.... :rolleyes: And I personally rather being called "bae/babe/bébé/minou/chérie" than "Hey" following ths threas; hey, babe, hun, minou, bae, girl, sweety, etc are all vanished? I always thought SP had to be a least of open minded and not judgmental... Fuck, I can be so damn naive! :doh:

long live the 35 and older lol Just Saying hihi.

I would have put my life on this quote was about to be said before it actually was...

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
This is exactly why I knew this pick up line was coming....

I couldn't care less as free advertisement if all the other indies didn't have to pay in order to write several posts in a short period of time (few hours) even though we did not mention our job or what we are providing... nor even what are we doing on this board (which already get most of the community's me on this one lol)...

If a girl wants to trick the mods without being noticed from the other SPs here (especially when we did pay in order to promotoe ourselves even less than she does)...she has to be subtle when she posts..otherwise it is just insulting.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Why not both to be sure


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Back to the OP's original question. Is this something to do with the French language? I hear horror stories about people that speak English as a first language that speak French as a second language infuriate Frenchmen (maybe put-off is a better way to say it) by using an informal greeting. I just finished a biography of Napoleon. From time to time the author made a point to mention which historical character could use the informal "tu" with Napoleon. This was an audio book so I believe the spelling is "tu"....anyway, the point is I have read a few history books and they often make a point of this. This is unusual for English.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hungry I think what you refer is the "tutoiement" that most Quebecois will use automatically. French speaking from other countries will always say "vous" to someone they do not know. A switch to a "tu" will be done once you know the person, and will never happen if you refer to your boss or an older person. Only in Quebec we go very fast with the "tu"... You will often hear Quebecois double it, like in "Tu viens tu?" haha which makes no sense! When asked that I usually answer "Oui je viens je!". Anyhow I am sure English speaking do not infuriate Frenchman at all... only if they are openly rude and or just obnoxious.

Back to the OP I have never ever text a girl with a "Hey!"... Even if the girl adds is in English I always used "Salut!" followed by English for example:
"Salut! Which area do you receive and are you free? Merci! [FIRSTNAME_HERE]".

This way she knows I am french and most probably a white Quebecois.


p.s. many many many girl and including girl I have see more then 20 times always responded by "Babe... Baby... Mon beau... Chéri..."

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i would not use "hey" for greeting. In my personal life my word to go to salute my friends is "Yo". I know for some it will sound horribly 90s but i dunno, lots of peoples in my friend's circle use it and especially over Xbox Live. But i wouldn't introduce myself to an SP saying this...

I usually put "Bonjour" or "Bonsoir" and if i know she is anglo i will put "Hi".

I am not fan of being answered by "babe" or "mon cherie" or something like that, this seem so fake to me and lack profesionalism. I mean once we are in bed i want the GFE for sure, but when im inquiring and communicating for a booking i prefer it stays professional... But thats just me. I won't put a stop to a booking process if its used obviously but i just don't like it much...

As for the VOUS/TU situation, i always hated to use "Vous". I hate the fact "vous" refer to plurial as well. To me it sound confusing. If i say "vous" in my mind i mean a group of peoples. I use the "vous" only for elders and in the context of a job where its mandatory. In the early days i may have used it with agency bookers but they quickly used "Tu" so i came to realize this business is not so much about over the top politeness lol.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Can't say any of these particularly bother me. I find "hey" a bit odd as the very first thing but don't care once there has been more conversation.

The Vous/tu thing and how Quebec is going with Tu is neat since it is the opposite of English. We went with vous ("you") and dropped the tu ("thou") entirely. So now we don't even have a singular or plural, we just have one word. I like the move of going with just singular and plural and neither of them are formal. which is what seems to be happening in Quebec.

I don't think we are ever going to bring "thou" back in in English, though, it seems more like we are going to add "y'all" instead,


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
Kinky Cinderella

I personnally dont have SP'S in my circle of friends I didnt stay in touch wth the people I use to see in the parlour and or escort agency. You have a point that we are all different. Therefore, I believe must not generalise. On the other hand, I do accept to meet few nice people under 35 but only when I feel their attitude is respectfull. You have the right to like being called being called "bae/babe/bébé/minou/chérie. Given that may your mind be at peace. Not everyone is on MERB most my clients dont event know about Merb. I dont think that following ths threas people will stop using this type of slang. This post that wasnt even about those but really simply when I receive a text of someone I dont know that just reads HEY!

Everyone has the right to conduct their life as they please yet because we all have that right people who will be positively atracted to us will be the ones we get to spend time with. There is no good or bad way. There is someone for everyone and every taste. Indeed
SP must be open minded yet for the judgmental part not so sure! We all judge I am not talking of comdaning. Because we are all different we all have differents views on what is pleasant and what is not. Consequently, I believe is not a fault is a Power we must listen to from inside a voice that is on our side and that knows what is best for us. I avoid forcing myself to be with people I dislike the manners in that way I keep my inner peace and feel great rather then feeling anoyed with the presence of someone I feel is choosing a I consider being below ordinary.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I use "hey" when I remember a face but not the name.
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