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List of alleded johns to be published in Maine


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I know an attorney who practices in Portland and I will be interested to see if he makes the list (apparently attorneys will be on it). He is a fucking pit bull. This is a case of "don't shit where you eat."

I really find it hard to believe that the cops would release a list of clients in a case in which the defendants are being charged with invasion of the privacy of those same clients. Does that not seem a tad bizarre?


Oct 19, 2005
Chicago, IL

Following a bust, a list of more than 100 alleged johns is to be published.

What would you do if a SP's client list was to be published and you were pretty sure you are on it...? :eek:

I would plead a serious medical case of "boner erectius" much like the poor individuals that use medical marijuana to get over their "anxiety"


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
I really find it hard to believe that the cops would release a list of clients in a case in which the defendants are being charged with invasion of the privacy of those same clients. Does that not seem a tad bizarre?

It seems to be a new trend in the US: "shaming the johns". Many jurisdictions are using it now or are considering it apparently.
I read somewhere that in some places they publish names and photos...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This case is different. First thing is it does not involve crack whores on the street and their clients. Second the defendants are charged with invading the privacy of the clients whose names the cops are going to publish. That does not sound like any of the past cases in which clients' names were published. Third, it does not sound like these clients are charged with anything and this may all be a smokescreen to scare them into cooperating with the prosecution. It happens all the time, and the media can be an effective tool to blow smoke up someone's ass.

The busts occurred because of highly indiscreet behavior from what I read in the article. I can give you a long history but the short history in Connecticut is that operations that got busted were operated in an indiscreet manner while those who were not busted figured things out. There is a long running (about 20 years) Asian MP in Bridgeport that the cops have never touched while busting many other MPs in the city. Reason why is the MP that has never been busted donates to local police charities and makes those donations known to the police. In short, they are smart and the ones who got busted are stupid.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wouldn't give a damn... im not ashame of what i do personally... I pay good money for good services, thats it, its pretty much like getting an haircut at the local barber to me..


Jul 29, 2011
Don't hobby in the US, except for occassional/ rare visits to legal brothels in Nevada. Instead, save hobbying for Montreal and other "friendly" cities...
I very much respect clients' need to keep certain spheres of their lives separate. I appreciate how fear of exposure is on the minds of many of the men who see escorts. But when stories about client lists being shared come up in the news I know this will make screening tough for a bit. It is one reason I am fine with an alias and a disposable cell if you have recent references from other reputable providers.

I am also glad I am in Canada and not the USA where they are aiming to expose ladies and clients so they can beef up their anti-crime reputations in a salacious way. I can work here in relative peace and safety.


Oct 19, 2005
Chicago, IL
I am also glad I am in Canada and not the USA where they are aiming to expose ladies and clients so they can beef up their anti-crime reputations in a salacious way. I can work here in relative peace and safety.

....and so much for privacy, liberty and freedom in the USA. Being atheist I still don't understand WHY I can't buy alcohol on Sunday or legally order up some hot little spinner in 30 minutes or less. Mi amor Montreal!


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
So why are you presently hiding behind a fake handle? :rolleyes:

I also would not mind if my family learned about my dark secret. We use anonymus handles mostly to protect our privacy from all the other weirdos on merb. :) Even on forum about Winnie the Pooh people use handles.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
So why are you presently hiding behind a fake handle? :rolleyes:

When i joined i used to think it was illegal, i mean look at all the movies you see where dudes get arrested by lady cops who pose as prostitute. I even remember my first meeting, was in sherbrooke with K.I.M i was going at her hotel(my only incall) and i was scared to death, i was screening the lobbies for cops and searching for cop cars everywhere... So i used a fake email adress(well thecnically its a real one but an old email i made as a teen) that was call Halloween Michael because as a teen i was a huge Carpenter's Halloween fan. So logically i used Halloween Mike here(shortened it a bit) to keep the name related to the mail.

But then i learned it was perfectly legal, i started to know more the "milieu" and right now im stuck with a dumb name. Halloween seem ridiculous as a name and Mike is probably te most generic name bookers use... So well, would i be able to change it? Yeah i would, and use the same name i use everywhere, but i can't unless i make a new one and i don't wanna loose my history...

So here you have it

WHY I can't buy alcohol on Sunday

You serious? Extremely dumb indeed... i already find it irratating i can't buy alchool past 11 pm, even tough its a 24h store... not being to buy on sunday, thats weird.


Nov 12, 2007
Fake handle?

I've used a fake handle on every board but one that required real names. I sure am not ashamed of many many other interests.
I currently use a different handle on every board. Although anyone who is a "fan" could easily spot who I am even with a different name.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
They say an estimated 150 Johns in total. The population is about 10000 people. If you remove women, children, gays, and seniors it's a significant % of the adult male population who made business with that one prostitute.

From the website of the town, attractions include :
"Blowing Cave and Spouting Rock"

And the summer home of GW Bush. Now I wonder if he made the list?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Wow. I never imagined she was so young and pretty. She's so hot, she's gotta use a popsicle! Thanks for the video. I will study it more completely tonight.

How much did she charge for her services?
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