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Loss of interest


Aug 28, 2022
I used to be a semi active person in this... hobby? But lately I've lost almost complete interest in it. Maybe it's the last minute cancelations by providers with no explanation or the social media, or discussions I've had with certain providers about the work they do and what they actually think of the clients...

I just don't see the value of it anymore or how the experience is even worth it. Just me ranting in the wee hours or anyone else?
Guys, anything?

Supporting Member
Maybe you book the wrong provider ... I dont know a lot of provider who cancel

Not sure what you mean about the discussion

If we have a chat its to make it better..

I always take a chat to my customer to explain them how to book good provider and stay safe....

Everything is work it to stay connect, safe & try to make the thing better.

Life change and évoluate

The industry change a lot

We need to be a social media star aswell to get more bissness, but I dont like much to show off but I have to do it

Because of social media, I make amazing friend with who I see every week in my personnal life.

So not sure why you dont use it to take a lunch with other Guy ... try to see how you can get the best experience... or tell us what would you like
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It really all depends on what you want from this hobby.
Some are perfectly happy with just the physical release and being with a gorgeous woman they tend not to repeat with anyone or maybe occasionally if the experience is overwhelmingly great and they tend to pick from agencies.

Me personally I see very few I see one in particular 80% of the time another maybe 10% of the time and a few new ones occasionally.
I like the connection and the friendship we have developed they are not only gorgeous but the kindest most thoughtful young ladies you would ever want to meet and 2 of them I have been seeing for over 5 years. I don’t use agencies I prefer independents I like the personal attention and the connection that develops sometimes, yes it is more expensive.

This hobby is not to be confused with a real relationship it does not compare to being with the woman you love the mother of your children and the love of your life.
It fills the void somewhat and if you are lucky enough to find amazing young ladies like I have then the hobby is worth it.


Aug 28, 2022
I in no way confused the hobby with a relationship. I know any provider pretty much only cares about the money most clients give them. Maybe a few are fond of you but thats by far an exception. I agree for a time it filled a void but its like a Montreal pothole. Still there. If anything the "post nut clarity" makes me feel even worse about my choices.
I have no children and no family. The love of my life left this world almost 20 years ago in a tragic accident and while i tried to find someone else, doesn't hold much meaning to me at this point


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Why would you ask them what they really thought of clients? You are paying! You are a walking atm!
get over it and go get a blowjob!
This is one way to look at it and it probably holds true in many cases.
I prefer to think that they do have an opinion of their clients ( I don’t ask it is of no interest to me) and in rare cases you can make a connection where they actually do care about you and you can actually have a certain type of friendship.
Not all are cold hearted money hungry hookers that look at you like a walking ATM. They have feelings like all other women. That doesn’t mean for you to confuse the issue, you are actually paying for their time.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2021
and what they actually think of the clients...
Sometimes ignorance is a bliss (there are things we do not need to know ) . Not always, for sure, but sometimes and this is one of those times where it is a bliss (I do not need to know what the SW thinks of her clients. .. I just need to know what I should do to spend some great time with her) . I meet them (the SWs) to have fun. I treat them well and I expect the same from them. And that is it. What they think of their clients is too much info and we are not here for that. The only thing I do not ignore is the basic of what is required to have some good time with them (being a gentleman, being clean, behave well with them, pay them, treat them well). Listening to what they think of their clients, unless it is really necessary..., should not happen in such meeting (that is not professional, to start with) and I repeat only with ladies who behave professionally in that regard (the ladies I see regularly never talk about their clients). If most SWs I meet would spend their time telling me what they think of their clients, then I would quit this hobby as, I'll repeat, I am not here for that, Lol. If a SW feels the urge to talk of the clients, there are many ways for her to do that, but meeting a client should not be one of them (unless, the client happens to be there ... for that...but a SW who is professional will still avoid that) - BTW: it is always interesting to hear from people like you who want to quit the hobby as the reasons (for doing so) can explain why they showed interest in this hobby at some point. And that is interesting. Personally, I value this hobby because it's the perfect opportunity to spend some good time with the ladies when, where and the way I want it. Therefore, it's perfect for me (no more girlfriend or wife with whom I need to share my calendar ). Never booking unknown SWs (for eg, I never book a SW who does not have a solid reputation) helps to keep my interest alive.
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Aug 1, 2022
Sometimes ignorance is a bliss (there are things we do not need to know ) . Not always, for sure, but sometimes and this is one of those times where it is a bliss (I do not need to know what the SW thinks of her clients. .. I just need to know what I should do to spend some great time with her) . I meet them (the SWs) to have fun. I treat them well and I expect the same from them. And that is it. What they think of their clients is too much info and we are not here for that. The only thing I do not ignore is the basic of what is required to have some good time with them (being a gentleman, being clean, behave well with them, pay them, treat them well). Listening to what they think of their clients, unless it is really necessary..., should not happen in such meeting (that is not professional, to start with) and I repeat only with ladies who behave professionally in that regard (the ladies I see regularly never talk about their clients). If most SWs I meet would spend their time telling me what they think of their clients, then I would quit this hobby as, I'll repeat, I am not here for that, Lol. If a SW feels the urge to talk of the clients, there are many ways for her to do that, but meeting a client should not be one of them (unless, the client happens to be there ... for that...but a SW who is professional will still avoid that) - BTW: it is always interesting to hear from people like you who want to quit the hobby as the reasons (for doing so) can explain why they showed interest in this hobby at some point. And that is interesting. Personally, I value this hobby because it's the perfect opportunity to spend some good time with the ladies when, where and the way I want it. Therefore, it's perfect for me (no more girlfriend or wife with whom I need to share my calendar ) .
Many married men would love to have the-freedom to do this but they are stuck and miserable with sex maybe once a month and some even no BJS !


Jul 5, 2008
I used to be a semi active person in this... hobby? But lately I've lost almost complete interest in it. Maybe it's the last minute cancelations by providers with no explanation or the social media, or discussions I've had with certain providers about the work they do and what they actually think of the clients...

I just don't see the value of it anymore or how the experience is even worth it. Just me ranting in the wee hours or anyone else?
Guys, anything?
Not really a problem. Your interests, preferences or needs just changed, not a biggy it's life.

Used to like hockey, now I prefer basketball.
Used to like a big porterhouse, now I prefer veggies.

Life bro, and look at it on the positive side, just how much money you will save and be able to invest in your new interests.
Turn the page, end the chapter and enjoy a different book.
Aug 1, 2022
Not really a problem. Your interests, preferences or needs just changed, not a biggy it's life.

Used to like hockey, now I prefer basketball.
Used to like a big porterhouse, now I prefer veggies.

Life bro, and look at it on the positive side, just how much money you will save and be able to invest in your new interests.
Turn the page, end the chapter and enjoy a different book.
You Don’t have to worry about divorce,courts,kids and alimony so your free to have sensual fun or not!

Supporting Member
I worry about my customer

I always give them my references ....

I suggest them safe provider

I ask what they would like or not

Something they would like to try

Ask about them

Tell her how it's important they make research before to meet a provider

Help her to be better in bed

Yesterday I meet a guy who had sex with a ry liw volume of women ... he was really stress.. meet 3 provider bidirectional and it's was a mess... so I help him.. he was si stress because he have difficulty to get hard... I'm not doctor.. but I give him few suggestions... I give him social specialist. I meet guy in wheelchair.... I do care about my customer... yes I will not see them for free ... I have bills to pay ... and already so many good person around my life... but I meet better guy in my job than my petsonnlife


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
On ne devrait jamais oublier que dans ce hobby nous les clients sommes dans une grande illusion.
C'est une transaction monétaire en premier lieu
avec la possibilité si il y a une chimie mutuelle
d'obtenir beaucoup de plaisir.
En se renseignant ici avec l'expérience des membres on peut facilement trouver des escortes qui donne un excellent service.
Ce que les escortes pense des clients est le dernier de mes soucis on a seulement une vie à vivre autant en profiter au maximum.
Peut importe le métier les temps sont difficiles pour tout le monde.


Aug 9, 2022
On ne devrait jamais oublier que dans ce hobby nous les clients sommes dans une grande illusion.
C'est une transaction monétaire en premier lieu
avec la possibilité si il y a une chimie mutuelle
d'obtenir beaucoup de plaisir.
En se renseignant ici avec l'expérience des membres on peut facilement trouver des escortes qui donne un excellent service.
Ce que les escortes pense des clients est le dernier de mes soucis on a seulement une vie à vivre autant en profiter au maximum.
Peut importe le métier les temps sont difficiles pour tout le monde.
Also, paying professionals for companionship has to be viewed as a supplement and not a replacement for friendship, or love. It is a transaction.
Also, Shantie, you are an amazing woman and what you say is very comforting.


Aug 28, 2022
Oh sure lots of the of the woman are attractive, and if thats all you're looking for sure. Thats my point, I'm bored of it i guess.
I guess Im too analytical about something that's not meant to analyzed.
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Aug 9, 2022
Oh sure lots of the of the woman are attractive, and if thats all you're looking for sure. Thats my point, I'm bored of it i guess.
I guess Im too analytical about something that's not meant to analyzed.
You got it. Life is too short to over analyze. Fucking hot girls, and getting your ego boosted is a GREAT way to improve your self-esteem which will make you not only happier, but healthier as well. Just don't buy in (pun intended) that the girl (Shantie excepted) is into you. Money makes an average looking gut hot. A large bulge in the wallet is worth two extra inches in length! And yes, the physical act of fucking and exposing your physical self to another human does make for certain feelings, and you can make "friends" with the women you meet. But you need to keep it in perspective. A lot of these women also have boyfriends, it's a job. Now let's get back to finding hot girls to fuck!


Mar 26, 2023
Oh sure lots of the of the woman are attractive, and if thats all you're looking for sure. Thats my point, I'm bored of it i guess.
I guess Im too analytical about something that's not meant to analyzed.
Hey man,

We are constantly learning, growing and evolving as human beings. Priorities, likes and dislikes change. Good on you! At the end of the day, we are satisfying an addiction. Whether it be physical or a mental boost. I believe it’s a waste. But I’m addicted to the endorphins.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
But lately I've lost almost complete interest in it
This episode will be over soon. When you will get hungry, the attractiveness of this hobby will come back.
the work they do and what they actually think of the clients...
Sure it is not an easy job for them to get intimate with unknown people, so whatever they think they give us pleasure and make us feel a very special person.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2014
I used to be a semi active person in this... hobby? But lately I've lost almost complete interest in it. Maybe it's the last minute cancelations by providers with no explanation or the social media, or discussions I've had with certain providers about the work they do and what they actually think of the clients...

I just don't see the value of it anymore or how the experience is even worth it. Just me ranting in the wee hours or anyone else?
Guys, anything?

Or how about when they Tell you they have a BF who creampies her in the Morning before she goes to work and Then your eating her out thinking wow your really juicy but its really another mans cum your eating up. I hear that happens a lot.

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