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Members and the lacks of reviews recently

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ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Nice try Pat. I guess it was too boring to read more up to page 6 lol.
Yeah that was the main reason not reading after page 5! :lol:
About your following comments. I couldn't have said it .. better! :thumb:

Now BACK to subject regarding the lack of reviews
I am particularly annoyed about having not a lot of ppl here reviewing black girls.
And I know I am not the only one loving chocolate exotic ladies ... Come on guys !

Great weather here and BBQ soon ! Have a nice weekend all


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Jul 16, 2004
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I just browsed your last 5 pages of post history! ( was enough )
Guess what?
No reviews ... :D
So please give us a break with that ...

Why Merlot should give us a break...Sorry but i am also a person who didnt post lately...and a lotttttttt of merb members who are here also...even some neverrrrr did a post about a is stirring shit also commenting on that pat98???


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
1.) Iggy has started posting reiews. I want to encourage him to post more. I am a glass half-full guy so I am glad to see that he is doing this.
2.) Iggy has given me several tips on girls. 4 of whom I was able to see. Iggy is 4 for 4. Batting 1000. I wrote a detailed review on each girl.
3.) Iggy has thrown two parties that I have attended and 1 pre-party. Out of that I met 4 girls that I have had a session with. I wrote a detailed review on each girl.
4.) Iggy has organized 5 parties where 50 or more mongers have met 20-40 girls. how many guys met girls? So how many guys wrote reviews based on these parties?

Indirectly Iggy is responsible for several hook-ups and several reviews. Iggy is a valuable cog in the Hobby experience in Montreal.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I second hungry. Iggy's contributions to the betterment of his fellow hobbyists are highly underrated. I know a lot of things that are not public information and nobody here knows how hard he worked to make these parties successful. Iggy is indirectly responsible for the one review I posted this summer on Nadia Jolie. I would never have met her but for Iggy. Probably every other review I have written in the last 2 years, admittedly not many, are traceable to Iggy. I happen to share with Iggy a lot as far as philosophy on these parties and about the hobby. I have benefitted tremendously from his insights on various SPs.

Funny thing though despite Iggy being a good buddy in the hobby, I barely talked to him at GG 2, 3, and 4 except when the problem arose at GG2 and he asked me to deal with it and I did. At GG3 and GG4 Iggy was so busy and multitasking I barely spoke to him and did not buy him a drink at either event, which I now feel badly about. We did chat quite a bit at GG1.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...he is an nice and honnest man.


Maybe much better familiarity with the concept would have helped.

...his ratio "Reviews vs Post Count". Pathetic and always cheap shot...

My ratio of reviews to posts is also not high. But my ratio of reviews to the number of ladies met is SUPERB! I would say that over the years since 2001 I have posted reviews of between 92% to 95% of all the ladies I have met. That stands up magnificently with matching the opportunities to the PURPOSE of the board. It certainly blasts to smithereens those whose percentages could not touch 1%. These comparative ratios certainly concern the health of the board...very far from being pathetic or cheap, except to apologists making excuses for buds.

...a valuable cog in the Hobby experience in Montreal.

Yes, as an agent for one agency, sometimes hostile to posts about other agencies. So it cuts for good and bad.

Hey, I applaud anyone who is willing to write decent reviews regardless of the member's name, especially if there's a positive change in attitude toward reviews....for escorts. NOT for this good-ole-boy clique defensive review fest of a member.

I second hungry. Iggy's contributions to the betterment of his fellow hobbyists are highly underrated. I know a lot of things that are not public information and nobody here knows how hard he worked to make these parties successful. Iggy is indirectly responsible for the one review I posted this summer on Nadia Jolie. I would never have met her but for Iggy. Probably every other review I have written in the last 2 years, admittedly not many, are traceable to Iggy. I happen to share with Iggy a lot as far as philosophy on these parties and about the hobby. I have benefitted tremendously from his insights on various SPs.

Funny thing though despite Iggy being a good buddy in the hobby, I barely talked to him at GG 2, 3, and 4 except when the problem arose at GG2 and he asked me to deal with it and I did. At GG3 and GG4 Iggy was so busy and multitasking I barely spoke to him and did not buy him a drink at either event, which I now feel badly about. We did chat quite a bit at GG1.

Right on subject bro. LOL!

I know a lot of things that are not public information...

Which is exactly my original point. Backdoor selective dissemination of review information where there is practically no public contribution erodes the PURPOSE of the board. This is the Montreal Erotic REVIEW Board. Not the...backdoor hey pal I've got a secret to tell board. Public Reviews are why the board was created. Undercutting that is a problem.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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More unrepentant shit stirring which seems your only purpose. The non public information I was referring to was not reviews but Iggy's time preparing for parties and dealing with off board party related issues, not "secret" reviews, although Iggy has shared information about SPs in private as has every person who went to these parties. I do not personally believe any of this has anything to do with the decline in reviews because all of this has been going on since 2004 when parties started being held. Nothing you said in your last post is anything new and therefore it is just shit stirring.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Long 9 hr drive today, had a bowl of my favorite cereal, want to comment but I will grab a bottle of jack and return to this. Listen to the new mod.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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As the summers are very short in Montreal I step away from hobbying to enjoy.

But as the the season starts to change I slowly get back into the hobby and have no problems posting my reviews of my encounters.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum i never expected this thread to turn in an argument. I was just notifying an all time low on reviews thats it. Also i NEVER intended this to be an attack to Iggy. I put his name in original post because he is one of the guy i talk the most to on the board and i had him in mind, i could had put a lot of other guys as well. I am first hand aware of how he contribute to the community and his engagement has been awesome for us.

I am glad to see more people than i tough actually participate, but the thing that worry me is lots of members express they don't want to write negative reviews. I think its disapointing because as much as a good review is fun to write, and encourage members to try a new girl, negative reviews are very usefull and TOFTT too. Hey as anybody i do not like to write negative reviews, and i even myself make sure to showcase the positive of the encounter as well, so it does not look like a bashing cause its not the point.

But if the SP waste too much time on her phone or whatever, its something important to mention. If the meeting was ok but less than stellar, yes it can be a matter of chemistry and i put it too. Thanksfully over the years we have seen a reduction of very bad encounter, due to the ups in quality standards. But i do hope its not just "on paper" by the board because members don't like to write negatively these days.

As for PM sharing informations, yes its cool, but i thinkt they should be complemental to the reviews. As much as i like this board to talk about anything and sports... its indeed Montreal Escorts REVIEW Board.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, as an agent for one agency, sometimes hostile to posts about other agencies. So it cuts for good and bad.

Come on Merlot. Iggy is a hobbyist just like the rest of us. He has recommended several girls. many were Indys and several were from agencies outside of Girls4U. They were just girls that he thought that I would like.

Be honest, most of the shit between you two is due to the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry. This is my sense anyway, and it has spilled over into every other thread on MERB.

You sound a little jealous. Be the bigger man and and extend the olive branch. Come on. GG6 is just around the corner. These are happy magical times in Montreal! We are all here for the same reasons.
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