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Merb Suspensions

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
He had some health issues, although they were not life threatening as far as I know.
Actually, Beav, he had or has a chronic illness that is eventually fatal.

His suspensions were long and very well deserved. He loathed himself for hobbying and lobbied long and hard against hobbying, while continuing all the while. My biggest problem with him was his insistence on projecting his issues on others. The literary figure whom he most resembled was Elmer Gantry.

He was also a disciple of the High Priest of Hobbyland and gobbled hook, line and sinker every bit of misogynistic gibberish the High Priest disseminated.

Lily from Montreal

The suspension thread is one of my favorite on Merb,especially after the weekend away from Merb's soaps, my first stop on Monday morning is to catch up on all the drama and feud I missed while I was enjoying real life lol
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
my fist stop on Monday morning is to catch up on all the drama and feud I missed while I was enjoying real life lol

That made me laugh Lily

Especially lately, so much drama

Best Regards


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
General Gonad: one of a kind

General Gonad was one of the most fascinating board personalities of all time. Every single post he made was interesting to read. One minute he'd binge on sps and write great, detailed reviews of his encounters....and then he'd post he had just retired from the 'hobby' and explain his reasons why, and then post aggressive comments against the 'hobby' and its participants, enraging many....which would often lead to suspensions....and then he'd be back binging on sps again and post the same great, very detailed reviews, only to announce his retirement once again and turn against the 'hobby' and its participants, get suspended, then ask to be reinstated, and so on. It was like an out-of-control merry-go-round!!

I have always missed his board presence, and it was obvious that the 'hobby' wasn't doing him any good. However, what a fascinating & interesting character he was!! I only met him once in person, and he was a total gentleman & like many of us, probably was very different in person than what he sometimes appeared to be on the boards.

p.s. I've only objected to what the General posted once, when he posted comments (in order to insult) that an sp from Eleganza had made to him in private concerning a well-known merbite who happened to be involved in a flame war with him at the time.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have had a 1 month suspension for making a comment about a SP/advertiser. I got a warning first but chose to give 1 more witty comment. Was it worth it... yes.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad: one of a kind......Every single post he made was interesting to read. One minute he'd binge on sps and write great, detailed reviews of his encounters....and then he'd post he had just retired from the 'hobby' and explain his reasons why, and then post aggressive comments against the 'hobby' and its participants, enraging many....which would often lead to suspensions....and then he'd be back binging on sps again and post the same great, very detailed reviews, only to announce his retirement once again and turn against the 'hobby' and its participants, get suspended, then ask to be reinstated, and so on. It was like an out-of-control merry-go-round!!

Pretty good summary of his posting history. I view GG as a tragic figure in this Board's history, much like Hamlet, or Othello or King Lear. He allowed us to see his flaws and how they twisted him up, but at the same time, in person he was just a regular guy who had some issues with the hobby. He is/was a real life Hamlet, which is said to be the "the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind."
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thanksfully i never been suspended or banned, and i hope to keep it that way. Sometimes im very vocal of my opinions and a few times i had a bad chill than next time i may be coming here i could have been suspended. You never know obviously how people take what you say, especially on a board since its text and harder to put emotions and understand the way one say it...

I saw some people being permantly banned and i was like "holy shit really...?" or suspensions that where 4 weeks for exemple for something i would had maybe give 3 days at best. On the other hand i also saw others that i would had suspended way before they did if i was a mod. I guess it comes to the same thing as in life... Opinions and Tolerance. Mods are human, and sometimes they may be more tolerant with some, and have "la meche courte" with others. Does the years of being here, the post count or the paying advertising matter? They say no... but well... We all saw some exemple over the years. Post #25 of this thread could be an exemple as well. I doubt a new guy would had his suspension shortened...

In any case, this board is a little different than the usual boards i go, wich are mostly based on video games or movies usually. The main theme is more delicate, the Mods being "anonymous" is also a first for me. One of them explained it to me one time, but i still find it a bit strange. I will admit it bugs me sometimes that i could be talking to a mod without even knowing it when he use his "regular handle". But well if they want to do it that way, its there choice.

Like i said Merb ain't your typical forum, considering the nature of the business we deal here. ;)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

General Gonad: one of a kind...

Every single post he made was interesting to read.

However, what a fascinating & interesting character he was!! I only met him once in person, and he was a total gentleman & like many of us, probably was very different in person than what he sometimes appeared to be on the boards.

Interesting because he was either coming up with good thread subjects, or off his nut about everyone and everything.

I never hated him, I can't even say I really disliked the guy. It's hard to describe, but he came off as a disturbed raving victim of some tragedy that had altered him. My feeling was...geeeez, poor guy. Sure a lot of the threads he started were very interesting. Still he acted like a sexually compulsive conflicted Evangelist who afterward went through repeated cycles of repentance by attacking the hobby and everyone in it. One big problem was he, like some others, was determined to get into everyone's business. GG chased one of my best Montreal friends behind the scenes for something my friend knew nothing about, and GG was a small part of the reason for my friend leaving this board.

GG had a particularly ugly lasting obsession with one infamously famous episode and compulsively attacked one member who had never done anything wrong, and he made it like his duty to persecute that member who at worst had only tried to help an SP, whether she was actually troubled or not was none of GGs business. The obsession was disgusting, but somehow I could only feel sorry for GG. Too many parasitic people got off on enjoying his bad side and fed him stories and bile to indulge that bad side.

I'm still sorry to see him gone. When he used his thinking side he was a good contributing member.

He was also a disciple of the High Priest of Hobbyland and gobbled hook, line and sinker every bit of misogynistic gibberish the High Priest disseminated.

There were several members who pushed his negative compulsions for their own amusement, whatever his own issues were.



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I will attempt to answer a couple of your concerns/questions:

Permanent bans: No one is permanently banned without very good and valid reasons. Sometimes a suspension made permanent is due to reasons that go beyond what has been posted on MERB and is related to email communication with the member or their posts on another board. If a MERB member has something to say, he should say it here on MERB where the concern can be addressed. If someone runs to merc and takes shots at MERB from what they think is a safe haven because we cannot and will not respond to posts made there, he will find himself banned for a long time, possibly permanently. And anyone can be permanently banned, from new members to advertisers. If you look in the suspension thread you will find numerous examples that indicate no one is above the rules.

Suspensions being shortened or lifted after communicating with a member: This can happen on occasion when a member contacts the moderator who suspended him by email with an explanation or an apology. It has nothing to do with whether a member is new or senior or a supporting member or advertiser. In fact, we are more likely to shorten or even lift the suspension of a new member than we are of a senior member who should be more familiar with our rules.

Moderators posting under their regular handle: Yes, we do participate in discussions on the board on occasion under our regular handle but we do not moderate the threads we participate in. We leave that to another mod except in cases of extreme rule breaking where something has to be done immediately and no other mod is available to handle it. And in case you were wondering, yes, mods have had their regular handle suspended when they break the rules also. But no, we cannot suspend a moderator handle - and yes, we have all tried to suspend other mods for the fun of it.

As for mods being anonymous, that is the tradition of these kind of boards. It was like that before any of the existing mods were here and we see no reason to change that.

Here are some tips to avoid being suspended:

1: Read the rules and then read them again. Read them every 6 months or so to refresh your memory. Follow them.

Pay attention when a mod posts a warning. If you have a question about it, send the mod a PM. Ignore it and chances are it will result in a suspension.

3: When replying to a post, write your post as if you were speaking to the person face to face. Do not be a 'keyboard warrior'. Preview your post before hitting the SUBMIT POST button. You would be surprised how often you will edit your post before hitting SUBMIT if you actually take a few seconds to look it over.

4: If you ever have a problem with a moderator or with MERB in any way, deal with it here on MERB. Contact a mod by email or PM. We are always here to answer questions as we have demonstrated many times in the past. We have nothing to hide. Running elsewhere to bitch and whine about MERB and the mods is one of the best ways to make sure you have made your last post here.

5: Do not bother challenging a moderator. You will not win the fight. While we are more than willing to discuss any decision we make, we do not enjoy being insulted or treated like shit any more than you do.

One final note about Sports threads. Think of the Sports section as a mosh pit at a concert. If you decide to go in there, expect a few bruises. If you are not tough enough to handle it, stay out. Yes, there are times when people do go a bit too far, but most of the time they do not. And if you cannot handle your favorite team or player being insulted, then maybe you should be on a knitting or crocheting board instead.

Mod 8

Thanksfully i never been suspended or banned, and i hope to keep it that way. Sometimes im very vocal of my opinions and a few times i had a bad chill than next time i may be coming here i could have been suspended. You never know obviously how people take what you say, especially on a board since its text and harder to put emotions and understand the way one say it...

I saw some people being permantly banned and i was like "holy shit really...?" or suspensions that where 4 weeks for exemple for something i would had maybe give 3 days at best. On the other hand i also saw others that i would had suspended way before they did if i was a mod. I guess it comes to the same thing as in life... Opinions and Tolerance. Mods are human, and sometimes they may be more tolerant with some, and have "la meche courte" with others. Does the years of being here, the post count or the paying advertising matter? They say no... but well... We all saw some exemple over the years. Post #25 of this thread could be an exemple as well. I doubt a new guy would had his suspension shortened...

In any case, this board is a little different than the usual boards i go, wich are mostly based on video games or movies usually. The main theme is more delicate, the Mods being "anonymous" is also a first for me. One of them explained it to me one time, but i still find it a bit strange. I will admit it bugs me sometimes that i could be talking to a mod without even knowing it when he use his "regular handle". But well if they want to do it that way, its there choice.

Like i said Merb ain't your typical forum, considering the nature of the business we deal here. ;)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Yes, we do participate in discussions on the board on occasion under our regular handle

I find this very interesting as I feel it is a conflict of interest

Once you become a Mod, you step away from being a regular poster....

(That's what it was when i was a moderator on a European board )

Of course each board is different, but does anyone else see it the way I do ?

Please comment

Best Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have never been a Moderator on any board, but I would tend to agree with you at least regarding Mod participation, under their regular handles, in review threads, or any thread dealing with Board advertisers.

I see no harm in Mods participating in sports threads or general lounge threads having to do with the business generally and not any advertiser, agency or escort in particular. I do not think that such participation could be viewed as a conflict of interest. If a Moderator were to post under his regular handle that the Flyers suck, or that the Leafs rule, I see no problem with those harmless viewpoints.

Where there is an intense review thread I would think that there could be an appearance of impropriety for the Mod stating an opinion, however inocuous it may be.

I work in a business in which conflict of interest rules are pervasive and the mere appearance of impropriety can lead to recusal. I frequently see Judges recuse themselves from cases, and sometimes the result is disgust by the two attorneys involved, because then the case goes to a different Judge and it takes forever to get the issue decided. I recently had a near recusal by a Judge whose firm, unbeknownst to me, had previously represented my client. I was fortunate that the other attorney in the case waved the conflict on the record. My client, who was not present in Court, later told me that it was another attorney at the firm who represented him, and he did not even know that the Judge had at one time worked at that firm. The reason why the waiver of the conflict occurred is that there really was not much opposition by the other side to the motion I filed. Had it been a contested motion, we probably would have been sent to another Judge, which would have really sucked. Those things are huge time wasters, usually.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What are you insinuating? ROFL! Besides, I would not work for free, but would if some of the proceeds went to charity on my behalf.

Actually seeing what the mods have to go thru at times on MERB, i could not do it, it seems like a very thank-less job and God bless them that they do it and do it well.

If a Moderator were to post under his regular handle that the Flyers suck, or that the Leafs rule, I see no problem with those harmless viewpoints.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Not insinuating anything! Mods probably have sports teams allegiances, I presume. Let's also not forget MERB is based on Toronto. If Fred Zed likes hockey, a reasonable bet is he goes to Leafs games. Maybe Fred and the Mods, in MERB weekly meetings, discuss whether the Leafs should play Bernier or Reimer in goal the next game.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I find this very interesting as I feel it is a conflict of interest

Once you become a Mod, you step away from being a regular poster....


I dunno about escorts board in general, as Merb is the only one i really use. I have an account on Terb, but i posted like 10 post at best... it was mostly to read the reviews as oposite merb, they are private to members. Oh and yeah i THINK i have an handle on the blue board, that i made when it was created, i had no side taken in this "conflict" and i tough more reviews could be better.... But seeing how it turned out since a while, i very doubt i will go there again...

Now that being said, i have been a moderator on a couple of video games forum, some smaller communities, some bigger ones. I once moderated the trade section of a big quebec video game website. Thanks to the good members, i didn't had much job to do as most peope where honest and all. But all of this to say i did participated in discussion, and i did kept trading my games with other members as well...

I don't see why moderator should step aside. Actually everywhere i have been, moderators where always senior members of the board and where often chosen by the community, as they respected these dudes and knew they where there since pretty much the beginning. Thats why to me the concept of anonymous mods is a bit weird, but like i said they do as they please lol.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Actually seeing what the mods have to go thru at times on MERB, i could not do it, it seems like a very thank-less job and God bless them that they do it and do it well.
It ain't as bad as some people think. If so, nobody would want to be a moderator. Take a guess what is the #1 reason for wanting to remain to be a moderator? Power. No one on this board wins a pissing contest with a moderator, and as is the case in all facets of life, the ones with the power absolutely love it.

Speaking for myself, i'd absolutely hate being a moderator. I'd be way too honest & this would lead be to often get into arguements with other moderators, and i'd probably wind up lobbying Fred Zed to give the boot to some of the moderators i'd often disagree with.

Another reason i wouldn't want to be a moderator is because i have this personal philosophy that i never do anything for free, unless i get something in return that's worthwhile. I have no doubt that i'd also get power-hungry & that's the last thing i'd want, since power often winds up destroying good individuals.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
. Let's also not forget MERB is based on Toronto. If Fred Zed likes hockey, a reasonable bet is he goes to Leafs games. Maybe Fred and the Mods, in MERB weekly meetings, discuss whether the Leafs should play Bernier or Reimer in goal the next game.

There are many Habs fans in Toronto. If you'd attend a Leafs/Habs game at the ACC, you'd often wonder if you weren't attending a game in Montreal instead of Toronto. Same thing with attending a Leafs/Habs game in Montreal.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I do not know of any discussion board on the Internet where the moderators are compensated for their time and effort.

If someone thinks that being a moderator brings them any sense of power, they must have a seriously empty life or serious self esteem problems.

And by the way, no one wins a pissing match with a moderator on any board of any kind. We are here to do our best to keep things organized, orderly and under control. If someone is not pleased with the way MERB is moderated or thinks they can find a better moderated board, they are more than welcome to post there instead or they can start their own board.

It ain't as bad as some people think. If so, nobody would want to be a moderator. Take a guess what is the #1 reason for wanting to remain to be a moderator? Power. No one on this board wins a pissing contest with a moderator, and as is the case in all facets of life, the ones with the power absolutely love it.

Speaking for myself, i'd absolutely hate being a moderator. I'd be way too honest & this would lead be to often get into arguements with other moderators, and i'd probably wind up lobbying Fred Zed to give the boot to some of the moderators i'd often disagree with.

Another reason i wouldn't want to be a moderator is because i have this personal philosophy that i never do anything for free, unless i get something in return that's worthwhile. I have no doubt that i'd also get power-hungry & that's the last thing i'd want, since power often winds up destroying good individuals.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I do not know of any discussion board on the Internet where the moderators are compensated for their time and effort.

There is not one that I know of...

I did get my owner to buy me beers in Amsterdam one night though :thumb:

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
It ain't as bad as some people think.Speaking for myself, i'd absolutely hate being a moderator

Weren't you Mod 13 as your handle last year ?:confused:

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yup and we saw how well that worked out at the beginning of 2012 with the .bb board that some defected to only to come back (I for one was not a scab)...... Merb is THEE #1 board for all things Montreal debauchery.

If someone is not pleased with the way MERB is moderated or thinks they can find a better moderated board, they are more than welcome to post there instead or they can start their own board.
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